Never Land

Tiger Lily

Tiger Lily bit her lower lip harshly, her eyes locked on the boar before her that would feed the tribe for a week. Her arrow was cocked back as she stayed low behind a bush, making sure the beast didn’t see her. Liam was right behind. The two sometimes went hunting at the same time so they could mock the other, something they both enjoyed thoroughly at times. “Are you going to kill it or wait for the grass to grow?” He asked quietly, looking at her.

“Shut it.” She snapped. “There’s an art to this.”

“Well Michelangelo, luckily we live forever since it’s going to take you a hundred years to-”

“LIAM!” A loud shout caused the arrow to go flying, missing the boar as he scampered off into the bushes. Tiger Lily shot up, fuming as she turned to who had lost the meal for her tribe. She glared at Louis as he made his way through the bushes, that stupid grin on his face. “Oh, hello Tiger Lily.”

She stormed up to the pretty boy, her eyes icy. “You just lost me enough food to make a feats.” She growled. “So if you better pray I find another boar or I’ll be roasting you on a spit Tomlinson.” He chuckled nervously, but when he realized she wasn’t kidding he swallowed his laughter.


“What’s so important Lou?” Liam asked, approaching them, most likely to keep Tiger Lily from shooting Louis in the foot with an arrow.

“The children are here, I wanted you to meet them.” He said. He started chewing his lip nervously as he turned, looking at the woods behind him. “Evelyn, Niall, come on.”

As the two blondes came out of the bushes both Tiger Lily and Liam’s faces fell. They were far too old to be in Never Land, but it didn’t take a genius to figure out why Louis had grabbed the girl. She was absolutely stunning, and it was obvious by the way Louis looked at her that he was completely and hopelessly infatuated.

Tiger Lily simply scoffed at him, crossing her arms stiffly in front of her and turning to Liam. “We had a deal.” She hissed, keeping her voice down. “Children only.”

“I swear Tiger Lily, I had no idea what he was doing.” He promised. “Please, just… just play nice and I’ll talk to him.”

“Play nice?” She questioned. But no sooner had the question left her lips when Louis was being whisked away into the trees by Liam and Tiger Lily was left alone with the beautiful girl and the boy at her side. She pressed her lips together, looking between the two of them. The girl was taking in Tiger Lily’s clothing, a look of awe on her face. Tiger Lily simply rolled her eyes and turned to the brother.

His blue eyes were wide, locked on her as she stood there. His mouth was hanging open slightly and he looked to be in a state of shock. Tiger Lily immediately knew the doe eyed look was one she’d constantly flashed to Peter when he’d still been here and snarled.

“Can I help you?” She snapped. The boy snapped back to his senses, turning a deep shade of red as she scoffed at him.

“What’s your name?” The girl, Evelyn, asked.

“I’m Tiger Lily, chief of the Indian tribe of Never Land.” She said proudly.

“A chief?” The boy asked, his eyes turning dreamy again. “But you’re so…”

“So what?” Tiger Lily demanded, her eyes turning fiery.

“P-pretty.” The boy, Niall, choked out. She scrunched up her face at him, shooting him a look that could probably kill.

“I am a warrior.” She snapped. “And I am not here to keep children entertained.”

“We’re not children though.” Evelyn said quietly. Her eyes then grew wide. “Is that why Louis is in trouble?”

“Yes.” Tiger Lily answered bluntly. “He and his friends have an agreement with my tribe. They can bring kids, no more than two at a time, to Never Land. We play nice, show them around, they go home. He was never supposed to bring anyone as old as you two.”

“I didn’t know he was going to get in trouble.” Evelyn whispered.

“Of course you didn’t.” Tiger Lily snapped. “The problem with adults is that all they do is take and take until there’s nothing left. That’s why you two have to go home as soon as possible.”

“Look.” Niall said, taking a step forward. “Maybe we all just got off on the wrong foot.” He set his hand on Tiger Lily’s shoulder and her instincts took over. She grabbed his arms, pining it behind his back before she shoved him into the ground, straddling his hips and shoving his face into the dirt.

“You don’t touch me.” She snapped. “Or else next time it’s a tomahawk.” He muttered something into the dirt before Liam’s voice caused her to look up.

“What happened to playing nice?” He grumbled.

“He attacked, I defended myself.” She said simply. “Now send them home.”

“But-” Louis started, but she simply held up her hand, her eyes dark.

“We had an agreement. You broke that agreement the second they stepped foot here. I’m willing to look over your little mistake, but they leave tonight.” She kept her eyes on Liam as she spoke, knowing Louis would be crushed. “That is my offer.”

Liam sighed, running a hand through his hair as he looked at the furious chief before him. “We’ll talk to the others and send them home as soon as we can.” He said finally.

“Good.” She snapped. Her eyes then moved to Louis, sending him a cold glare. “And this had better not happen again.” With that she turned on her heel, vanishing into the forests to continue her hunt.
♠ ♠ ♠
I am so sorry this took so long everyone!
But Erin is up next
so her awesomeness will hopefully make up for me being so slow
