Never Land


Zayn looked through his telescope as he stood in his captain’s quarters. He was grinning wickedly as he saw Tiger Lily’s party was in full swing, and Liam and Jodie were both there. He’d seen Harry sneak off after a quick dance with Tiger Lily, but paid it no mind. If Jodie and Liam were at the party, and that meant Louis would be arriving shortly with the children. By his side stood a short girl, her hair blown into beachy waves from constantly being at sea, her dark green eyes trained on the handsome young captain.

“What is it?” She asked, her eyes staying trained on that dreamy smirk of his and his prefect cheekbones.

“Everything’s going according to plan.” He cooed, his accent making her shiver. Zayn was, in her eyes, the most handsome man in all of Never Land. She just looked at those warm, honey brown eyes of him, getting lost in them until his voice broke her from his trance. “Gabe.” He said simply.

She jolted back to life, blushing as she realized he was well aware she’d been staring at him. “Yes Zayn?” She asked, running a hand through her hair. He chuckled, turning his attention back to the party.

“Which do you think would piss them off more, if I took the kids or took Jodie? I’m sure Liam would have a hissy fit if I stole his little girlfriend.” He said, chuckling darkly. “She’s not half bad either, maybe we could convince her to join us.”

“Honestly I think you’d have a better chance of seducing Liam.” He turned to her, his eyes cold before she smiled. “Sir.” She added. He chuckled, turning back to the celebration, but soon his smile fell.

“Look at those animals, celebrating the day that little twerp murdered my father.” He growled. “It’s sick.” Gabe sighed, setting a hand on his shoulder before rubbing his arm soothingly. Being his first mate, Gabriella was the only one who ever saw him like this. And she had also learned long ago how to cheer him back up.

She walked him over to his chair and sat him down gently. Walking over to the cabinet she pulled out his bottle of rum, pouring him a small glass before going back and beginning to rub his shoulders. “Who do they think they are Gabe?” He hissed, his eyes becoming stormy. “They celebrate a murder and I’m the bad guy?” She leaned over, her breath fanning over his cheek.

“You’re not a bad guy.” She promised, burying her thumbs into the knots in his shoulders. He let out a small groan and her stomach tightened, blush coloring her cheeks scarlet. But she didn’t notice as he took a sip of his rum.

“You’re probably the only person in all of Never Land who thinks that.” He muttered softly. She sighed, letting her hands move over to his spine and causing him to admit another small groan. “Right there.” He murmured, his head falling back.

“I’m not the only person by the way.” She assured him. “Your crew would follow you to the ends of Never Land.” He opened his eyes, the warm brown meeting the dark emerald of her own gaze. His eyes narrowed as he saw the blush still lingering on her cheeks and he cocked an eyebrow at her.

“What’s with you?” He asked. She turned even redder, her hands trying to find the magic spot along his spine again. Finally she found it, her thumbs moving in small, tight circles as his eyes slipped closed. “I swear, having a bird for first mate was the best decision I’ve made as captain.” He muttered as she continued to untangle the knots in his back caused by his near constant stress of running his ship and making the lost boy’s lives miserable. His eyes slipped open again, but his gaze stayed glued to the ceiling. “Gabe.”

“Yes?” She asked. His eyes moved back to hers and he sighed.

“I think I need to find someone, like how my father found my mother. I mean, if I were to die right now, I would have no son to take over this ship.”

“You’re not going to die Zayn.” She promised, looking into his perfect eyes. His gaze moved back up to hers, his warm eyes troubled.

“That’s what my father thought too.” He whispered.

Gabe sighed, moving one of her hands to run her fingers softly through his hair. She hated that Zayn was so misunderstood by the people of Never Land. His hate was completely justified in her eyes, his eyes, and the eyes of the crew, but no one else ever gave him a chance. Whenever children were brought to Never Land they were told about how horrible Zayn was, that he was a monster who wanted to steal them away and force them to walk the planks. And as she saw how much it secretly killed him, it made her want to bash all of the lost boys, and the one lost girl’s heads in and force them to see the man she was in love with.

True, Zayn would never know she was in love with him, and she unfortunately knew he would most likely never return her affections either way. So, being as she had a duty to uphold as his first mate, she knew it would be pointless to tell him how she felt. But moments like this, when he told her what no one else knew, and let her see the man she’d fallen so hopelessly in love with.

He sighed, his eyes having slipped closed again and she swore he never looked more handsome. She wanted to kiss him, to finally press her lips to his and see if they were as soft as they were in her dreams, but before she could even consider it the door flew open, revealing one of the other pirates, Ryan. His brown hair was disheveled as he smirked, scratching the stubble on his chin.

“Am I interrupting something captain?” He asked, taking in how red Gabriella’s cheeks were, and how low her hand was on Zayn’s back before she pulled it away. Her other hand soon quickly pulled out of his silky hair as Zayn glared at Ryan.

“Speak to me again and you’ll be waking the plank you yellow bellied bilge rat!” He roared, causing Ryan to shrink in the doorway as Zayn flew to his feet. Gabe sighed, setting a hand on her captain’s shoulder, instantly calming him. “Now what do you want?” He growled, slightly less terrifying.

“A bright light is coming in from Earth sir, we think it has to be Louis and the children.” Zayn nodded before walking over and slamming the door in Ryan’s face. He then turned back to Gabe. Smiling wickedly.

“Miss Smee, my coat.” He said simply. She walked over to his wardrobe, pulling out his father jacket which she had taken in for him. And as he slipped on the maroon jacket over his dress shirt Gabe simply smiled. He turned back to her as she fixed her red hat, both of them the spitting image of their fathers before them as they made they made their way to the top deck.

Sure enough a bright light sparkled in the night sky, becoming brighter and brighter. Zayn put his telescope away, his eyes turning to Gabriella. “Now.” He said simply. “Let’s make those brat’s live miserable yeah?!” He bellowed, turning to the crew. Gabe grinned from ear to ear, pumping her first in the air.

“Aye aye captain!” She roared. The rest of the crew cheered with her as Zayn barked at the helmsman to make his way closer to the shore to cut Louis and the children off on their way to the party. And as they started sailing, Gabe knew there was no place more right for her in Never Land then by Zayn’s side.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ashlee again!
Poor Zayn's not really a bad bad guy
he's just sad
poor boo.
Anywho, Katie is next
so you know it'll be PERFECTION.