Haunted by His Memory

I can't do this anymore..

She dreamed of him, of them. Her dreams were filled with Regie. He was everywhere at once, surrounding her. A baby was in her dreams too, one that seemed so perfect. It had his hair and her eyes, his nose and her mouth. They were happy in her dream, but they would never have this kind of happiness in reality because she was now alone. Grace had absolutely no one, and nobody could understand the kind of pain this was putting her through.

More dreams followed. Regie was in every single one of them. Though in reality she was breaking, in her dreams she was almost whole again, almost happy again. It was almost as if, even in death, he was still somehow there and he still loved her. She tried to make herself believe that, that he was still there and still loved her, and that he wouldn’t want to see her breaking down like this. Though she tried with all her might to force herself out of that hospital bed and back into the world, she couldn’t do it, not without Regie by her side.