

Weekends were never very fun for Hartley. Rarely did she ever make any plans because she was usually working and if not then her friends were. That’s why she was surprised when her cellphone bleeped, indicating a new text message. He was in town again and wanted to hang out. She jumped at the chance to have something to do, and soon they’d planned to meet at the park and decide from there what to do next.

“Aren’t you going to be a sophomore in the fall?” He asked her later, pushing her on a swing.

“Yep, and I’m so excited. Don’t push so hard, I’m going too high!” Hartley held on to the chains for dear life, spitting strays strands of hair from her mouth. He stopped her abruptly and caught her just around the waist.

“I miss you when I’m away.” The words were uttered so close to her skin she had to move away from the uncomfortable heat of his breath. She tried to stand but felt his arms tighten their grip when she attempted to move.

“Yeah, I miss you too now could you let me go please?” Hartley laughed nervously, having sensed a change in her companion’s demeanor, and tried to escape his grasp once more. Her struggling became more desperate when he slipped a hand up her arm and began massaging circles on her elbow with his thumb. Finally she found a way out of his steely hold and she turned sharply to face him, fire in her eyes.

“What do you think you’re doing?” She demanded. He stepped forward and tried to put his arms around her once more but she took a quick step back to avoid his touch.

“Come on, Hartley, I was only playing! You know I wasn’t being serious.” Hartley wanted to go home, but he was her only way back, and she wasn’t up for a five mile walk. With a sigh, she knew she’d have to forgive him, at least for now. She nodded at him. He smiled in response.

“Great! Now, I was thinking we could go to that place you used to love when we were younger, you know the one that serves the barbecue burgers? I even called ahead; they still sell them.” He began making his way back to the car, glancing over his shoulder to make sure Hartley was following behind.