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It's Been a While

Questionable Choices

The door slammed behind Becca. She was gone.

“Can someone please explain to me what just happened?” Ray asked.

“I don’t even think I know…” I answered, still staring at the door.

“Bob, why’d you have to bring it up? I keep telling you, let her do what makes her happy. She’s twenty one years old, not a kid anymore!” Kaitlin said to Bob, who looked increasingly flustered with each passing second.

“Did we make a questionable choice?” Frank asked me.

“I don’t think so, but then again, I became a teenage mom.”

“Yeah, but you were eighteen and technically an adult.”

“Hey, can we not?” Jamia cut in. Frank and I shut up at that point. The fact that I had Frank’s kid a week after they got married was still kind of a touchy subject. Sure, Jamia and I were friends, but still.

“Should I go after her?” Natalie queried.

“Somehow, I don’t think that’s a good idea. She said she’d be back, I think we just have to wait it out.” Mikey said. I remembered the time he went missing, then I went missing. We both eventually came home, it just took some time. After all, she did say she’d be back by the wedding, and she was probably a better person that I was. She wouldn’t have the same drug/alcohol/cigarette problems.

Despite the fact that the house was really full, it felt kind of empty without Becca and Cupcake. Dom kept asking where Becca with the short hair and the nice face went and, of course, where Cupcake went as well. That’s kind of sad. Well, at least we were all together for a good five minutes before things got weird. But she said she’d be back, and that’s the important thing. We put all the kids to bed at around eight o’ clock and continued to play video games. Bob refused to play, and just kind of sat staring at the door. Maybe he realized he kind of really fucked some shit up? I thought about sneaking out at night to find her, but then realized I had a kid and couldn’t leave him alone, despite being with a bunch of other people. Weird, I have a sense of responsibility. I gave a final middle finger to the screen before going to bed at midnight. Gerard decided to file a missing persons report the next day.