Described As Clouds: The Vivid Things

Plagued Skies

Described As Clouds: Chapter 4- Plagued Skies (Avery)

As I opened my tired eyes, all I could see was a blur. All the life in me seemed to have gone away. I felt vapid to those who were around me. But I didn't know if there was anyone around me anyway.

After a couple of seconds, my eyes were focused again. "Just like in the movies," I thought. As I got up from my strangely neat bed to check out my surroundings, I paused to stop and look at a somewhat cute but odd creature. It had pointed ears and peach colored skin. It wore badly knitted pants and shirt. Kind of like an elf.

The creature gasped. "Israel! Brother Israel! The beautiful, plagued, fire angel has awakened!" it ran off into another room. "Odd." I thought. I got up and followed him, and everyone was there, awake, playing some sort of board game.

"Good morning, Avery." Apollo said, sitting down on a short stool playing with a similar creature.

"What's going on? Where are we?" I asked. All I got from Apollo was a simple shrug. "I don't really know what's going on, and they sat that 'Brother Israel' will explain everything."

"Good morning, fire angel." Another elf-like creature said. "Care for a game of Wa-Tune?"

"Wa-Tune? What's that?"

"It's like Chess," Apollo responded. "But it isn't."

"Oh. Um, no thank you."

"Whatever you say, fire angel." The creature that offered me a game of Wa-Tune left.

"Why do they keep on calling me fire angel?"

"They've got names for everybody. I'm Ashes, Duke's Medallion, Sierra's Darkened, and Mr. Locks is Giant."

"And Harris?"

"Harris isn't here." I was taken aback when I heard that. Sierra must have been heartbroken.

"Brother Israel, they're all here, and awake." It was the elf from the other room, with another taller elf. This one looked more mature.

"Ah, Gemini. You don't have to call me 'brother', we are not monks, we are elves!" the taller elf referred to as Israel, laughed. "Hello! I am Israel, a right hand elf to the king of elves himself, and this is Gemini. You are standing on the floors of Eagle's Gap Lighthouse, in Flavor Republic."

"What happened to Crimson City?" Sierra asked.

"Crimson City has been plagued by an unnamed disease!" Gemini sounded scared.

"Plagued?" Duke asked.

"Yes, plagued. Our whole world will be infected by a disease created by an evil source. We need your help to stop it."

"But, Crimson City isn't part of your world." I added.

"Yes, but someone from this world had been to your world and infected everyone there. He is jailed right now."

"Who is it?"

"The owner of the Bakery, Mr. Pierre, is not human."