After Dark

Thalia Benson

Thalia sat in the back of a flash black car that had picked her up from her unit to take her to the old hotel where she would be spending the next night with four other girls and the world-renowned band One Direction. Thalia had never been one to scare easily so when she heard the opening for a television show that resulted in its entrants spending a night in the famous Hotel Grim she couldn’t turn down the offer to stir up mischief and see who she could scare.

The car rolled one silently Thalia watched as the scenery darkened and the buildings changed from perfectly normal homely places to dark twisted abandoned buildings that you would see in a horror movie. A shiver ran down her spine but she shook her head scolding herself for feeling the slightest bit of fear toward the place.

Thalia had never believed in ghosts and she wasn’t about to start, pulling her shades over her eyes she waited for the car to roll to a stop. She was about to reach for the handle but the door was pulled open for her, the driver smiling down at her.

“Thanks,” she smiled up at him as she stepped out her raggy red Coverse hi-tops hitting the cracked pavement. Straightening up she looked around her and took in the old building that was falling apart. The building looked to be several years old, the paint was flaking away from the stone building there was something about it that made her slightly uncomfortable but she quickly shook it away when she saw a woman walking toward her.

“Hello,” she began reaching out one of her hands to the red head, “I’m Cecile Lockwood the producer,” Thalia took the womans’ hand in her own and gave it a firm shake a smile spreading across her face.

“Nice to meet you I’m Thalia Benson,” the brunette smiled at the older woman who had taken her hand.

“Lovely, now come with me we can introduce you to the others,” letting go of Thalias’ hand she turned and began to walk over to a neat tent Thalia followed close behind the woman listening as her heels clicked on the pavement. It was only a few moments before they entered the tent and Thalia noticed three others in there waiting patiently. One was a girl with blonde hair and the other two were male one had short light brown hair that was closely cut, dark brown eyes and an adorable smile. The other feathery hair one shade darker then the male next to him, his features were prominent, high cheekbones, a perfectly chiseled jaw line and electrifying blue irises. He wore a cheeky grin and instantly Thalia was drawn to him.

“Thalia,” Cecile began turning back briefly to the brunette behind her before returning her attention to the teenagers in the room, “this is Kim,” she indicated to the blonde, Thalia raised her hand gently waving at the girl “and these are Liam and Louis from One Direction,” the way her voice faded ever so slightly made Thalia realize that Cecile was a fan girl.

“Hello,” she spoke gently scanning between the two males her eyes lingering on Louis’ a little longer then needed. A heat spread across her face when he shot a wink in her direction but the producer was too busy day dreaming to notice. “Right well I guess I had best be off to greet the others when they arrive,” Thalia watched as the woman turned and clacked off.

“Hello Love,” spinning on her heel the teenager came face to face with Louis, while she was watching the woman walk away he had advanced toward her catching her off guard.

“Uh… Hello,” she stammered taking in the male singer, up close he was even more stunning. She giggled awkwardly at the close proximity of him.


“I know,” she winced mentally kicking herself at how dumb she sounded, “I mean… uhm…” his chuckles interrupted her blathering causing her cheeks to flush a deeper scarlet. “Thalia,” she stumbled out.

“You have a beautiful name,” he complimented causing a smile to spread across the young woman’s’ face.

“Thank you, so… are you easily scared?” Thalia asked changing he subject quickly her smoky grey locking with his electric blue ones as she arched on of her brows quizzically.

“Definitely not… you?”

“No, not really… I have yet to be scared by a horror movie.” Thalia pointed out shrugging her shoulders flippantly looking at the brunette. Her eyes scanned over to the other two in the room they were wrapped in a conversation similar to her and Louis, both standing at the same proximity, smiling at the two she turned back to the blue eyed singer before he spoke.

“Well then do you believe in any of the paranormal? Ghosts and demons?” he pressed.

“I have to see anything to believe it… so… no.” Louis laughter rang out loudly bouncing around the enclosure.

“Well this is going to be an interesting night.”

“Why do you say that?”

“Incase you forgot the Hotel is haunted.” Thalia scoffed flabbergasted at the singer.

“You really believe that?”

“Well I have to, otherwise it’s going to be one boring night spent in a run down hotel,” it was Thalias’ turn to laugh. Louis was an interesting character she had to admit, he seemed to be a jokester and very sarcastic, just like Thalia. The brown haired hoped she was paired with him just so she could spend the night trying to scare him and really make this night something to remember. The cogs in her mind were already grinding together as she conjured up small pranks she could play on the singer and from the way he was looking at her she could tell his were to.

Let the games begin!
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Hi there, I'm Esther and I am going to be writing all the Louis and Thalia scenes please comment and tell us what you think we love feedback.
Up next is Alex... It's going to be amazing :D