Never Land


As Gabriella and Zayn sat outside the lost boy’s treehouse she still felt nauseous. She figured that her sitting back and waiting for Zayn to realize he loved her as much as she loved him might take a while, but no this girl had ruined everything. With her stunning beauty and golden curls it was easy for Gabriella could see the appeal. She was also different to Zayn, she was a mystery. He didn’t know every single thing there was to know about this blonde girl, unlike he did with Gabriella. Zayn could write a book on Gabriella, her fear of crocodiles and sharks, how she hated the smell of rum on his clothes, how she had basically adopted the crew of his ship although most were many years her senior. There was nothing mysterious at all about Gabriella, and that was what must have turned Zayn away.

She let out another small sigh, trying to keep her misery to herself, because she knew she would crumble if Zayn were to ask what was wrong. So she just looked through the small window, watching as Louis blew out one of the candles before walking back to the others.

“Have they gone to bed yet?” Gabriella jumped when she heard Zayn’s voice right behind her, his breath rolling down her neck.

“No, it looks like they might pass out pretty soon though.” She watched as Zayn smirked and felt her stomach drop, knowing something was up. “Why?”

“Because the moment they fall asleep we’re going to sneak in and grab the girl.” He whispered. “Between you and me we’ll get her back to the ship in no time flat, and since I’m a captain I’ll marry us before the lost brats even know she’s gone.” He then smiled at her, giving her a rough pat on the back. “Then it’s off to the wedding bed.”

Gabe felt her stomach roll, tears stinging her eyes at the thought of Zayn with anyone else, but especiallyher. She glared at the blonde girl through the window, hoping she’d be eaten slowly by crocodile’s so she would know the pain in Gabriella’s chest at that moment.

“Are you alright Gabe?” She turned to Zayn, who had an eyebrow cocked in her direction. “You look really pale.” He reached out, setting one of his large rough hands on her forehead and causing Gabriella to flush. “And you’re burning up.”

Then the light in Gabe’s head went off, she tried not to smile as she grabbed her stomach, letting out a small whimper. “It’s my stomach.” She said softly. “I don’t think Gabriel cooked that fish right.” She gripped her stomach even more tightly, letting out a small moan. “We can still grab her though, I’ll be fine-”

“You’re obviously not.” Zayn said simply. He then let out a long sigh before scooping her up in his arms and walking over to the small fire he’d built, enough to keep them warm, but small enough that you couldn’t see it behind the rock they were beside. He set her down softly on the dirt, sitting beside her so she could rest her head in his lap. “Better?”

“Yes.” She said, rolling onto her back so she could look into those perfect eyes of his. He just watched the fire, his jaw clenched as he was lost in his thoughts. “Zayn?”


“Why her?” He looked down, his head falling to one side and Gabe flushed again, quickly covering herself. “I mean, even if you get married Louis and the others will come save her. You saw the way he was looking at her in the spring.”

“Louis has never been one for combat though. He gets beat up by Tiger Lily on a daily basis.”

“But Liam and Jodie and the blonde boy will fight too, and they went and talked to Tiger Lily today-”

“The point is I need a son and she’s beautiful, probably the most beautiful woman in Never Land. I don’t want my son to be some sort of misshapen-” He stopped when he felt something wet hit his thigh and looked back down to see Gabriella wiping her eyes. “Are you crying?”

“My stomach hurts.”

“Don’t be a crybaby Gabe, Jesus. You’re acting like a little girl.” He watched as she sniffled and then his brain finally made the connection. “I’m not saying you’re not pretty Gabe.”

“We would just have misshapen kids is all.” She muttered. He narrowed his eyes at her and she rolled onto her side, her back to him. “Never mind.”


“Goodnight.” He let out another long sigh, leaning back and looking into the fire again. But when he noticed Gabriella begin to shiver he sat up, slipping off his coat and setting it over her, letting his hand linger on her arm for a moment too long.

And even after he pulled it away, leaned back, and fallen asleep, Gabriella couldn’t help but smile at how perfectly his hands could hold her.
♠ ♠ ♠
Poor Gabe just wants some Zayn love
but then again who doesn't?
