Wendy's Tale


"Would you like more tea Mrs Chichester?"

Jenny giggled as she poured a cup of pretend tea into a small cup in front of Wendy. Wendy nodded and gave a little giggle. It was fun having a pretend tea part with Jenny. There had been real cake and glasses of milk to drink but they had finished eating the cake an hour ago. Wendy was now feeling very full and a little tired, but Jenny said she wanted to play and Wendy liked Jenny so she agreed to join in the fun.

There were others at the tea party too. Mr Ruffles, the teddy bear. He didn't say much at all. Wendy had tried to engage him in some conversation but he just tipped over on to his side and said nothing in return, so she thought she would let him rest. Then there were the dolls Milly and Tilly, they smiled a lot but did nothing else. Jenny said they liked going shopping for clothes and shoes. Wendy was fascinated when Jenny told her about their shopping adventures. They had gone for a ride on something called a bus, which was a large machine on wheels which people travelled to different places in. One day they had even gone to the beach and Mr Ruffles came too but Jenny said he was not very happy as he got sand in his paws.

"Oooh" said Jenny, noticing some small twigs caught up in Wendy's whiskers.

"Would you like me to remove those? They must be very uncomfortable."

Wendy nodded and fluttered over to Jenny. She trusted Jenny. She meant Wendy no harm.

Jenny bit her lip in excitement. This funny little creature was going to let her touch it. This little moustache was Jenny's special friend. She had to keep her safe and she was Jenny's little secret. She had to make sure no one, not even her grandmother knew about Wendy.

Wendy landed gently in Jenny's lap and looked up at her giving her a quiet little trill. Jenny giggled and started to remove the twigs. The moustache's whiskers felt very soft, not at all like how Jenny had imagined how they would feel. Once she had removed the last of the twigs she wondered whether the moustache would let her stroke it. Her heart beat hard in her chest as she started to stroke Wendy. She could feel her fingers tingle with excitement. Her heart gave a leap of joy when Wendy started purring. Jenny was so happy. This little moustache was hers and she would look after it forever.

The gentle touch of Jenny's fingers made Wendy feel very sleepy. She closed her eyes. Her tummy was full and she was feeling very tired. She liked being here with Jenny. She closed her eyes and started to daydream. She was soon in another place, it seemed real but distant. She was with a man. It seemed like she knew him, but she did not know his name. He had a lovely kind face and smiled a lot. Why couldn't Wendy remember his name? Jenny's hand stroked Wendy's whiskers again. That felt so nice, thought Wendy. Maybe I should just go to sleep. Maybe he is just someone from a dream. Just someone I made up, It was so comfortable here in Jenny's lap. She was with jenny now, she didn't want to be anywhere else.


"Oh no... not something else!" muttered Tom. He had forgotten where he had put his diary. He was sure Loki had shown it to him earlier. Now what had he done with it? He had not taken Loki's warning about his memory failing seriously. No this was just plain silly, he could not have forgotten where he had put his diary. He needed to call someone and their details he had hastily written in it. He never let anyone down. He scratched his head. He was very confused.

Events had calmed down with the Wendys after breakfast. They had now settled down to watch the television. Loki was sitting in an armchair next to them. He stared hard at them unsmiling. He was not happy with Tom's suggestion of making friends with them, but he could put up with sitting next to them... Just. Sparkz was sitting on the top of the other armchair glaring back at Loki. The other Huggles had put an old black and white movie on and were watching silently as a dramatic scene unfolded. They held on to each others whiskers for reassurance as the main villain of the movie had succeeded in incapacitating the hero. They had their favourite movie food, popcorn, in front of them in a bowl. Which was the usual when they watched the television. As the music swelled and the drama intensified they would reach for the popcorn, eyes glued to the movie. They munched it as quietly as they could.

Loki's eyes fixed on Tom.

"Looking for something?" He asked.

"Shhhh" the Huggles hissed at Loki. He was now disturbing their movie. They tossed a few bits of popcorn at him.

Loki glared back at them, then he rose from his chair. Under Tom's advice he had changed from wearing pyjamas to a shirt and jeans. Not as comfortable as the pyjamas but Tom said that this attire would be more suitable to wear during the day. Loki had not disagreed. He walked over to Tom.

He gazed over to the Wendys, scowled then looked back at Tom.

"Looking for something?"

"Yes" replied Tom. "My diary. You had it in your hand earlier. I've checked the bedroom, and it's not there. I have not moved it, have you seen it?"

Loki shook his head. "No I have not."

Tom looked flustered. Loki tried not to show he had noticed. Tom scratched his head again. He had never let anyone down before. This was so unlike him and he was not happy. He looked back at Loki.

"It's happening isn't it? I am staring to lose my memory?"

"It seems that that may be the case." replied Loki flatly.

"We have to act now. I do not know how quickly things will get worse. We must look for your friends."

Tom looked at Loki. He was right. As much as he disliked the thought of walking around London with Loki he had no other choice. He could not leave him in the apartment. Not with the Wendys behaving the way they were.

"If we are to leave this place I will need something to cover this clothing." Loki said pointing to his shirt.

"Jackets...yes. They are in the bedroom. You ok to find them?" replied Tom still slightly flustered.

Loki nodded and headed off to the bedroom. Once he was there he closed the door behind him. His eyes searched the room. He noticed the duvet cover move. He smiled.

"My little friends, I wish to speak to you."

The Lip Lurkers slowly emerged from underneath the duvet and fluttered over to Loki. They landed on his outstretched hand.

"Did you do as I asked and hide the book?"

The Lip Lurkers chuckled quietly and nodded.

Loki smirked. "Excellent. I am very pleased with you."

He dropped a couple of pieces of popcorn the Huggles had thrown at him into his hand. The Lip Lurkers chuckled again and ate it hungrily.

"Now make sure it is kept well hidden. I need Thomas to do as I need him to do. Now back to your hiding place."

The Lip Lurkers fluttered off. Loki turned and walked to the wardrobe and selected two jackets. He then pulled the bedroom door closed behind him and walked back towards the living room.

Two small eyes watched him as he walked past the kitchen. Sparkz knew Loki was up to something. Why did he close the bedroom door? Sparkz decided he would have to keep a close eye on Loki. He did not want a Loki to hurt Tom. He waited in the kitchen just long enough for Loki to get back to the living room then he fluttered over to where Loki had draped the jackets across the back of one of the armchairs. He slowly and carefully worked his way into one of the pockets and waited...