Sequel: Achluophobia
Status: Done


This ain't no kind of home

It's actually been a boring nine days. Other than everyone talking about why Arden's gone again and Cheyenne threatening to kill me if she finds out that I'm fucking over her best friend in any way. I do miss him. But, we've been texting a lot and it's been awesome. He's actually a really awesome person once he lets you in. He's barely let me in at all and I'm already crazy about him. Well, even more than before. He's like really sassy sometimes, but he's also really sweet. When he's not all down in the dumps. I mean, it doesn't really piss me off or anything, I just wish that he didn't always feel like such shit because he's so amazing and he needs to recognise that ok.

Aaaaaaaaaanywhore, I'm at school right now and I've been yelled at by every teacher at least twice for having my phone out during class when I'm not supposed to. I tried to explain the circumstances, but they just said some shit about if they let me do it, then they'll have to let everyone else do it. Whatever, they're just jealous of my bod. Not really. But I text anyway. I think by this point, they've basically stopped caring because I'm not really bothering anyone but them. They just don't understand.

Soon, I stop paying attention to the teacher and my mind wandered to a daydream of me, sitting on the ground, sun warming my face, fingers carelessly and deftly strumming a guitar that produces a sweet melody, and a boy nuzzling into my side, sighing serenely and as I stop playing to hug him, I feel that he's not nearly as fragile and bone-thin before; he actually feels healthy.

"Mister Lawrence, if my class just can't hold your attention, then maybe you can find yourself paying more attention in the principal's office," the teacher barks. I roll my eyes lightly at her before standing up and picking up my stuff, then walking out of the stuffy classroom. Finally. I fucking hate that teacher. I don't even like her enough to remember her name.

Rather than going to the principal's office, I instead stuff my things into my crammed locker and shut it nonchalantly before walking out of the school, smirking as my phone vibrates with a new message. Great timing, you perfect boy. After I inform him of what happened, he immediately texts back, bossing me around and telling me to go home and listen to a 'fucking amazing song' and that I'm not allowed to talk to him until I listen to it. It immediately puts a pout on my face, but it makes me drive the short distance home even faster.

And true to his word, the song is fucking amazing. So without a second to lose, I text him as soon as I finish listening to the song and inform him of this thought. As suspected, he is elated, and not surprised, at my agreement. We have very similar tastes in music. I wouldn't say identical though. Having identical tastes is boring because then we can't introduce bands to each other, and that's just a boring life. Oh, and seeing as it's been over a week, that means that we'll be going to visit him this weekend. Fucking yes. I'm so excited to see him, you don't even know. Don't even effing know. Cheyenne was going to come with us on this one, but apparently, she had something she literally couldn't get out of so she's coming to the next one. Every other weekend, I'm going to hitch a ride with Arden's parents to see him, seeing as we can put aside a few things for a day or two to see him, and they don't mind me coming with them. I normally wouldn't do it, but I really need to save money on the gas so that we can have more money at home to buy groceries and things we need.

Well, I'm just glad that I'm going. I'm so thankful for everything. I'm that thankful that Arden actually made the first move and I didn't push him into anything. That he's actually giving me a chance. That we're officially dating. That such a perfect guy is actually willing to give me another chance even though I fucked up his life. That his parents are giving a fucking ride every single time so that I can save on gas. I don't know how things are going to go in the future exactly, but if they keep going like they are now, I'm sure that for once, things will turn out well.


Finally, the weekend. But I'm too cranky to enjoy it, seeing as I got up at 4 in the morning to head over to Arden's parents' house. Hey, I'm not complaining though. Definitely not complaining. Hell, if I can take a nap, I'll even drive the rest of the way myself and let them rest. But they declined, telling me that they already had a good night's sleep, so they're fine. With a nod, I just stagger into the backseat and lay down, resting my head on the pillow that I bring to every road trip that I ever go on. Hush, I like falling asleep in cars. My consciousness leaves nearly the second that I lay my head on the soft pillow. My body is lulled to sleep by the steady hum of the car's engine. I fall asleep with a smile on my face as I anticipate the day ahead.


A few hours later, I wake up, stretching out on the surprisingly comfortable backseat, yawning loudly. At the sound, Arden's mom, who's in the passenger seat, turns around to smile at me.

"Did you sleep well?" she asks. I nod slightly, drawing out one more good stretch. "Yeah, your car is surprisingly comfortable." She nods at me. "That's a reason that we got it. It's really good for car trips. Arden especially loves falling asleep back there." At that, I grin. Oh, does he? I can imagine him falling asleep back here, the sun reflecting off his dark, shiny hair as he awakes, yawning and stretching cutely like a little kitten. My little kitten. Agh, stop, stop, Cyan.

"So, how long will it be?" I ask, leaning up to rest my arms on their headrests as I put myself in the middle of the two. His mom, Deborah, checks the GPS quickly and turns to me again. "Just about three hours. We'll be there before noon." I sit back in the seat, grinning. "Cool." Just a few more hours, and I'll be able to see your beautiful face again.
♠ ♠ ♠
title cred: No Kind Of Home - Defeater

Aww yiss. So, my best friend is going to make fucking Sims of Arden, Cyan, Lauren, and Cheyenne. I'm so excited ;-; This is most def my favorite story I have ever written and I love it and all of your guys so much xoxo
