Never Land


Harry could hardly focus as he trudged through towards the cave. The only thing that kept him moving forward was the thought that he could get what he needed for Melaina to be human and join him on land. He was so scared for her, though. He couldn’t find her once they got on land and all manner of terrible things were running through his head. He knew that the others could sense he was distracted – usually so sure-footed, he continually tripped over his own feet as he followed along around the island. After he tripped again, Liam stopped him and let the others move forward.

“What is going on with you, mate?”

“I’m sorry … my head isn’t in it. I’ll focus.”

“That’s not what I’m concerned about, though it would be good to have you here with us – really here – in case we run into something like the sleeping mist again.”

“I know … I’m here. I’m just … He spotted Evelyn ahead and let out a deep sigh. “I’m in love with her.”


“With Melaina, the mermaid. I’m in love with her. I have been since the moment I met her, shortly after I came to Never Land.”

“That’s where you go when you disappear, isn’t it?”

“Yes. I go to the beach – rocks where she and I can meet. There’s something with the fly powder. A potion, I think, that can make her human.”

“Seriously? You love her that much?” It looked like Liam was deep in thought for a few moments before he nodded. “Wow. Why didn’t you tell us? Tell me? I’m your best mate …”

“I was afraid you’d judge me. That you’d … I don’t know.”

“Harry …” Liam let out a deep sigh. “She put her life in danger to help us. She’s worthy of you. She’s good in my book. Now come on. Let’s go get the powder and your girl’s potion.” He clapped the younger boy on the shoulder and led the way.

Surprisingly, the talk worked to get his head back in it and he was much better going forward. Determined to get what he needed and confident that Melaina was all right. But, she wasn’t and if he had known where she was it would have been impossible for him to move forward. Not long after she had been captured, Zayn and his first mate vanished leaving her with the rest of the pirates and she had never been more terrified. The tub was hardly long enough for her to fit in completely and she was growing uncomfortable as she tried to move around, getting her fin completely wet.

“Are you going to kill me?” She asked a passing pirate who grunted at the question before stopping.

“Whatever the captain wants.” He spat out, going on his way.

Melaina felt her heart thump wildly as she waited for Zayn to return but he still hadn’t. She hoped they wouldn’t grow restless and kill her before hearing any orders. The longer Zayn stayed away, the more of a chance she had for Harry to come and save her. Though a part of her didn’t want him to come charging at the ship because she was sure he would get hurt – or worse. And as much as she wanted to be rescued, she didn’t want Harry to suffer at all. She knew about his life before Never Land and he had suffered plenty. A huge knock against the ship, rocking it, shocked her out of her daydream and nearly knocked the tub over.

Some of the pirates were shouting, looking for what it was butting into the ship. It happened again, knocked some of them over and sending the tub scattering closer to the edge of the ship. She didn’t have time to question it – while all the men ran to the side where the action was, the tub was decently close to the side of the ship and she only had a few moments to think before pushing herself up and flipping her fin over the side of the tub. She immediately felt like she couldn’t breathe but she pushed through it, pulling herself the last two feet to the ship’s edge and grabbing at the railing. It took a lot of strength and she felt herself drying up but she managed to get up on the rail and fell backwards into the water.

The second she hit the water, she felt like she could finally breathe again. She looked around and immediately saw her trusted friend, Talia. “Melaina!”

“Was that you?”

“And me.” She turned around and saw Nereus swimming towards her. “Are you all right?”

“Yes, I’m fine thank you. Nereus, I have to tell you something.”

“It can wait, I promised your father I’d return you to him immediately.”

“It can’t. I need to tell you now. I thought that I was going to die up on that ship and I only had one thought in my mind and it was of Harry – I’m in love with him. And, even if I can’t be with him … I could never be with anyone else. I know that I promised to marry you but I can’t. I’m so sorry.”

“Melaina … as a mermaid you have to choose someone to marry. Why not let it be me?”

“Because right now Harry is risking his life to bring me something to make me human.”

“You would change your life for him? Leave everything behind?”

“I would. I’m in love with him.”

“Melaina?” She whipped her head around to see her father and panicked. She knew from the look on his face that he had heard everything she just told Nereus. And, she was a little miffed that Nereus hadn’t alerted her that he was right behind her.

“Father …”

“Was that all true?”

“Yes … I’m sorry, but I truly love him.”

“We … have much to discuss.” Her father said. “Come, let’s go home and we can talk about it there.”

“But – Harry’s at the island and -”

“No. We are going home. Now.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Uh oh ... I wonder what will happen with Melaina.
At least she's not getting killed by pirates!

Thanks for reading!
xoxo, Erin