Life Will Never Put You Through More Than You Can Handle

Thank You For Saving Me

You walked on the sidewalk in the middle of the night, your bag slung over your shoulder as you tried to find a place to sleep. You were barely visible in the dark with your black combat boots, black jeans with slits up the thighs and black destroyed tank. You found a bench and sat down, setting your bag next to you and unzipping it. You pulled out a little box and sat it on your lap, a tear fell from your blue eyes, rolling down your freckled cheek. You wiped it away and opened the box, setting the lid on the bench next to you and pulling out a small razor. You extended your arm and placed the cool blade to your wrist,
“This one’s for you.” You whispered as you pressed down, you closed your eyes feeling the pressure start to turn into pain. A little bit harder…
“Hey!” You heard a voice call out. You shot your eyes open and saw a man jogging toward you. You quickly threw the blade into the box and closed it.
“Are you okay?” He asked, looking at your wrist and back up to your face. He looked lost in your eyes, parting his lips slightly and holding your gaze. You looked away and blushed a little.
“I’m fine.” You lied as you packed your stuff.
“Hey, I know you’re not.” He said taking your hand and turning your arm so that all of your scars showed. You flicked your eyes up to him then back down, you snatched your arm back.
“That’s nothing.” You said sternly. You stood up, posture straight and stiff. You turned sharply on your heel as you tried to walk away but he grabbed your shoulder. Instinctively you dropped your bag and whipped around, grabbing his arm and twisting it behind his back, pinning it uncomfortably. He winced and let out a small gasp of pain.
“Look, I’m not trying to hurt you. I just want to make sure you’re okay.” You released his arm and he rubbed his shoulder.
“I’m Austin, by the way.” You narrowed your eyes at him, brushing your blue hair out of your face.
“I’m Y/N. And I’m sorry, I’ve just had a bad few weeks.”
“Homeless?” Austin asked.
“Dumped and kicked out with no place to go. Been living on park benches here and there, sometimes under a highway when it seems safe enough.” You explained. Austin frowned but then smiled.
“You could stay with me? I mean, my band and I. We’re on tour right now, you could travel with us. I wouldn’t want you out here all alone with no food or anything.” Austin offered. You rose an eyebrow and crossed your arms.
“Now, I’m sure you can take care of yourself. My arm is a clear example of that but still.” You cracked a small smile and rolled your eyes a little bit, you pursed your lips before letting out a sigh.
“Alright. I mean, it would be better than sleeping here I guess.” Austin smiled and led you to the bus, he stopped at the door and turned to you again.
“But first,” he grabbed your bag and unzipped it, grabbing the box of razors and rubber bands and throwing it in the trashcan that stood next to the bench. You widened your eyes and huffed,
“If you’re staying here, you have to promise me to never cut yourself again. You deserve more than that.” Austin said.
“You don’t even know me.”
“That doesn’t change the fact that you are a human being and you don’t deserve the shit you’ve been given.” Your eyes fell to the ground, no one had cared enough to say something like that before. You just nodded and he gave you a small hug. You entered the bus and saw the rest of the guys sitting around.
“Guys, this is Y/N, she’ll be traveling with us.” Austin announced. The guys greeted you and you sat down. Austin put your bag on a free bunk and came back in the front lounge.
“Those are some pretty sick tattoos.” Austin said, examining your arms and neck. He hadn’t really seen them in the dark of outside but now he couldn’t take his eyes off of them. Perfectly done tattoos covered both of your arms and went up your neck. What was hidden were tons more on your back, chest and legs.
“I like that one, were you in the military?” Tino asked, pointing out one of your tattoos.
“Military boot camp when I was 15, shipped out when I turned 18. Got back two months ago to be dumped and left homeless.” You told, examining your own tattoo now. An American flag waved behind a military helmet with dog tags hanging from it, with significant dates to you written on them. You talked for awhile before you got tired and went to bed in the bunk across from Austin’s. You and him whispered to each other for a little bit before falling asleep.
A week into the tour Austin came up to you while you were brushing your hair.
“I never did thank you properly for letting me stay with you guys. So, thank you.” You said resting the brush on the sink. Austin smiled genuinely and tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear.
“It’s no problem. You’ve turned out to be a great travel buddy. I was wondering if maybe you wanted to go out tonight? Just the two of us. There’s this really cool place here that I like to go to.” Austin said. You grinned and shook your head,
“Sure, sounds fun.” You agreed. A little while later you got ready, wearing a flowing knee length black dress with a leather jacket over it. Austin took your hand and led you down the sidewalk until you reached a club like place. When you walked in there were people dancing, a long bar against the back wall and dining tables lining the rest of the room. It had a comfortable, not too wild club feel to it. You and Austin went over to the bar and ordered some drinks.
“So Y/N, this is technically our first date.” Austin said, taking a drink of his beer.
“Who said it was a date? I’m just here for free drinks and a good time.” You smirked. Austin chuckled.
“Would you like to dance?” Austin extended his hand out to you. You gladly took it and led him to the dance floor. The song Come On Eileen by Dexys Midnight Runners started playing and Austin twirled around. You swayed your hips along to the beat and Austin pulled you into him, holding your hand as his other hand stayed on your back. You both swayed together, laughing and smiling the whole time.
“Come on Eileen, toora loora toora. Loo-Rye-Aye,” You and Austin took a step to the side, then back again to the beat. Getting faster as the music did, soon you were leaning and rocking back and forth and twirling. The song faded out and all you could do was smile and laugh. You and Austin got a table in the corner and ordered some dinner.
The rest of the tour went by, you had become great friends with all of the guys and had become very close with Austin. You’d gone a multiple dates and had spent a lot of nights staying up and watching movies in his bunk. The last day of tour, after the show Austin approached you at the bus.
“Hey,” he wrapped his arms around your waist from behind and pulled you into him slightly picking you up off your feet as you laughed. He kissed you kissed and you turned around to face him.
“I wanted to ask you something. With tour being over now and you having no place to go, I was wondering if you wanted to move in with me?” Austin blurted out. You were shocked, and that showed. You stood speechless for a moment.
“I mean, I would ask you to anyway, I’m not just asking because you have nowhere to go or anything, I just-I don’t know. I don’t want to be apart from you.” He fumbled over his words, and rubbed his neck. You bit your lip and smiled, raising an eyebrow.
“Eh, I guess that could be fun.” You joked. Austin smiled and kissed you.
“Oh, it’ll be fun.” He purred in your ear. You pushed him back,
“I don’t think so Carlile.” You smirked.
“You won’t be saying that later.” Austin winked at you, holding back a smile.
“I think you need a reminder as to who’s in charge here.” You narrowed your eyes and a playful yet devilish grin formed on your lips. Austin smiled widely.
“Remind me?” He pushed you against the bus and growled in your ear.
“Only if you’re a good boy.” You winked.
“Get a room.” Tino said from the bus window. You and Austin looked up and saw him with a disgusted face. You laughed and pushed Austin away, grabbing your things and heading toward the bus door. Once the bus started moving, Austin pulled you toward the bunks. He pinned you against the wall and attached his lips to yours, going for a quick sweet kiss but ended up turning it into a full blown make out session. Your hands roamed up his sides to the back of his head, gripping onto his short hair as one of his hands moved to your hip and the other tangled in your shiny blue hair. Having been picked up by Austin, you were able to have access to a shower and new clothes, so you looked as if you were never homeless. Your hair wasn’t dirty and frayed and your clothes weren’t unintentionally ripped. Austin’s tongue slid along your bottom lip, begging for entrance and just as you were about to grant it, you heard a loud sigh, like someone was trying to make their presence known. Austin pulled away from you and you looked over to see Phil standing there fiddling awkwardly with his cell phone, obviously needing through. You hadn’t realized that you were blocking the path to the front lounge until now.
“How about we continue this in my bunk?” Austin whispered in your ear.
“Hm, nah. Not really feeling it.” You smirked. Austin sneaked a finger along your lower area, sending a sudden tingle through your body.
“Still not feeling it.” You tsk’d with a sly grin.
“Don’t worry, you will.” Austin winked, flicking another finger along your area.
“Is that so?”
“Mhm.” Austin did it again, caressing another finger along the crotch of your jeans.
“Well, I beg to differ.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll get it out of you.”
“Oh really? Good luck with that.”
“I don’t need luck,” Austin bit his lip seductively.
“Now, get in the bunk.” He commanded.
“No.” You argued. Austin inhaled deeply, licking his bottom lip.
“Make me.” You teased. Meanwhile, Phil still stood beside you. After that last comment he couldn’t take it anymore. Phil flipped his arms in the air like he had just seen a rat and hurriedly pushed past you and Austin with a freaked out grumble. You let out a laugh, leaning up to kiss Austin again. He picked you up and sat you on his bunk.
“Movie?” You asked. He climbed in next to you and kissed your forehead. You guys laid in bed watching movies until you fell asleep. A few hours later the bus stopped and Alan was at the bunk tearing open the curtain.
“Wake up! We’re here!” He said loudly. Austin groaned and opened his eyes being met with Alan’s.
“Morning baby.” Alan winked. Austin laughed and shoved him away. You rose up and stretched. Austin rolled out of the bunk and helped you down.
“Alright, this where you two get the fuck off.” Tino joked. You opened the bus door and saw a big house.
“Like it?” Austin said from behind you. You nodded and walked off the bus, carrying your bags.
“Good, because this is your new home.” Austin kissed your cheek and lead you to the front door.
“See ya guys!” The guys called as the drove off. You waved and Austin opened the door.
“Welcome home.” You dropped your bags just inside the door and went to look around. You wandered the long halls and large rooms until finally coming back to the living room. Austin smiled at you and cupped your face, kissing you softly.
“I think I’ll like it here.” You smiled against his lips. He smiled back,
“Good, because you’re never leaving.” Austin laughed and picked you up, carrying you to the bedroom.
Later that night you and him sat in the living, it was beginning to get to dinner time and you were hungry.
“I want Chinese,” you said standing up and grabbing your cell phone.
“What do you want?” You asked as the phone rang. Austin gave you his order and you told the guy who worked there. Finally the doorbell rang and you answered it, Austin behind you helping you carry the food. You paid the delivery man and tipped him. You got some silverware and you and Austin ate on the floor while music played in the background. Austin looked at you just as you were stuffing your face and he giggled. You blushed and wiped your mouth.
“Austin,” You pouted. He stopped laughing and tried to force back a smile. You continued eating, taking much smaller bites. Austin noticed and dipped his finger in the sweet and sour sauce and rubbed it on your nose. You jerked away from him and swatted his hand.
“Dammit Carlile.” You laughed. Austin continued attacking you with food. Soon there was rice everywhere, some stuck in your hair and to the carpet. You and Austin were just laughing and arguing over who was going to clean it up when Come On Eileen started playing.
“Austin! It’s the first song we danced to,” you said standing up. You pulled him up with you and wrapped your arms around his neck. You started to sway with the music, laughing as bits of rice fell down your oversized sweater and into your shorts.
“Don’t worry, I’ll get those later.” Austin winked at you. You laughed and pushed him away.
“I’m sure you will.” You giggled. Austin took your hand and twirled you back into his arms. Your back pressed against his chest, he kissed your neck, kissing up to your cheek and the side of your head. Kissing your rice covered, blue hair. You pulled away again, extending as far as you could while still holding his hand. You were laughing so much you didn’t realize you had gotten closer to the couch. You hit it and fell on the cushions, Austin falling on top of you. He kissed your lips, hands moving to the side of your face. You giggled and squirmed around as he kissed the sweet and sour sauce off your nose. You laid there in each other’s arms as the music faded out.
“Thank you,” You whispered.
“For?” Austin asked, looking up into your beautiful blue eyes.
“For saving me.” You leaned down and kissed him again as he smiled at you.
“I love you Austin,” You said hesitantly, not sure how he’d respond. Austin just grinned widely, taking you into another passionate embrace.
“I love you too Y/N.” He whispered. You smiled and cuddled up to him, falling asleep in his arms.