Sequel: Achluophobia
Status: Done


Relax and recap and relapse.

Perfection. It's the only way to describe me. I've always been perfect. No one can deny it. If they try to, then I just beat the bullshit out of them. There are times that I regret it, but there are times that I really, really don't. Especially with that stupid little faggot, Arden. I mean, he's basically begging to be made fun of. Little Larden. Yeah, he's not really fat anymore, but that doesn't mean it still isn't fun to bring it up and see the bitter anger in his eyes. It's basically what I thrive off of. Arden's anger.

Maybe that isn't healthy, but I can't honestly say that I care. Plus, he could still be fat, for all we know. He's always hiding his frame underneath all of those stupid fucking sweatshirts and huge jackets. He's such a fucking idiot with all of his layers, even on the hottest of days. What's that little faggot hiding? Not that I care. Even if he was the skinniest person in the world, he'd still be that little fatass to me.

But me, that's a whole other story. I'm perfect. My family has a history of high metabolism, so I can eat all I want and gain not a single pound. Plus, I'm totally gorgeous. Does that make me sound conceited? Do I care? Jesus, I'm surprised I still have fucking friends. But friends seem to pour out of every orifice of my life. I know every single person in this hick town. Not that I like many. Hell, I only like a select few of them, yet every single one of them is my friends. It's probably just because I'm amazing. Especially in bed. I've gone through every girl in this town. I wish I could find someone different sometimes, because all of these idiotic bitches bore me with their pointless drama.

Drama. That's one thing I know very well.

I can't count how many times I've been caught in the middle of petty bullshit. Mostly because of people fighting over me, but whatever. Sometimes, I'm caught in my friends' drama, especially my best friends. See, most of my closest friends seem to all be girls. Guys seem to mostly hate me because they feel threatened by me, but somehow, none of them start shit. I don't think I could handle it if they could, what with all the other shit constantly going on.

Also my temper makes things difficult. You see, I have a really bad temper problem. I'm basically bipolar and the smallest things can set me off in a temper tantrum, then no one's safe. Again, surprised I have friends. But I do, and they're pretty cool. Somehow, they put aside my anger problems and remain friends with me. I don't think that I could ever go without them. I don't think I could ever go without any friends.

To be isolated like that, it's horrible. Believe me. I've been there before. I guess that it's a reason that I'm this way. Oh well, it's not like I can change it now. No one can change how I am. Not even me.
♠ ♠ ♠
title cred: F.C.P.S.I.T.S.G.E.P.G.E.P.G.E.P. - The Fall of Troy

So ya. I don't know how often I'm going to update because I'm really shit at updating. I just do it whenever I feel like it, but I usually don't regularly update unless I'm really, really digging it. But I'm digging this so far. I'm not really good at Cyan's part doe.

