Status: One Shot

My Luna

My Luna

Once there was a king that ruled over his kingdom day and night. A king who never slept so his people would feels safe. A king who chased away all that was dark and scarey. A king that was bright and full of light.
Even in such a bright kingdom, there was darkness. In a cave, in a mountain, where the light could not reach darkness grew. However, it was contained. It was not light so it may not enter the kingdom of light.
One day a women of young age passed by the cave. She had been warned to stay away, just like all of the lights people, but she did not listen. The darkness within the cave tempted her. Called to her and seduced her to enter. The young women did, the darkness took a human form, and seduced the women to lie with it. The darkness made sure before the women left she was with child.
The women then left the cave not knowing what happened, not knowing she was carrying a baby. But as time passed she started to grow, people took notice. The women was not wed so no one knew who the father was, but as was well in the kingdom of light. Neighbors helped neighbors without judgement.
When the baby was born. It was a shock. She had not been showing for very long but the child grew very quick. This had peaked the kings interest. Things simply did not grow that quick. Light had kept an eye on the child since her birth to women hood. He had grown fond of the child, as he was fond of all his people, and all his people were find of the child.
But, when the child reached women hood, she began to struggle. The darkness was trying to consume her. When she was a child it was nearly powerless because of all the innocence a child holds, but once she became a women she lost most of it. She did her very best to hold on to as much as she could, but it was becoming hard. This is when she began speaking to the king.
She voiced her worries, and had long, one sided conversations, with the king. For he was to far to reply, but close enough to listen. The kings fondness grew with every conversation. It grew into more than fondness, it grew into love. The king began to notice the little things about her that he did not notice before. How when she smiled it would bring others happiness and if she was sad others where sad along with her. How when she was confused she would wrinkle her nose and others would offer explanation. She would make a fit queen.
But then she became sick. The darkness was overwhelming her and her human body could no longer take it and began breaking down. This effected his people and the king himself immensely. So much that he ventured down, just once, for a visit.
He condensed the young women to let him help. That maybe if he touched her with his light that she would get better, and she could rule with him. She accepted his offer graciously and the king held out his hand and the women took it. Then everything went dark.
For a few moments no one saw anything. until she came into sight, not as bright as the king but more beautiful. The king was no where to be found. The women was sad, she was all by herself, to far away to speak but close enough to hear.
Then there was a glimpse of light, and the women, she knew, it was he, her king. but then she felt her breathe grow shallow, and as one cannot exist without the other, one cannot live while the other does. It was the curse of the darkness. With her last breath she whispered an apology.
She saw the kings smile and said "I would die a thousand times to let you live. Until tomorrow my Luna."
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It is like one at night it it popped up on my dash and suddenly I just had to write it. The story was worth writing. Don't you love it when that happens? When you just need to write it out because it just hits you. Please comment and tell me what you think, I would love to know how I did and what you thought of it.