The Time Rift Theory

The Crash {Carver}

My name is Carver I'm a Navy Seal and I have been assigned to over see a Army Marine Strike Mission in Libya when I walked into the barracks to meet the team I didn’t expect 35 men so when I saw how many I just asked "Who is in-charge here" This bigger guy walks up and say's "I'm Lt Daniels I'm in charge of this mission you must Be Carver the Navy Seal over this mission."
I looked at him and nodded and said "Ok we are taking a Boeing C-17 Globemaster IIII the newest model it has more room so along with the 36 of us is 2 Humvees with 50. cal. Machine guns a M2A3 Bradley and Two Cargo Trucks with enough ammo and weapons for a 2 week siege there will also be a RAH-66 Comanche." Then one of the solders yelled "Why do we need all these vehicles and weapons what are we after" I looked at him and said "Sorry that is on a need to know basis and you will find out when we arrive trust me." Then I grabbed my duffle bag threw it over my shoulder and said "If there are no more Questions then lets get on with it." We then walked out to the Airfield and the massive Airship pulled up and as everyone climbed on and the vehicles and gear where all loaded on I climbed in and told gave everyone the details of the flight.
"Ok this is the first time this aircraft has been flown the countries we are going over would not let us if they knew it was a mission so we are supposedly on a test flight so if we get caught we are rouge and the government can not help us we are Ghosts for this mission." We took off and had been flying for 3 hours and I walked up to see how everything was going with the pilots I talked to them and they said it would be another 11 hours and then the lights began flashing and the meters went haywire and I looked at the pilots and one said "get back there and strap in something is wrong." I ran back and sat into my seat and told the men to Strap in and get ready for a bumpy landing. Every thing began to Shake everywhere I could hear something that sounded like extreme wind hitting the outside of the ship then the Drop hatch ripped off and it was black outside the wind was ripping threw then I saw as 5 men flew out the back screaming and seemed to be torn to shreds outside then a bright light blinded me and when I was able to see there was the ocean out the back and we were still going down then someone yelled the Vehicle Latches have disengaged and I watched as if all in slow motion as one Cargo truck and the M2A3 Bradley went out the back and a humvee was smashed against a row of the seats Squashing the solders and then I heard there screams as they were continuing to be crushed. Then there was a Sort of Snapping noise and I looked down as my straps released and I got thrown out the back and watched the plan crash into a rocky beach and it had been twirling and I skipped across the water when I looked around I could see the Truck and M2A3 sinking and then began swimming toward the crash to look for survivors if any. When I got to the beach the Globemaster was about a forth submerged in the bay.
I looked around and only was able to find 8 others out of the entire 35 marines and they were all in pretty bad shape so I got them into the beach and went in to the plane to find a med kit I had to dive into the submerged part of the plane to find it I went out and put my 2 years of being a Marine Medic to use I was able to patch them up as best as I could then I talked to the 2ed Lt and said I was going to go and scout the area out so I went to get equipped.