Status: working on it...

Body Clock

four mugs later

It’s been three long days and I can’t forget that piercing stare or those green eyes. I’ve become extremely frustrated in this short period of time because all I want to do is draw this man, but the only pictures I can conjure up are those of his eyes. This mystery man’s face has become a blur, but his gaze has yet to leave my memory, and I hope it never does.

Every morning has started the same way. I’ll wake up, start thinking of this man, and then I’ll scold myself because I know a relationship isn’t what I need. If anything, I just need a friend. So I’ve promised myself that if I see this man again, I will not pursue him. Our relationship will be nothing more than acquaintances, if that even.

After finally calling my mom back and talking to her about Dylan, I’ve learned that he and Kendall have set the date for their wedding. August 8, 2012. Of all the days in the damn year and he has to pick that one. Mom tried to convince me it was the only day the wedding venue they wanted could book them, but I’m not a dumbass. I know manipulation when I see it. Dylan Pace Taylor is trying to lure me back home, but I’ll be damned if I go back to the east coast.

I stood in my tiny bathroom, staring into the mirror, trying to figure out just who the person was staring back at me. Yes, she had my face, and my freckles, and my dark hair, but she just wasn’t me. I let out a long sigh knowing the reckless behavior had to stop. It’s time to get serious. I’m 23 years old and I have yet to do anything significant with my life. I don’t have a husband, or a family, and art school only got me so far. I just want to live, but I’m at a loss on how to do that. I feel like I’m missing something, like some big secret on how to succeed with life. Running away from problems hasn’t taken me to the best of places.

Today is going to be the day I turn things around. Step one: grocery shopping.


As it turns out, grocery shopping is all fine and dandy until there’s something you need on a shelf you can’t reach. I stood on my tiptoes, stretching my arm upwards, trying to force my arms to reach just a little further. For crying out loud, all I wanted was some damn peanut butter! Of course with my luck it’s not only on the top shelf, but it’s the last bottle, pushed all the way to the back. Being just five foot three was starting to get on my nerves right about now. I looked at my cart full of food, all organic things from the Whole Foods, and debated on whether or not it would be a good idea to stand up in it to reach the top shelf.

I looked around and saw no one, but once I started inching my foot up and into the cart I heard a deep, raspy voice behind me.

“Need some help with that?”

I spun around, almost losing my balance and came face to face with a man sporting a mustache, along with stubble along his chin. His hair looked as if he had a habit of running his hands through it, but it seemed to suit him well.

“Yes, please. The peanut butter on the top shelf.” I replied, relieved.

He had no trouble reaching the peanut butter with his tall frame. He handed me the jar, and as I took it from his hands he peered at me curiously.

“So I don’t think I’ve seen you around here before. And I make it a habit to familiarize myself with pretty women," he said. I laughed. This man was charming, I could give him that.

“No, I don’t think we’ve ever met before. I’ve only just moved here a few days ago,” I responded. His brown eyes peered down at me, and he smiled.

“Well in that case, I’d like to welcome you to Arizona. My name is Austin,” he said “Austin Gibbs.” He raised his hand for me to shake. How ironic. Of course the first person I’m going to meet after leaving Austin is going to be named Austin.

I chuckled, taking his calloused hand in mine and shaking it. “It’s nice to meet you, Austin. My name is Jae Beck.”

Austin looked down at me before smiling once more.

“Would you like to get some coffee, Jae?” he asked. “After you finish up here, that is.”

He can’t be serious. He’s known me for less than five minutes.

“You don’t even know me. And I don’t know you. For all you know I could be some psycho on the run from the CIA,” I responded. Austin laughed.

“Well, maybe I want to get to know you. Besides, you said you just moved here. You can’t have met that many people. Plus, you’re cute,” he said, smirking. “But that’s just a bonus.”

I couldn’t help but laugh at his antics. It seemed as if this man was really just a teen boy trapped inside a grown up body.

“Okay,” I replied. “Fine. I’ll have coffee with you. First I need to drop all of this,” I gestured to my cart, “off at my apartment. I’ll meet you in one hour at that café on the corner of Main and Sixth Street.” I said, knowing that if I could at least have Jazz with me, I would be more comfortable about having coffee with a stranger.

Austin shrugged. “Works for me,” he said. “Just don’t flake out on me, okay?”

I started pushing my basket down the aisle, away from him. I peered over my shoulder at him.
“And ruin the chance of making a friend? Never.”


After stopping by my tiny living quarters and picking up Jazz, I made my way to the café I had not been to since my second day here. I was almost hoping the green-eyed man would be there, but deep down I knew the chances of that happening were slim to none.

Austin looked surprised to see Jazz by my side as I walked in the door. He was sipping from a steaming mug of coffee as I slid into a seat across from him. Jazz sniffed at his boots and he rubbed her head and scratched behind her ears.

“And who is this, might I ask?” he asked after greeting me.

“Her name is Jazz,” I replied. It seemed as though Jazz had taken a liking to Austin. She sat down at his feet, resting her head on his outer thigh, no doubt in complete heaven as he continued to pet her.

“How old is she?”

“She’s five. I got her for my high school graduation present. She’s been my constant companion since then.” Austin nodded his head in response, and took another sip of his coffee, and I looked down to see he had ordered a cup of coffee for me as well. I opted out of sugar and cream, and took a drink out of my own mug.

I set my cup down on the table and looked at Austin for a few moments before deciding to break the silence.

“So why exactly did you invite me out for coffee, Austin?” I asked.

He looked down, tracing patterns on the table cloth. “Well,” he started, “you said you were new here and I know what it’s like to move to a new place and not know anyone. I figured you could use a friend. It’s what I would want someone to do for me.”

I smiled at him, and he just grinned back at me.

“Thank you,” I said. “I’m not really the type of person to make fast friends, so I would probably have been living here for a while before getting to know someone.”

Austin grinned at me, showing off his pearly whites. “I’m happy to be of service, Jae," He said. "But if we’re going to be friends I should know a little bit about you, don’t ya think? Tell me about yourself. Where did you move from?”

I bit my lip, and pondered what all I should say about where I’ve been, the places I’ve seen, and the things I've experienced. Jazz moved over to where I was sitting, nudging my hand with her nose, as if to tell me everything was okay. On instinct I started petting her silky fur.

“I’m originally from Virginia Beach, Virginia, but I was living in Austin, Texas the past few months, and I decided I needed a chance of scenery. I packed up my things and just started driving. About 20 hours later I ended up here. I also think it’s kind of ironic that the first person to decide to befriend me would be named Austin,” I said, letting out a laugh, “But hey, maybe the fates are trying to tell me something.”

He chuckled. “That they are Jae. That they are.”

I don’t know how long I sat in that café, talking and laughing with Austin Gibbs, but by the time we
parted ways I had drank three more cups of coffee. Most importantly though, I had made a new friend, and that is just what I need.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm sorry about the slow update!! I just finished this chapter literally 5 minutes ago. I'll be working on the next one this week, and I'll try to get another chapter out by next weekend!! John will be in that one, but we can all just appreciate Gibbs in this one. :)
Also I can't believe I have TWENTY NINE SUBSCRIBERS?!?!
And thanks to IndigoGirl8123 for commenting on the last chapter!!
Comments are loved forever and ever and motivate me.
