Status: Ruby red slippers.


Rowan Timbers

The wheat fields were very alive with humming and singing, in Rowan’s section of the field. She hummed to herself lightly, smiling at the workers as she strolled by them, handing out the water as was her duty for that day. She switched back and forth every few days, between harvesting the wheat and walking along the great fields passing out food and water.

Rowan had grown up on the yellowed fields, walking between the grass when it was still taller than she was. The smell of it all, the feel of the grass against her skin and the sun warming her back was all natural to her. It was until she had met Niall at a young age that she realized there were better things than farming.

But she still worked diligently and happily. These people that worked out here with her, the farmers and their families, they were her friends and her neighbors. They were some of the most wonderful people in all of Oz, though finding mean people in Oz was not that frequent.

A nameless tune continued to escape Rowan’s lips as she did her rounds. She had been working for hours, and the sun was high in the sky. But she would be done soon, passing the task of handing out water to Clarissa, a neighborhood friend.

Walking towards the end of the field, she spotted Clarissa’s red hair snapping in the wind as she tore down the yellow brick road. Her sprinting made Rowan frown, setting the basket of glass water bottles down, cocking her head to the side as Clarissa crested the last hill.

“Is everything alright?” Rowan ask went Clarissa practically skidded to a halt in front of her, breathing very hard. Sweat beaded on her forehead and she doubled over, gasping for air. It was obvious she had run all the way from the city gates. “Or have you picked up a keen interest in running like a maniac everywhere? If so, I won’t judge you.”

She held up a finger, signaling Rowan to wait. So she did, crossing her arms and tapping her foot against the brick of the road. Her tattered boots made a clicking noise as she did so. Finally, Clarissa straightened, her face red from strain. “Strangers- twister, cell in the city- I’m so out of breath.”

Rowan’s mind reeled. “What? Clarissa, please stop panting like a dog and explain what in Oz’s name you’re saying!”

“Strangers,” she breathed, finally able to catch a breath. Rowan leaned forward in interest. “Two kids showed up out of no where, laying on the ground right in front of Emerald city. The guards took them immediately and they were cast into the cells!”

The girls heart started beating in her chest wildly, begging to break free of it’s rib cage as Rowan processed what Clarissa had just said. Strangers? In Oz? Of course they would be thrown in a cell right away. The last time they had strangers in Oz, Dorothy had successfully ride their world of the wicked witch.

Hope blossomed like midnight roses under the moonlight in Rowan’s chest. She clutched Clarissa by the shoulders firmly, looking into her eyes. She needed to know if the girl in front of her was lying, but there was no shadow of deceit lying in her eyes. “Is that all you know? Has anyone else said anything?”

She shook her head vigorously. “Just that they heard the strangers say something about a twister. I have no idea what that is, do you?”

“I’ve only heard it once before,” Rowan murmured, thinking back to all the stories she had heard of a distant places where strangers and heroes came from. Shaking her head to expel her thoughts, she turned back to Clarissa. “Be careful who you tell this too, understand me? The last thing you want to do is going making enemies with the wrong person.”

“Enemies?” the other girl called as Rowan turned and began to sprint away from the fields, knowing that she had to find Niall immediately. There was no time to spare, nothing else to do. “There are not such things as enemies in Oz, Rowan!”

Young Rowan was not listening to her as she pumped her legs as fast as she could, feet beating on the road. There were places she nearly tripped, from the beat up cracks a yellow brick potholes in the road, but she ran as fast as she could taking in deep breaths of air and making sure she could get there quick.

Rowan had always been a good runner. In fact, if she recalled correctly, Niall used to chase her through the cornfields, never able to catch her because she was wicked fast. The closest the boy could ever get was seeing her light brown hair flicking in against the yellow as she took turns to evade him.

She ran faster than she did in the cornfields. And that showed when she showed up at Niall’s door in one of the nicer parts of the city, banging her fist against his door and breathing hard. When the blue-eyed boy opened the door, Rowan was suddenly faced with the same problem Clarissa was.

Looking around with her light eyes, Rowan suddenly decided she wanted to tell Niall what happened outside of the city walls. Though she loved the high emerald towers glinting in the sunlight like gems piercing the sky, and the way the smell of baked goods flowed through the street, today she felt like the walls were pressing in on her.

“Come with me,” she demanded, grabbing his wrist and pulling him out of the door. She turned quickly and recoiled backwards as she was met with his mother standing on the bottom of the steps, her sharp, angular features looking at Rowan with distaste. “Oh, hello Mrs. Horan. Lovely to see you.”

“Yes,” his mother deadpanned, her eyes scanning Rowan. The girls heart seized, knowing what Mrs. Horan was seeing: a sweaty farm girl with dirt and soot all over her face, and the smell of the sun and work on her tanned skin. And holding her sons wrist. “And where are you going, Niall?”

Niall glanced at Rowan, unsure. He really didn’t have any idea where the girl was about to drag him, so he only sort of lied. “Just going to the market place to get the eggs you needed and stopping by Rowan’s. I forgot my book there.”

“It’s hardly on the way.” Niall gave his mom a look and she sighed, moving around the too and not looking back at them. “Fine, be home soon, son.”

“Yes ma’am.”

Door shut behind them, Rowan yanked Niall like a rag doll, dragging him through the winding streets, passing colorful shops and people, shouting greetings at those who recognized them. Many chuckled at the pair, knowing that they were the best of friends. It was typical for the two to be seen running around.

They raced out of the city, ducking around the guards who yelled at them to slow down. Other than that, they were unhindered, running on the outskirts of the poppy field and towards the small house that Rowan had claimed as her home.

Entering inside, Rowan did not hesitate to relay the information, her eyes darkening all around the building as if there were flying baboons listening in on them. Though neither of them had ever seen the creatures that the wicked witch had used, it was uncomfortable, thinking that they could ever return.

Once her story was completed, Niall was quiet for a very long time. He folded his hands, leaning into them and taking on a thoughtful look. Rowan bounced up and down on her feet impatiently, watching him with nervousness. “We have to tell the others,” he sighed, standing and scratching the back of his neck. “Let’s go. We’re finding them now.”

Together, the pair found Liam in his home, just returning from whatever it was he did during the day. Neither Niall or Rowan ever asked what it was Liam did besides waiting and watching for trouble in Oz. The three of them then took two hours to locate Cecily, who was already looking for them. It was the only reason they found her, Rowan was sure.

As they searched for Ilithyia high and low, Rowan made sure to toss an apple at Cecily, nailing the girl in the head with it. Cecily glared at her but bit into the apple, tossing Rowan a thankful glance for the food as they continued to comb the land.

It took them three hours to find the wandering girl, but the finally found Ilithyia on the outskirts of the forest and near the river, watching an giggling at the water fairies as they fluttered about, humming in their high pitched voices and spitting water at each other in a game.

“Has something happened?” she asked, standing quickly with wide-eyes and looking at their small group. All of them looking for her was never a good sign. And Rowan’s expression didn’t help. “What is it?”

“First,” Rowan said, holding up a finger before Liam could speak, “Do you think you could start wearing a bell? You are nigh on impossible to find. I almost got bit by the elm sprites, looking for you. Apparently they like you more.”

“Rowan, shut up,” Liam said, not unkindly. He was ready to get to business and he instantly began telling everyone what he had heard. They all went in turns, explaining the pieces of information that they had. “So we have an agreement. There is someone new in Oz.”

“Somebody’s, really,” Niall corrected, nodding his head. Liam gave him a look and Niall gave their leader a sheepish grin. “My apologies, Sir Liam. Go right on ahead with your duties.”

The joke did lighten the tension a bit, everyone smiling slightly. Rowan was nervous as Liam took turns looking at every one of them. “We have to break them out,” Liam insisted, nodding his head. His mouth was set in a firm line of determination. “We’ve got to save them.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh goodness. It seems that all is going to be very interesting in the marry old land of Oz!
Hope you're enjoying this as much as I am!