Till Death Do Us Part

Mori’s Revelation

Mori noticed Yuki the moment he stepped into the room. It was a rare man that visited their club for more than a scheduled business transaction with Kyouya. He supposed it was the pink hair that drew in his attention but that wasn’t what kept it. His eyes, Mori noted as he watched the younger boy scan the room, they were a deep brown but the color seemed strange.

Contacts, he smiled slightly as he turned his attention back to the girls that he and Mitsukuni were entertaining. The boy was wearing dark contacts, but why, he pondered taking a sip of his tea. He didn’t really pay much mind to the conversation going on around him. He simply nodded or turned his head and the girls filled in the answers on their own. They weren’t always right but he didn’t particularly care one way or the other. Whatever the girls wanted, the girls would get.

He almost stood up when boy blatantly brushed off Tamaki. He was rude, intentionally subbing the Host King and he turned to walk across the room. He reached for a cup of tea sitting in front of a girl at Hikaru and Kaoru’s table. He almost intervened here too but the boy quickly put it back when the girl spoke up. He took her hand and kissed it gently, keeping his eyes locked on hers’ as he whispered his apology.

Mori had to admit, the boy had style. He was sweet and earnest in his apology to the girl. He was also exceptionally cute and the girl couldn’t resist his charm. She practically pushed the cup at him as she began to insist that he take it. Mori almost intervened again when the boy smirked at her but he stopped himself.

He planned that, he thought with a small smirk as he watched the boy cross the room to the acoustic guitar. Every movement, every glance, was planned down to near perfection. This boy would probably give Kyouya-chan a run for his money, Mori thought as the boy began to play. It was a lovely song, doing it part in capturing the hearts of the girls who flocked to him.

“He’s good,” Kyouya said as Mori and Mitsukuni joined the others on the other side of the music room.

“Not that good,” Hikaru grumbled, crossing his arms over his chest.

“What do you think he’s doing here?” Haruhi pondered with a thoughtful look on her face.

“We invited him,” Kyouya said gesturing between Tamaki and himself. “Yuki Angles, first year class A.”

The boy walked over to them, the guitar still in his hand as he approached the group with a smirk on his face. Mori didn’t pay much attention to the conversation that conspired. His attention was on the boy with the guitar. He was short, about Haruhi’s height. His hair was a little longer, cut into a steep graduated bob that fell, in front, to the bottom of his collar. His clothing was simple enough, black slacks, crisp white shirt and a black vest, but something about the picture was bothering Mori. Something was off.

“Men,” Tamaki said suddenly, drawing Mori back to reality. “I’d like to introduce you to the eight member of the Ouran Host Club!”

Mori liked to think he was an observant person. That when he sat back and watched he was able to gather the details that most missed, thus giving him a better understanding of the situation. However as the group, minus himself and Mitsukuni, moved to the couch to better get to know its newest member he had an epiphany that even he didn’t see coming.

“Yuki seems like a good boy,” the smaller Host said, squeezing his bunny and he jumped up onto Mori’s shoulders.

“No,” Mori said, his tone smooth even though inside he was reeling.


“Not a boy,” Mori nodded towards the child in question. “Yuki is a girl.”