Never Land


Gabriella let out a oft sigh as she and Zayn hid in the bushes a few feet back, watching the Lost Boys and the rest of their group as Zayn smirked. She felt crushed as he kept his eyes on the blonde girl, Evelyn, and wanted nothing more than for her to get the hell out of Never Land. She wanted to push her to the crocodiles and watch as they chewed her to bits so he’d be hideous and Zayn wouldn’t want her anymore. But no matter how much pain Gabriella wished upon Evelyn, she knew she wouldn’t actually be able to hurt her.

Gabriella wasn’t a fighter, her entire life Zayn had simply stuck up for her. Gabe couldn’t even kill a fish without her eyes getting blurry from tears. So the thought of shoving that terrible, horrid girl into the crocodile pit was nothing more than a fantasy. Gabe sighed again, wondering if maybe Zayn would love her if she was a brave, sexy pirate instead of a sheepish little first mate.

“What are you sighing about?” She snapped her eyes over to Zayn, who was looking at her with a cocked eyebrow. She blushed, turning to look at the ground.

“Nothing.” She lied.

“Good, because we’ve got far too much to do for you to be upset.” He said, turning back to the group. “I have the ship coming around now, they’ll cut off the lost brats and when they try to run back we’ll be here to stop them and Evelyn will be all mine.” Gabriella sighed again at the look of determination in Zayn’s eyes, envisioning the blonde falling into the crocodile pit again as they hurried forward, following the group until finally they hot the beach.

“So where’s the boat?” Niall asked.

“Well, usually we just use the last of the flying powder, but thanks to someone we’ll have to use the dolphins.” Liam explained, turning to Louis. The handsome, feathery haired boy simply shrugged.


“We get to ride dolphins?” Evelyn asked, her eyes twinkling and her sweet voice making Gabriella gag.

“You feeling sick again?” Zayn asked, turning to her. Gabe simply shook her head, both of them turning back and watching as Jodie walked out into the shallows before letting out a quick whistle. At the sound seven dolphins swam up, looking at them. Zayn smiled again as they all got on a dolphin before he stood and fired a single shot to the sky.

Not ten seconds later the ship soared into view, all the pirates aboard hooting and hollering. Zayn turned to Gabriella, his wicked smirk in full force as he drew his sword. “Coming Miss Smee?” He asked. She forced a smile, standing and drawing her own sword.

“Aye aye captain!” With that they turned and stormed the beach as the Louis and the others spun around to face them. Louis immediately lunged at Zayn, drawing his own sword as Tiger Lily made a beeline for Gabriella, drawing her tomahawk as the half of the crew quickly boarded the lifeboats, making their way to shore. Gabriella quickly blocked a blow that would have split her skull in half, her feet digging into the sand as Tiger Lily pulled back before swinging again.

She looked towards the ship in time to see mermaids swimming up and knocking the crew out of their boats. The men were screaming as they tried to make their way back to the ship and Evelyn and the others began getting on the dolphins as Louis and Tiger Lily kept fighting. Gabe had no idea what would cause the mermaids to help someone other than themselves, but was soon brought back to the present by another swing of Tiger Lily’s tomahawk.

“ZAYN!” She screamed, knowing she was in trouble as Tiger Lily kept swinging before backing Gabriella against a tree. With one swing of the tomahawk Gabe’s sword was in the sand. She threw her arms up over her head. But just as she thought she was done for she heard Tiger Lily scream. She opened her eyes to see Tiger Lily grabbing her side as Zayn shoved her, about to finish her off when the blonde boy grabbed her, rushing them both towards the dolphins before they all took off. Gabriella was terrified to look up at Zayn, but when he threw his sword into the sand inches from her feet she forced herself to look at him.

His handsome face was twisted in rage, his jaw tensed and his eyes dark as he glared at her. “Why are you completely useless to me?!” He roared. “You cant fight, you get sick all the time, why do I even bother keeping you around?!”

“Zayn I’m sorry-”

“SORRY DOESN’T GET HER BACK!!!” He screamed, his face flushed. Gabe felt tears sting her eyes as he glared at her. “Oh, are you going to cry now? That’s just perfect! You are completely useless!” He ran a hand through his hair, watching as the Lost Boys made their way to the island and the mermaids vanished. Gabriella felt her tears run over before she shoved Zayn as hard as she could. She then turned and took off into the orest, not once looking back at the man who was breaking her heart.

The shove had hardly moved Zayn, but he just looked at the woods in shock. Gabriella had been all over the map lately, and he had no idea why. But he was in no mood to deal with her as he made his way back to the ship where Ryan and few of the other members of the crew had made their way to shore in a lifeboat.

“Where’s Smee?” Ryan asked.

“She ran off, so she’s nothing more than a deserter now.” He snarled.

“Captain… It’s Gabe.” Ryan said softly. Zayn turned to him with dark eyes.

“Well if you want to chase after her, feel free to walk the plank and swim to shore.” Zayn growled as they made their way back onto the ship. “Now someone tell me some good news before I start running you bilge rats through!”

“We caught one.” Xavier, another young crew member said. Zayn spun around, smirking.

“One of the lost brats?” Xavier shook his head.

“No but, we got one of their friends.” Zayn cocked an eyebrow as Xavier stepped to the side, revealing a wash bin filled with water. And inside, with wide, panicked eyes, was Melina.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh no! What will happen to Melina?!
