Status: Ruby red slippers.


Ilithyia Snowberry

War was coming, the small blonde was sure of it. Wired to the core, Ilithyia was ready to take action. She hadn't slept a wink all night, nor had she left Liam's side. None of them had. They had discussed a plan for hours, as they tried to develop something intelligent enough to outwit the guards, and the wizard. The two strangers were due to be executed first thing in the morning, but nothing they came up with seemed like it was good enough to get the job done. They had all seen the destruction the darkness had done to their home land, and they feared they would be too late to rescue the answers to their prayers.

Ilithyia felt as if thousands of pixies were whirling around in her stomach. Ever since the group found her talking with the water fairies and told her the news she was been dancing with anticipation. This was it. They had all been waiting for a chance to actually do something against the wicked, and now they finally had the chance. She couldn't believe that there was a possibility Dorothy's descendants were here.

The whimsical blonde was shocked that they had gotten so lucky. They received not one, but two helpers! It was almost too good to be true. She just knew that they were going to have all the answers they needed to defeat the evil that had surrounded Oz. They were from the same place Dorothy was from, after all. Surely everyone from this mysterious Kansas was powerful enough to defeat the looming tenebrosity.

"Ilithyia are you paying attention?" Liam's voice called from across the table they were all situated at.

She blushed. "Sorry, I just can't believe we're finally doing something!"

Rowan smiled over at the girl and shook her head, her dirty blonde locks following the side to side movements. "We've got to finalize the plan and fast, try to hang in here, yeah?"

Ilithyia nodded, sliding a white blonde curl behind her ear after watching it fall out of place. Liam cleared his throat and pointed back down to the table where he had drawn out a map of the dungeon the newcomers where being held in. Her sea green eyes looked down, as she tried to give him all of her attention.

"Now, they could be in any one of these cells, but Niall has kept a pretty good eye on the comings and goings of the prisoners as of late. If he's right, then the both of them are going to be in this cell." He pointed to a haphazard square and they all nodded to show they understood. "That's only if we've assumed the other prisoner's placements correctly."

"Now Cecily, I'm going to need you to get us some help. We'll need the guards to be distracted, or blinded to our presence in the very least, so we can get down there and get them out." He instructed. "We'll need at least fifteen minutes, because we aren't sure where the two will be, can you do that?"

She nodded her head and started to chew on the inside of her cheek nervously. Ilithyia new the girl well enough to know she was probably freaking out on the inside. Cecily never failed to be courageous when the time came though, so the group was pretty confident she would be able to carry out her job without a hitch.

They had already established that Cecily and Niall would keep an eye out for anyone and warn them of trouble. Rowan had managed to find a path for their exit, but when Liam tried to get her to stand guard she refused. The stubborn girl didn't want Liam to be the only one in the thick of things, which meant Ilithyia had to do it for her. The adventurous girl was so desperate for action, however, that she didn't mind one bit.

"Lith, are you sure you're going to be able to stay put?" Liam teased, his brown eyes twinkling with laughter at his own joke. The girl glared playfully at him and he chuckled, raising his hands to show he surrendered.

"I'm not going to let you guys down." She promised, looking at all of them in turn. The group of rebels had become a family to her. There was no way she was going to let anything happen to any of them. Not a hair on their heads would be harmed if she could do anything about it.

Liam sighed and looked over at Rowan. "So the two of us will go down there, find the cell that they're in, and break them out. When all hell breaks loose, Niall and Cecily will need to go through here, in order to meet us back here." We all watched as his finger danced across the table top.

"We'll wait for as long as we can, but if we get separated you know how to find us." He looked worried as he went over the rest of the plan with them all. Ilithyia was pretty nervous herself, but she couldn't fathom the way he must be feeling in that moment. She knew if anything happened to any of them he would feel responsible. That was just the caring Liam they had all come to know.

"We can do this, Liam." Rowan nodded, her eyes hardening with confidence.

"Damn right we can." Niall smirked, agreeing with her.

The group all smiled confidently at one another, even though they were all a bit apprehensive on the inside. It seemed to give Liam the reassurance he needed, because his eyes crinkled up at the ends, as a face-splitting smile poured its way onto his face.

In a few hours they would be moving forward and there was going to be no turning back. Ilithyia felt as if every wish she had ever wished was coming true. She was finally getting to go on an epic journey, she was going to do something with her average life.

"What do we got to lose?" Ilithyia breathed.

Too bad they stood to lose everything they had been working towards.
♠ ♠ ♠
Courtney here again.
Things are getting real.
Tell us what you all think.
Where do you think this is headed?