Call to Action

Somewhere Between the Lost and the Fallen

Twenty minutes after leaving the Helicarrier, I’ve gotten about twenty missed calls from Sharon Carter and have to deal with a very annoyed Jason Frost, “are you ever going to answer that damned phone?” He hisses after my phone goes off, it being the 21st time in twenty minutes.

“Do you want me to answer it and have to explain to Sharon what the hell we’re doing?” I question him, “because if you want to deal with a pissed off Sharon Carter, I’ll answer and give you the phone. I can guarantee your “Stark charm” won’t work on her.”

“How can you be so sure, Barton?” A smirk appears on his lips, “no one can resist a Stark.”

“You’re pathetic.” I mutter accompanied by my infamous eye roll before opening up the back of my SHIELD off and taking the battery out and find a tracking device where the SIM card is suppose to be, “un-fucking-believable; they‘ve been tracking me.”

“Does that surprise you?” Jason questions, “do you really think they would allow us to have free reign? They want to watch what we’re going to do next.”

“They want to watch what you’re going to do next.” I correct him. “Fury has known me my whole life; you’re the odd man out. Stark kept you a secret; a secret that Fury wants to crack.” Jason remains quiet, knowing there is truth in my words. “Look I don’t trust SHIELD anymore than you do and I’ve been around them longer than you have. If we want to find our dads and end this; we’re gonna have to work together. We can‘t rely on SHIELD.”

“What do you think we’re doing now?” He questions me, “think we’re flying off to some distance place for some drinks and angry sex afterwards?”

I just roll my eyes, “if we’re going to work together, we’re going to have to trust each other. I want to know if you’ll have my back out there, because we’re partners now; whether either of us likes it or not.”

“How do I know you’re not going to leave me for dead some where?” He asks, a smirk tugging at his lips. “Why are you so worried about trusting me when I know nothing about you?”

“Jason, if I wanted you gone I can make it happen.” I chuckle, “I’ve got connections; connections that are pretty protective of me.”

“I’m sure your dad can’t make me disappear when he’s kidnapped.” Jason chuckles. I just let out a mischievous chuckle as I pull out my personal iPhone. Jason takes his eyes off the sky for a brief second; long enough to see me typing in a familiar number. ‘Who are you calling?” He asks, sounding kind of nervous, “you’re not calling your boyfriend are you?”

“Why do you assume every time I’m on the phone, I’m calling or talking to my boyfriend?” I ask as I hold the phone up to my ear; waiting for this person to pick up. “There are easier ways to find out if I’m single or not; you know that right?”

Before he can reply, the person finally picks up the phone. I lean over enough to place my finger on Jason’s lips; silencing him, “Hey squirt!” The person says as he answers the phone, a laugh following.

“Hey, long time no talk.” I smile, despite knowing he can’t see it. “I need a favor.”

“I kinda figured that’s why you called.” He chuckles, “what’s up? Your dad giving you a hard time?”

“Everything is fine… with me anyway.” I reply with a sigh, “Dad was kidnapped along with Banner, Rogers and Stark; I’m sure you probably heard about it in the news.”

“Yea, I have; I’ve been looking into it for you too.”

“It’s a good thing I called you then.” A humorless chuckle escapes my lips, “Stark’s son and I were recruited to find them and SHIELD gave us nothing really to work with but a name.”

“Ok kid, what’s the name and I’ll look him up.” I can hear him opening up his laptop and typing in his login information and password.

“He’s an old friend of ours,” I begin, “you’re looking up Daymond Cade.”

“The guy that kidnapped you?” He questions and I can hear the anger in his voice. Obviously he wasn’t happy with him being out either. He has every reason not to be happy.

“Yea,” I reply, “we figured he’s working for someone; someone that wants to see The Avengers fall. Stark’s son found out that he was spotted in Columbus; I want to know exactly where.”

“And that’s where I come in at, huh?”

“You know it.” I reply with a short laugh, “you’re the ex FBI agent after all.”

“I’ll dig around and put some feelers out for you,” he informs me, “I’ll call you when I find anything.”

“You’re the best!” I exclaim, “I’ll see you soon.”

“Stay safe,” he orders, “I don’t want to hear anything about you getting yourself hurt or killed, ok?”

“I promise I‘ll stay safe.” With a quick bye I hang up and remove my finger from Jason’s lips. “I’m surprised you didn’t try and bite me or anything.”

“Do you really think I’m that childish?” He asks, earning a look from me, “never mind don’t answer that.”

“Just keep flying.” I tell him, leaning my head back against the seat.

“So who was that one the phone if it wasn’t a boyfriend?” He asks.

“You’ll find out soon enough, Stark.” I reply as I close my eyes as nausea starts setting in as the ride becomes a bit bouncy due to turbulence. I never really liked flying.

“Frost.” It becomes an automatic thing for him to correct me, “and some bird you are; you don’t even like flying.”

“I was wondering when I was going to hear jokes involving my parents’ aliases.” A smile comes on my lips as I open my eyes and give a sideways glance at Jason, “once I think of a good comeback to that joke; you’ll be in for it.”

“Don’t over drain yourself, Barton…” He laughs as he continues to fly towards our destination…


“Oh HELL NO!” Jason exclaims as we arrive at the fairgrounds where Carson Carnival of Traveling Wonders is located for the weekend. It’s great timing, really. But it’s kind of suspicious if you ask me.

“What’s wrong with carnivals?” I ask him, “you’re not afraid of clowns and carnies are you?” A tinge of amusement in my voice is enough for Jason to roll his eyes.

“No,” he replies with a shout, “I’m just pissed off that I’m the one doing all the work while you’re off having fun and eating carnival food!”

“You really think I’m here to win a stuffed bear and eat funnel cake?” I laugh, “the person I was on the phone with earlier is here, if you must know. I figured I’d stop by and see if I can help him track Cade.” Jason just looks at me with a look that tells me he doesn’t believe a word I’m saying. “If you want, you can stay here and meet the man that’s going to help us.”

“I’ve got work to do.” He quickly says, “ besides I don’t trust a guy I know nothing about.”

“Then goodbye, Stark.” I smile before walking away, only to stop when I hear Jason calling my name.

I turn around and see him running towards me, “I’m staying, only because I want to find out who you were talking too,” he explains once he catches his breath. “And for the millionth time, it’s Frost.”

“You’re going to eventually get sick of correcting me, you know that?” I smirk as we walk towards the trailers.

“Where are we heading to?” He asks, “we’re no where near the carnival, we’re back where they sleep.”

“Exactly!” I exclaim, “you’re such a genius!”

“Stop being a smartass, Barton.” He rolls his eyes, “why are we heading back this way?”

“Because the person I’m taking to is going to be in his trailer before his show tonight.” I reply.

“The person that’s going to help us is a damn Carnie?” He questions, “I thought you said he was an ex-FBI agent.”

“He’s not just a damn Carnie,” I smile as I walk up to his trailer. He’s outside, practicing a few shots; getting a bullseye each time. “He’s an archer!” I point to my uncle, Barney Barton. Jason follows me finger and his eyes widen, knowing exactly who I’m pointing at. “We’re here for TrickShot.”
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