Status: Oneshot

Yes, My Lord


"Sebastian!"The pale young blue-eyed male cried.

Within seconds, through the doors appeared a tall lanky butler with sleek long black hair.He walked towards his young master and bowed in respect,his devilish smirk never leaving his lips.

"Yes,master?" His tone was deep and taunting.

"Fetch me some tea."

"Yes,my Lord"Sebastian answered before disappearing to the kitchen.

He sighed once Sebastian left. Tomorrow was his eighteenth birthday.This was supposed to be a big moment for him, so why didn't he care.Lizzie had been bugging him all week about having a ball. He huffed and looked down at the files sprawled out over his desk. The clear blue ring on his middle finger. He had grown a lot over the last couple years. He glanced at his left hand and sighed once again. Elizabeth over came his thoughts. I don't want to be married yet, and similar thoughts circled around his head. There was a knock on the door.

"Come in" His voice sounded almost pained.

The door creaked open and in came the tall slim butler. He placed the tray of tea to the side and took out a tea set. He filled the small cup with a fragrant tea. He placed the tea in front of Ciel.

"Anything else,My Lord?"His voice still taunting and-...suggesting. The hairs on the back of Ciel's neck responded and sent shivers down his neck.

"N-No. You may leave."Ciel grunted out.

Sebastian nodded, grabbed the tray of tea, and left.As the door closed Ciel released a breath he didn't realize was being held. He's been acting-....Different lately, Ciel thought. Maybe it was because my birthday. Maybe its because-...NO, he stopped. He refused to have his mind tainted with naughty thoughts. I'm a man.

He shook his head and sipped some tea. Ciel placed his attention back into the files he was looking through.


The sun was long gone and the moon was up high. Its a full moon,Ciel thought. He put all the paper work together with a paper clip and tucked it away in his desk.There was a heavy knock at the door, before it swung open. It revealed Sebastian, holding onto a candle. The candle lit up the dim hallway.

"Young master, It is time to retire."

"Yes.I will bathe first."Ciel said and pulled himself off his chair. He walked into the hallway, with Sebastian in tow.

They entered the bathing room and Sebastian started preparing the bath. Once he finished he walked over to Ciel. Something was different. Something has changed as Sebastian undressed the small toned male. Ciel's skin was blushed and Sebastian's hands began to linger. Sebastian took his time and leaned down, removing what was left of Ciel's clothing. He placed his hands over Ciel's face and removed his eye patch,reveling to beautiful blue eyes. He chucked as he saw his mark in the younger mans right eye. Ciel stood there, blushed and bare under the candlelight. Sebastian's eyes seemed to be assessing every part of the younger males body.

"Would you like me to help you in, master?"

Sebastian's voice almost made Ciel jump.He shook his head an slowly entered the steaming hot water. The heat of the water was unwinding and relaxing. Ciel moaned and rolled his head back as his muscles were relieved. All the tension in his body evaporated. He heard a dark chuckle and his eyes snapped open .His cheeks were once again dusted with a lovely pink.

Sebastian removed his gloves and removed his tailcoat. He rolled up his white sleeves ,then collected the soap.Ciel felt his body heat up as Sebastian grew closer. He dropped to his knees and looked expectantly at his master. The younger male blushed deeper and turned his back towards Sebastian.

Sebastian roamed Ciel's back,lathering it with soapy bubbles. He rubbed his hands over Ciel's small shoulders, then down his chest. Rubbing over his small pink nipples,down to his stomach. He stopped teasingly. Ciel whimpered.

"Don't tease me!"He demanded.

Sebastian slid his fingers lower, past his bellybutton. He could feel his finger tips whisk the tip of Ciel's pubes.Ciel moaned feverishly. Sebastian leaned his head forward, leaning into Ciel's neck. Ciel through his head back in ecstasy as Sebastian grabbed his manhood.

"S'bastian"Ciel cried.

Sebastian started to pump his hand around Ciel's lovely length.Sounds of pleasure escaped the younger mans mouth. Begging for more,pleading for faster. He was close. His back arched and Sebastian started to nibble on his neck. His legs were spread wantonly, thrusting up into Sebastian's awaiting hand.He couldn't take it any longer!

"A-AHH MM-NHG"Ciel cried as he squirted thick ropes of cum into the water.

Sebastian moved his hands to Ciel's thighs and waited for the young virgin to come down from his high. Once Ciel calmed, he lifted him out of the bath and dried him.

" Carry me to my room"He demanded,tiredly.

"Yes,my lord."

"You wont leave until I say so!"

"Yes,my lord"

"That's an order."

"Yes,my Lord."
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GAH! They are soo cute! I may do a little sequel :-/ If I have motivation and time!