Status: *ON PAUSE*

Unexpected Adventure

Maybe Maybe Not

Beep. Beep. Beep. That’s all I hear as I wake up. My eyes are too heavy to open so I just lay there and listen for something or someone. My whole body feels as if I have been asleep for a while. My leg feels like it’s on fire. Then I remember I hurt it while running from the fans. I hear nothing but the beeping noise for a while then the door opens and someone walks in and sits next to me. They say nothing for a long time. I have no idea how long I laid there listening to them breathing.

“I wish you would wake up.” Eleanor said. I tried again to open my eyes but it didn't work. I heard her sigh and get up to leave. I started to panic a bit I didn't want her to leave. Hearing my heart rate pick up it seemed like Eleanor left the room faster. After a few minutes I hear the door open. My heart rate was still sped up.

“I don’t know what would cause her heart rate to pick up.” Said a female voice.

“She’s going to be okay right?” Eleanor asked in a worried voice. Hearing that she was still her my heart rate started to calm.

“Well it’s going down now. Come get me if it happens again.” The female voice said again

“Alright.” Eleanor replied. I try to move once again but it still isn't working. I hear Eleanor’s cell phone going off.

“Hello?” She answered

“No she’s still not awake.” She said in a sad voice.

“Don’t say thing like that Louis it’s not your fault at all.” Eleanor said quickly. Hearing Louis say that he was blaming himself for me being here made me want to wake up even more. So I tried again nothing. I kept trying while Eleanor was on the phone arguing with Louis. I was finally able to move my hand a little. I hear Eleanor gasp.

“Taylor are you awake?” She asked. From what I can tell that shut up Louis. I try opening my eyes and they start to open a little.

“Taylor! You’re awake!” Eleanor said happily. I took my eyes a little while to get use to the light.

“You and Louis are really loud.” I tell her with a smile. She says nothing but she starts to smile. I could see tears start to pour out of her eyes. I gesture for her to give me a hug and hand me the phone.

“Louis. Why are you blaming yourself for me being here?” I asked him while Eleanor went to go get the doctor.

“If it wasn't for our fans you wouldn't have been in there in the first place.” He said in a sad voice

“It was not their fault Louis. Its fine I’m alive.” I told them

“Barely! You passed out on the phone with Harry. You lost a lot of blood Taylor! Eleanor called me crying saying you were really pale and that the fans wouldn't move for the paramedics! We were all so worried about you!” Louis said slightly yelling. He was breathing really hard.

“Louis everything is fine. I’m still here you need to calm down. All of you do.” I tell him calmly. The doctor and Eleanor walked in at that moment.

“Louis go calm down the doctor is here I’ll call you back in a bit okay” I tell him

“Alright feel better Taylor.” He said before he hung up.

“Hello Taylor. How are you feeling?” The doctor asked

“My leg hurts and I feel pretty stiff.” I tell him

“Well that is normal. You lost a quite a bit of blood from the wound. You will need to change the gaze every 6 hours or so. Eleanor here will help you with that. I don’t want you to walk on it for about 4 weeks okay?” He said.

“Alright when do I get out?” I asked him

“In a little while. I’m going to give you a prescription for the pain.” The doctor said

“Alright thank you.” I told him as he left. Eleanor just looked at me.

“El I’m fine.” You tell her with a smile. The tears are flowing again. I hold my arm up for a hug and she rushes next to me to give me a hug.

“I thought you were going to die. You were so pale…” She just kept going and going. I grab her by the shoulders.

“Eleanor I am fine. I wouldn't give up that easily.” I tell her. After a while she stops crying. We sit there and talk for a while. The nurse come in with the paper work for me to be discharged from the hospital. Once we got home Eleanor suggested that I call Harry. I had really worried him since I was on the phone with him when I passed out. I use my crutches to go to my room. I sit on the bed and get out my phone and dial Harry’s number. I let it ring and then I goes to voice mail. I sigh and lay back on my bed. My leg is sore and the pain meds are making me tired. Just as I was about to fall asleep my phone starts to ring.

“Hello?” I answered with a tired voice.

“Did I wake you up?” Harry asked in a worried voice

“No I was falling asleep though. The pain medicine is making me tired. I just wanted to see how you are.” I told him while trying not to yawn.

“ Shouldn't I be asking how you are?” He said with a slight chuckle.

“I guess but I’m pretty sure you already know that since I already talked to Louis.”

“Yea your right I did already know that.” He said

“Seriously are you okay?” I asked in a worried tone

“I’m fine Taylor. I was a bit freaked out at first. Then I was just really worried about you.” He mumbled

“I’m sorry I worried you guys so much. You should get used to it though.” I told him with a laugh

“Why should we get used to it?” He asked.

“I’m very clumsy! I always hurt myself. I remember this one time when I was little I was running around with a lollipop in my mouth and I fell and busted open my lip. Then there was this time when I was 9 or 10 and I was playing tag and I tripped over a tree root and my tooth went through my lip and I had to get stitches.” I said with a laugh. He laughed with me. I could tell everything would be fine now. He and I sat there for a good 2 to 3 hours talking to each other. We told each other stories from our childhood to when he was on the x factor.

“This is weird you know.” I told him

“What is?” He asked

“I usually suck at talking to people but ever since I got here it’s like I’m someone else. I would never have been able to talk to someone like we are now. I was super shy back home. It’s just weird for me. I also feel like I've known you forever.” I told him

“Same here well not being shy but it does feel like you have been my friend for years it’s nice.” He told me.

“I was afraid to come here at first. I almost considered telling them to pick someone else.” I told him biting my lip.

“Why were you afraid? Was it because you were afraid of being shy?” He asked

“No it wasn't that. I was afraid of falling in love with it here. I kind of wanted to come here and hate it.” I replied with a laugh

“Why?” He asked

“I was so sad when I left home but now here is my home too. It’s like I have to choose. Do I stay here where I always dreamed of being or do I go home where all my family is? It’s so hard to choose especially since I met you, Eleanor and Louis. It’s going to be just as hard as it was when I left my best friend back home.” I told him. My voice trembled a little bit because I was trying not to cry.

“You shouldn't be thinking of things like this now. You have only been here for a few weeks right? You still have a whole year here.” He told me softly.

“That’s what scares me the most. I already feel so close to you guys. Just imagine a year from now.” I say as a tear rolls down my cheek.

“Taylor as Louis said live life for the moment because the rest is uncertain. Just live your life now and worry about that when it comes” He told me

“Yea I should do that.” I tell him with a yawn.

“Get some sleep Taylor I will talk to you later.” He told me

“Mmm alright.” I reply already half asleep. Last thing I remember is hearing Harry telling me to too have sweet dreams. I was being shaken awake.

“Taylor wake up we need to change the gaze and you probably need to take some pain medication.” Eleanor said. Once I was fully awake I realized how bad my leg hurt.

“Pain meds first then rewrap it.” I tell her as I try to get up. As I move my leg I scream out in pain.

“Just stay there Taylor I will get them for you.” She said as she rushed out of the room. I sit there trying to get my mind off the pain in my leg. My phone started to ring I looked at it to see it was Louis calling me.

“Hey Louis.” I try and sound like I’m not in pain.

“Are you okay Taylor.” He asked

“Just in a bit of pain. El just went to go get my pills.” I tell him. Talking to him seemed to take my mind off my leg.

“Oh yea that’s what I wanted to ask you. Could you and Eleanor get on Skype Niall wants to meet you.” Louis said

“Just Niall?” I asked wondering where the other 2 members that I still have yet to meet are.

“Yea Zayn, Liam, and Harry are doing a radio Interview.” He responded.

“I’m sure we can get on after we re wrap my leg.” I tell him

“Alright then see you in a few minutes.” He said and then he hung up.

“Well good bye to you too.” I mumbled as Eleanor came back in. She handed me my pills.

“Louis wants us to get on Skype because Niall want to meet me.” I tell her after I swallowed my pills.

“Alright we will do that. Now let’s rewrap your leg.” She said. Rewrapping took longer than we thought it would but we did it. Eleanor went and brought her laptop in her and sat behind me. We got on Skype and called Louis.

“About damn time what took you so long?” Louis asked once he answered

“I took a little long to rewrap my leg then we thought it would. Eleanor kept freaking out and gagging because it looked gross. It also hurt quite a bit.” I told him

“It is gross!!” Eleanor exclaimed

“It wasn't that bad! Louis where is Niall?” I asked once I realized the blonde was missing

“He got hungry he will be back soon.” Louis said. We just sit there and talk for about 10 minutes before you hear a door open.

“Are they on yet?” Asked a voice

“Yea come here.” Louis said moving over. Niall sat down beside Louis

“Hey El! You must be Taylor nice to meet you. Lou and Harry won’t stop talking about you.” Niall said

“Oh really now?” I asked Louis. He just looked away with a smile on his face. Niall laughed at us. I kind of just stared off into space. I felt myself being shook.

“Taylor are you okay?” Eleanor asked

“Yea sorry about that the pain pills are something else.” I say with a goofy smile on my face.
All three of them started laughing at me. I realized that Niall is really adorable, He reminds me of my friend back home.

“You’re so adorable!” I say toward Niall.

“Thanks you too” He said with a smile.

“Oh you have braces!” I exclaimed

“Yea I don’t like them though.” He replied

“I had them too! I was 13 when I had them they were on for 2 and half years. Why don’t you like them I wish I had the clear ones like you. You can barely tell that they are there.” I said with a smile.

“Yea I’m glad that they are clear.” He said. After that we all just sat there and talked for about an hour before you hear the door again. Louis and Niall look up at who came in.

“Hey guys did you have fun at the radio interview?” Louis asked

“Yea we did. What are you guys doing?” Asked a voice I didn’t know.

“Talking to Taylor and Eleanor on Skype.” Niall told them while eating chips

“Your still talking to them I want to see Taylor!” I hear Harry say. The screen goes blurry for a second before we can see again. It’s only Harry on the screen though.

“Hey Taylor!” Harry said waving to me with a big smile on his face.

“Hello Harry. Nice to see you too. Oh me I’m good how are you.” Eleanor said sarcastically

“Sorry El. It’s good to see you too.” Harry said rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. She smiled at him letting him know that she was joking.

“Harry where did the other boys go?” I asked

“Oh well I took the laptop and now I’m in the back of the bus. I locked the door too.” He said with a smirk.

“Harry let them in that is rude! I want to meet the rest of them.” I told him with a glare

“But I wanted to talk to you! I don’t want to share.” He said with a pout. Eleanor started to laugh and I was having a hard time trying not to smile.

“Harry let them in I will Skype with you later. We will have me and you time okay?” I tell him with a smile.

“Fine” He said all dramatically. Eleanor and I just laugh and wait for him to come back.

“She want to meet you guys.” Harry said. There was some mumbling and then you could hear footsteps. Harry, Zayn, and Liam all sat down in front of the computer. We all talk for a while Louis and Niall join in to. The pain pills where making me tired so I started to fall asleep. I think that they think I was asleep because they started to talk about me.

“I can see why you guys talk about her all the time. She’s a sweetheart.” Liam said.

“Yea she’s awesome. I like her, she has this thing about her no matter how little she says to you, you feel like you have known her forever.” Zayn said.

“She is very easy to get along with and she has a sense of humor too.” Niall says.

“I told you guys that she was awesome!” Louis said.

“No you told us she was a creeper!” Zayn said

“I said no such thing!” Louis said.

“Guys quite you’re going to wake them up.” Harry said hushing them. I guess Eleanor feel asleep too.

“You like her don’t you Harry.” Niall said to him

“I…I have no clue what you’re talking about.” Harry stuttered.

“Awe look mates he’s blushing” Niall said. They all start messing with him.

“Guys stop so what if I maybe slightly like her. You need to be quite or close Skype what if she wakes up and finds out.” Harry said in a hushed tone.

“Fine we will close Skype.” Louis said. I then hear the distinct sound of Skype telling me the call was ended. I open my eyes and look at Eleanor to see that she’s staring right back at me. Her smile starts to grow.

“El. No.” I try to say before she gets any crazy ideas.

“Harry likes you he just said so!” She said with a really big grin.

“So what.” I say.

“Well do you like him?” She asked. Do I like him? I never really thought about it. I sit there and think about her question. Eleanor still sitting there looking at me waiting for an answer. I take a deep breath and say one simple sentence. “I like Harry.” The look on her face was priceless, it was a mix between complete happiness and sad.

“Why do you look sad?” I ask

“There a but isn't there.” She said pouting.

“Yea, Even though I like him and he may like me. I can’t be in a relationship I’m going to be leaving back to America in a year! Not only that he’s on tour right now and I don’t think that is the way to start a relationship anyways. So El promise me you won’t try and push this thing whatever it is. If it happens then let it happen naturally.” I tell her. It takes her a while to respond.

“Fine I won’t mess with it.” She said.

“Thank you El I think we should actually go to sleep now.” I said. We say good night to each other. I lay down and try to sleep but I can’t seem to. All I can think about is a certain Curly haired, Green eyed boy. Little did I know he pretty much had the same conversation with the rest of the boys and he couldn't sleep either. All he could thing about was a Brown haired, Brown eyed girl.