Never Land


Gabriella let out a long sigh as she and Zayn sat in the longboat, silently making their way to shore to see the children Louis had brought back. Zayn had insisted, as usual, it just be the two of them since she was the only one he trusted to cover him. And when they were sitting alone in the boat, mermaids swimming around them as the moonlight trickled down, Gabriella could have sworn she’d died and gone to heaven. The moonlight softened Zayn’s hard features, making look as though the young captain was silky to the touch. And the way his eyes glimmered like amber made her heart race as he looked at her.

“Gabe.” He said simply, snapping her from her trance.

“Yes sir?”

“Is it just me, or are you spacing out more than usual tonight?”

“I’m sorry.” She said quickly. “I just…” She trailed off, hoping Zayn wouldn’t press what she was thinking about, but she wasn’t so lucky as he stopped the boat, just looking at her.

“You just what?” She swallowed nervously as she looked at him, the boy she had known since she was born. She had grown up with him, fighting and training and looting since they could walk. She had always been crazy about him, but he was always so distracted she wondered if he ever even thought about something as complicated as love.

“I just… It’s beautiful out here tonight.” He looked at her for a moment before chuckling, beginning to row again as he looked at the shore in the distance.

“Sometimes I just don’t understand you Gabe.” He laughed. “One moment you’re getting the crew ready for an ambush, the next you’re talking about how pretty the water is. You’re just all over the place.”

“The water isn’t all that’s pretty.” She whispered. His eyes met her again and she swallowed nervously. “The mermen, they keep coming up to the ship and they’re very handsome in the moonlight.” She gushed, the words flying out of her mouth before she could stop them. Zayn cocked an eyebrow before laughing, that perfect, bellowing chuckle bouncing off the rocks so she got to hear it again and again.

“I never would have taken you for a fish chaser Gabe.” He chuckled, reigning in his laughs.

“I’m not a fish chaser, and besides, I’ve seen you flirt with some of the mermaids.”

“Please, I’m as attracted to mermaids as I am Ryan.” They both chuckled as he continued rowing, but then his eyes met her again. “And how do you know I flirt with mermaids?”

“Because whenever you drink a bit too much rum I always follow you to make sure you don’t go overboard.” She admitted. He looked at her for a long time before giving her that perfect smile. She felt her knees go weak and was glad she was sitting down because she would have fallen for sure. He just chuckled and she knew she had to be blushing.

“Well, thank you Miss Smee.”

“Anytime captain.” She said, smiling softly.

Soon the two were close enough to shore that they both slowly got out, being silent in the water as they pulled the boat towards the shore. As she quickly tied the strings to a tree she looked over to Zayn as he glanced around the forest. She knew she was staring, and when he turned and caught her she flushed again. He walked over, undoing the tangle she called a knot and retying it, his hands ghosting over hers and making her dizzy. Once the boat was tied he looked up again, he was so close she could almost taste the rum on his breath.

“See another merman?” He teased. She blushed, rolling her eyes as the two turned towards the woods, disappearing silently into the trees as they made their way towards the lost boy’s hideout.

Suddenly Zayn slapped his hand on her chest, causing her cheeks to turn scarlet before she saw what he had. They both ducked down as Tiger Lily stormed through, scowling and muttering something under her breath. Two young men from her tribe were behind her, each carrying one end of a massive boar. She stopped for a moment and Gabe was terrified she had heard them. She stayed perfectly still for a moment before she pulled out an arrow, pointing it right at Zayn and Gabe. She felt a pair of hands on her shoulders as she was pushed down onto her back, Zayn lying on top of her. He brought a finger up to his lips, telling her to stay silent as the pair stayed like that.

She saw a rock beside Zayn’s hand and reached over, handing it to him, signaling to throw it in the opposite direction. He smiled before sitting up slightly, heaving the rock so it landed with a loud clack about twenty feet away. They heard Tiger Lily and her entourage scamper off before Zayn grabbed Gabe’s hands, pulling her to her feet. She swallowed nervously, wanting nothing more than for the two of them to stay on the ground like they had been all night. But all too soon Zayn dropped her hands, making his way through the foliage once again.

“If Tiger Lily is here, the lost brats can’t be far behind.” He whispered. The pair kept up their trudge, and Gabe was about to ask if they could call it a night when they heard voices. Zayn grabbed her again, hiding them both behind a tree as Louis’ voice rung out.

“It’s not fair Liam.” He grumbled. “They didn’t do anything wrong.”

“But you did.” He snapped. “Jesus Lou, what were you thinking? We have one rule and you broke it.”

“Liam?” At an unfamiliar female voice both Zayn and Gabe peeked out from behind a tree to see Liam and Louis, a pair of blondes behind them. The boy looked completely lost in his mind as the blonde girl, who was absolutely stunning, walked beside Louis. “It was my fault. Please don’t get mad at Louis.”

“Zayn, they brought adults.” Gabe whispered. “This changes everything.” She didn’t hear anything and turned to her captain. “Zayn?” She grabbed the back of his jacket, pulling him back to see a wicked smirk on his face.

“Gabe, remember how I said I wanted to find someone? A wife to make sure I have a son to take over the ship?”

“Yeah…” Gabe answered hesitantly. Zayn turned to her, his eyes glinting.

“And you know how I do love ruining the lost brats lives, don’t you?”


“I can do both.” He said, cutting her off. He then slipped his arm over her shoulder, guiding her face with his hand. “All I need is her.” Gabriella felt as though she had been run through as she looked at Zayn.

“What?” Zayn looked down, smiling wickedly.

“We’re going to steal her, and then I’m going to marry her. Now come on, we don’t want to lose them.” As Zayn started off Gabe just stood there, looking at the tree trunk before her. She felt tears sting her eyes as Zayn’s words finally hit her like a sword to the throat. A single tear slid down her cheek as she realized this girl, this stupid, horrid, human girl was going to steal Zayn from her. “Gabe!” Zayn hissed. “Come on then.” She reached up, wiping her tears away and getting a hold of herself.

“Aye aye sir.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Poor Gabe!
Sorry this took so long everyone
but the perfection that is Katie is next
so it will be awesome as usual!
