Never Land


“You left the festivities early, mate. Where did you go?” Harry’s eyes snapped to Liam’s over breakfast the morning after he went off to see Melaina. He had been careful, as always, after he started seeing her to never let them grow suspicious of anything for a multitude of reasons.

For one, the mermaids weren’t exactly on good terms with any of the humans. Mostly, there was just apathy where the other was concerned. Mermaids didn’t care much for their affairs and never helped them with any of their missions, including with Zayn even though they could be a great help and he doesn’t just interfere with Liam and them but with all sea life too. But they never assisted them once, not even when they would have been invaluable and that had caused quite the riff. Mermaids weren’t overly fond of them, either, because they hunted in their sea for fish and oftentimes captured a friend or two of theirs for dinner. So because of those two main reasons, and a few others, there was tension between water and land.

For two, Harry and Melaina were different species. Technically, Melaina was once human if you wanted to get technical with it. Mermaids were descendants of humans, if you believe the legends. And, it wasn’t her fault she was half fish just as it wasn’t his fault that he was entirely human. But, since they were victims of their own fates, there was a stigma attached to their relationship. He tried to ignore it, and often could, but he knew the others wouldn’t. Even if they could accept a mermaid as a friend, they could never accept her as Harry’s girlfriend because of all of the issues that would arise between them. Sub-point A – Harry couldn’t swim and it’s not like he could become a merman so living with her in the sea was impossible and Sub-point B – Melaina couldn’t grow legs and stop being a mermaid to live on land so they were completely doomed.

Harry just refused to believe that.

And the last reason why Harry decided not to tell any of his friends about her was because she was his. Harry didn’t have a lot that was just his anymore – not in Never Land. They shared just about everything in their tree house but Melaina was only his. He didn’t want to have to share her, though he knew he wouldn’t have to, but he didn’t want any distractions to come between them. Sneaking off to the sea was all he had for himself in this new land and he wanted to treasure that.

So, instead of telling the full truth he settled for a part of it. “I walked along the beach to think.”

“What do you need to think about?” Liam asked, probing for more answers. He didn’t really answer, just looked off to where Louis was with the brother and sister explaining what looked to be a fruit of some kind. “Ah. I’ve been thinking about what to do with that as well. We have to send them back, of course.”

“Of course.” Harry agreed, not really listening anymore. He wanted to see Melaina and talk to her about everything. She always made sense of things that were too jumbled for him to sort out. Things between them had begun to get strained due to never being able to spend any real time together. There was only one place they could ever even sit together let alone do anything together. With Harry not being able to swim and her not being able to leave the water, dates were nonexistent. He just wished he could do something nice for her for a change.

“You’ve gone into space again, mate. Loosen up a bit … we’ll figure it all out.”


Melaina and Talia were swimming through the crystal waters when the booming voice of her father resonated all throughout, calling her back home. She looked to Talia wide-eyed – her father never shouted like that for her and usually it meant serious trouble. “What if he found out about Harry?” She asked softly, as though he could hear this far out, too. Of course he couldn’t, but she didn’t want to take any chances.

“I’m sure it’s nothing. Maybe the king just has an announcement about another one of his sons?” Talia said, taking off in a fast swim alongside her best friend.

“I sure hope you’re right. I can’t even think of what father would do if he found out about him.”

“Then maybe …”

“No, Talia. I love him.”

“Fine, but you better stop talking about him before we get back.”

All conversation between Melaina and Talia stopped within sight of the castle where their king resided. Some of the other high-ranking mermaids and mermen lived inside or in the surrounding large houses, her father being one of them. She could see that he was not at home, but waiting for her outside of the castle doors. He was a very big man, a warrior class merman and a very good one. He had hair black as night when he was younger but now the long, wavy hair was sprinkled with grey as he approached an age she couldn’t even fathom, really. Mermaids lived exceptionally long lives, after all. Though her father had a more dignified and older look, her mother still appeared so young and just like Melaina the two could have been sisters.

“It took you awhile, Melaina, where were you? Not off in the caves again, I hope.” Her father said, pulling her in through the large doors towards the throne room. Loads of people were already there and, as Talia had guessed, it appeared to be a sort of meeting.

“Of course not, father. Talia and I were just racing.” Truth be told, they were on their way to the caves.

“Good girl. Now have a seat with your mother in the front row.” He deposited her with her beautiful mother as he went to sit near the king.

“As you all know, many of my sons have already taken their wives and begun their families.” The king began, waving his hand to his four eldest sons and their wives. Some had already had their sons and daughters while some were, well, in the process. There were three sons left, mermaids tended to always have large families with hers being the only exception, but only one was of age to marry. In fact, he was her age. The other two were just little boys and the queen was pregnant with what she hoped to finally be a girl. “Now, Nereus has come of age and I am happy to present his future wife. Mermaids & men of Never Land, please congratulate my son Nereus and his future bride, Melaina!”
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Hey y'all! Sorry I took so long! And I'm sorry there's no Harry-Melaina action but it's important nonetheless!
Would you like to meet Nereus?

Thanks for reading, dears!
xoxo, Erin