Status: :) R&R and I love you.



We didn't talk about it.

I sit in the back seat of the taxi. I stare outside the clean window. It's raining outside. The plane landed 30 minutes late due to the bad weather. It caused me to freak out, and Zak had to do his best, trying to calm me down.

He hasn't said a word about what happened in the airplane. Aaron and Nick seemed to be a bit concerned, who knows if they still are. But Zak somehow.. He just.. Understood. He didn't have to comment on it, he didn't want to. And I am grateful to him for not bringing it up again.

It's embarrassing. I am not like that. I am not some stupid girl who cries about her bad childhood to every person she talks to. No. I have learned how to take care of my self, how to shut the fuck up and be quiet. I hope Zak hasn't gotten the whole wrong image about me.

Aaron and Nick are having a kind of 'are we there yet'- conversation. And it shouldn't be too hard to guess that it's Aaron who's hungry (lolz when is he NOT hungry?) and Nick is the parent telling his son that no, we are not at the hotel yet.

"Are we there yet?" Aaron asks once again. Nick rolls his eyes. "No. Aaron, for the last time, we are stuck in the traffic lights and no, we are not there yet." Aaron fakes a sob and rubs his eyes with his fingers. "But I'm hungry!" Nick doesn't say anything, just chuckles. Probably thinking like me. It's AARON. He is always hungry. "Fine. I'll just blame you if I die of starvation. No, even better. I'll write it in my tombstone. 'Starved to death because of Nick Groff and Billy Tolley. . And, Zak Bagans.'"

"What's that pause before Zak's name?" Nick grins and laughs. Aaron shrugs and smirks. "He's not even listening at all." He pokes Zak in the shoulder and Zak blinks sleepily a few times. "What is it?" He says tiredly. "Bro, anybody home?" Aaron tries to knock Zak in the forehead, but Zak is too fast. He grabs Aaron's hand and smacks Aaron in the face with his own hand. "Stop hitting yourself." I burst out laughing. Just like in kindergarten, you know.. "Dude, not cool!" Aaron says and then laughs.

After a minute or so the taxi starts moving again. And Aaron starts again. "Are we there yet?" He asks Nick, causing us all to roll our eyes. "Aaron!" Billy says and snorts. "Aaron, we'll get you pizza once we get there. Just.. shut the fuck up!" Zak says. "Yaaaaaay, pizzaaaa!!" Aaron screams and waves his hands in the air. Then, suddenly, he pulls out his phone. "Aaron's vlo-" Nick hits Aaron in the back. "Put it away." Aaron laughs. "Nope." "Put. It. Away." He smacks Aaron in the shoulder. "No way, bro. Not gonna happen." Nick glares at Aaron, but then just chuckles. "So, we're in WASHINGTOOOOON. More important: We're gettin' pizza in a few!!" I roll my eyes. "And Aaron's hungry, as always", I comment. Aaron turns his phone camera on me. "This is NAD, my new best friend!" I wave at the camera. "Okay, enough of that. We're in the cab, I am hungry and Nick's being a dick. And this is GAC from Washingtooooon. And, Aaron's vlog!!" Nick glares again at Aaron and tries to smack him again. Aaron giggles. GIGGLES. Then the taxi pulls over in front of a grey tower block. Zak pays the driver something like 10 dollars for the ride from airport to the hotel. We get up, and get our stuff from the trunk.

I have a million bags, and well.. I'm a girl so I have to be prepared for everything that might happen, but is not going to happen anyway. I grab my purse and my suitcase and try to follow Nick inside. But I also have a smaller bag full of stuff, so I somehow manage to drop my suitcase. I curse, pick it up and try again. Billy opens the door for us. "Bye, guys, gonna see you tomorrow!" He waves at us and then disappears somewhere. I learned that he will be staying at his friend, because he doesn't like hotels too much.

I step inside in a small hallway and notice millions of stairs. "Oh, fuck." I squeeze the handle of my suitcase and follow Zak in the first floor. He goes in the reception to get us room keys. He soon returns. "So, we're on fifth floor.." He says. FUCK. Four more floors to go with a mountain of luggage.

I have to stop in the second floor to rest a bit. It's only until when Zak comes and grabs my suitcase. "Heey.." I say, trying to stop him, but Zak just laughs. "If I let you carry that, we'll never get on the fifth floor.." I roll my eyes, but say him quick thanks. And, it's true. We make it on the fifth floor a lot faster than with me carrying my suitcase.

"Okay, here are our room keys.. How do we share the rooms?" Zak asks.

"Aaron, what are you doing?" I ask when I notice that he's doing something with his phone cam. "People need to see this pizza!" He says and grins. So, it seems that Aaron wanted to have a pizza so bad and now he's refusing to eat it. He has been taking either a video or pictures of his FOOD for the last five minutes.

"Zak?" Nick asks, and looks over. Zak is playing with his phone. "Better not to disturb him. He's spending time with his best buddy", Aaron says and snorts. I grin. "Twitter."

"Hey, guys, look at this. My pizza's smiling!" Aaron says for the fifth time. "Aaron..", I start. "I know, I know.." He says and grins. Zak (finally) stops playing around with his phone and he pockets it.

We are sitting in a pretty crowded and small pizzeria, pretty close to our hotel. I am eating a pizza that has tomatoes and something green on it. Yeah, I am a vegetarian, so pepperoni pizza is out of the question. I tried to explain Aaron for twenty minutes why I am a vegetarian, but he still didn't get it. The confused look on his face always makes me laugh.

Before going out we shared the rooms. We all have our own, small rooms, right next to each other. In the end of the hallway, there is my room. The next one is Zak's, then Nick's and finally Aaron's. The hotel seems pretty empty at this time of the year, and especially when it's not even a weekend. At least we don't have to deal with crowd in the hallways or something.

I eat my pizza slowly and wonder why it's to quiet, usually it's never quiet with these guys. Either Aaron is joking or they are just laughing at the dumbest things on earth. Really. But I enjoy their company very much. And I am grateful that I can be this far away from my home, Vegas and especially from my dad. I wonder what he'd do if he knew that I actually lost my first job, and it was the only job so far he didn't say was either bad or devils job. If he knew that I work with ghost hunters.. Well..

"So Nad, soon is the lockdown. Excited?" Aaron asks, his mouth full of pepperoni pizza. "Nope, you are the ones locked inside the haunted house, not me." I smirk and Aaron laughs. "True thing, Nad." In fact, I am a bit nervous. I would sit in the basement with Billy, for at least most of the night. And I would make sure that everything works like it should, like cameras and computers. Billy would look after the equipment and audio. Because, when it comes to stuff like EVP, I really have no idea how it works. For most of the EVP stuff I've seen, to me it sounds like a weird bunch of electronic voices. Not my thing.

"We'll take a bus to the lockdown location at 11:15 am. We'll start with interviews.. I've got a list of people, who've had some experiences. We'll need to find more, though.." Nick says, cutting his pizza with a knife while he speaks. I nod automatically, even though he's probably talking to Zak.

After eating we head back to the hotel to get some sleep. Tomorrow is the hardest day, and probably the most boring one. I hear that not even a half of the people have had paranormal experiences. And Zak, Nick and Aaron always need to find the stories they think might be true and separate them from the ones they think aren't true. Sometimes people tell lies just to get their five minutes in fame. I think it's stupid. Because if you'd watch Zak and his friends doing it, you'd notice that they do this with their full hearts. It's a real passion for them. They don't really do it for money or fame. I have started to believe that they are really just looking for answers, that cannot be found on this side, this world of ours.

I walk with them upstairs. We stop in the fifth floor hallway, right in front of our rooms. Zak is stuck with his phone, he can't just put that damn thing in his pocket for a minute. I feel kinda jealous. He can spend too much time with his phone and that stupid Twitter of his, but none with me! I have known these guys for such a short time and I'd like to spend all the time we are together to getting to know them better. After all, I feel like I am now part of the team.. Or more like, a GAC family.. Even though I'm not a ghost hunter or any kind of expert of the paranormal.

I sneak at Zak silently. He doesn't rip his gaze off the fucking Twitter, so I guess he hasn't noticed me yet. I reach for his phone and grab it. Then I back up quickly.

Zak has slow reflexes. "HEY, NAD! Give me my phone back!" He shouts and looks slightly annoyed, and also a bit amused in the same time. "Nope." I back up on the staircase. "Enough of the Twitter.." He shakes his head. "No, NAD, come HERE AND GIVE IT TO ME." I just shake my head and dare to show him my tongue. "Want it?" I provoke. "YES", he shouts and holds out his hand. Don't you think I'll give it to you that easily, Zak Bagans. "Then come and get it."

I don't have to say it twice. Zak runs after me, and I start running down the stairs as fast as I can. I don't have enough time to look where's Zak, but I don't actually even have to. I can HEAR him. His steps are so loud that he sounds more like an elephant than a human. "Stop, Nad, gimme my phone!" He shouts. I can hear laughter in his voice. "Nope.." I keep running. I feel pretty tired and exhausted, but I can't give in that easily.

Too soon I reach the first floor. I run towards the door that leads outside on the street. "Nadine! You come back here with my phone!" I hear Zak yell somewhere nearby. I prepare to push the door open and run outside, but once I reach the door, I notice a tiny problem: It's locked.
Oh, fuck.

I can hear and see Zak jump down the last steps. "Trapped?" He says. I just show him my tongue again. "Poor thing, all helpless.." He continues. I roll my eyes. "Whatever, I've still got your phone!" I back up against the glass of the door. It feels cold against my hands. For a moment I think about doing something with his phone, like tweeting a lie about the size of his dick. But I don't have enough time to do that. Zak get's closer and closer, like a tiger that's planning to kill a zebra.. "Guess what. If you gimme my phone now, I wont have to revenge." I just shake my head and giggle. "You chose it yourself!" Zak says and then he attacks me.

He starts to tickle me. "Gonna gimme my phone now?" I giggle uncontrollably. I still manage to mumble a quick 'nope' somehow. He tickles me until I can't take it anymore. "Okay, okay, I'll surrender! Here's your stupid phone!" I reach my hand in my pocket and give him his phone. "Thank you", Zak says and steps a bit closer. "You thought that was my revenge? Nope." He holds out his hand and I notice something. My room key is in his hand. "Zak!" I shout. Zak Bagans, you sneaky little bastard.

He runs upstairs, I chase him in the fifth floor. I get out of the staircase just to hear the door of his hotel room being shut. I run at his door and start banging it with my fists. "Zak, gimme my keys." I hear him whistle on the other side. "Zak, I know you can hear me!" I am very exhausted and try to catch my breath after being tickled, and after chasing Zak all the way up here. Like, really, how can someone be that fit? He doesn't even sound exhausted.

"I am going to sleep tight, you're gonna sleep on the floor all night.." He sing songs. I bang the door. "Kay, if I wont sleep, neither will you." I hear a frustrated noise from the other side of the door. I keep banging the door with my fists. "You're gonna be so tired tomorrow that you can't even fix your hair!" I smirk and kick the door once.

After a minute or two of this treatment Zak gives up, unlocks his door and gives me my keys with a smirk. "Tomorrow.. I shall.. revenge.." He says dramatically and laughs. I grin at him. "We'll just see about that.."

"Well.. Good night Nad.. If you need anything, just knock on my door.." I nod and smile "Thanks, Zak, Night." I unlock my door and step inside. I see him still on the doorway of his room. He smiles, all alone in the dim light. And, I've got to admit: He looks pretty fucking hot there.

I sit in the basement. I stare at the computer screen on the table in front of me. "You can hear me, Nad?" I hear Aaron ask. "Yeah", I answer. We are testing the audio right now. Zak and Aaron are inside the mansion that is claimed to be haunted. Nick is still finishing with their interviews. Billy and I are working with the audio and computers.

We arrived here way past the midday. GAC team indeed did some interviews, after setting up some cameras. Right after that we, me and Billy, came in this small basement. My back hurts a bit after sitting here for good four hours, at least.

"Gonna eat something soon?" I hear Aaron ask Zak. I burst out laughing. AARON. I see Zak nod in the monitor. Six of the eight X-cams have been set and they are working. One of them is outside the mansion, shooting towards the door. Two are downstairs in the kitchen and in the living room area. One is shooting at the staircase where people have seen apparitions of a young girl. There is this story about a young girl who was pushed down the stairs and killed that way. She is claimed to be one of the ghosts who haunt this mansion.
One is shooting towards the basement door, because there is a very long and dark hallway, where people have claimed to hear knocking and footsteps. I am very happy that Billy will be with me in the basement.

The last working X-cam, the one we are testing at the moment, is placed upstairs in the girl's bedroom. People tell that stuff gets thrown there. I heard one of the people tell about a picture that always gets thrown on the floor during the night.

Two more X-cams will be set; one in the other end of the staircase, shooting at the hallway and one at the balcony on second floor, shooting at the door. One of the owners of this house once a snapped nice picture of a full body apparition there. Zak showed me and Billy the pic trough the X-cam earlier, and it really looked like a shadow woman standing IN the glass. Literally.

I hear footsteps in the hallway right on the other side of the door. "Time to eeeeat!" I hear Aaron shout. I hear someone jog behind him and I assume that to be Zak. They open the basement door and get inside. "You gonna sit here all day?" Aaron asks. "That was the plan", I answer and grin. I really could use a small walk or something, before sitting here for six or seven more hours. "Kay, Nick's gettin' us some food.. Gonna join us upstairs?" I look at Billy, who just nods. "Sure, why not?" I stand up and stretch my back. Outch.

We follow Aaron and Zak in the creepy hallway. It's really really dark and somehow there is this very uncomfortable feeling. Like someone was staring you, or something. It feels like when you are half asleep and someone is watching you. It causes me to shiver. I walk faster to get out of the hallway as soon as possible.

But, suddenly Zak stops and shushes us. "Did you guys hear that?" He asks excitedly. I blink a few times and try to look around. Of course I can't see anything. First of all, the basement floor is under the ground level, so it is very dark in here. I can hardly tell who is Zak and who is Billy. And, if there was someone who is no longer alive, I probably wouldn't see him. "Hear what?" Aaron asks and Zak shushes him again. We are all frozen.

I feel like a very cold blast of air. It goes straight trough me. Like a cold wind. But it can't be windy, because we are INSIDE. I don't say anything, just stand absolutely frozen. "I heard like singing.." I try to listen, but I only hear someone whistle. "Or whistling?" I ask, and I hear Zak shift uncomfortably. "Yeah.. Did you hear it?" I nod. "Yup.. Right over there.." I say and point towards the doorway that leads to the staircase. "It wasn't from upstairs, though.." Zak reaches for something in his pocket. "Walking walking walking." I hear him say, as he walks towards the doorway.

When I look closer I notice that he has something in his hand- A digital recorder. He is probably in hopes of catching the mysterious whistling on tape.

I step a bit closer to hear what he's saying. "Can you whistle again?" He stops for a while, and listens. I try to listen, too, but I can't hear anything unusual. I hear Aaron's breathing, Billy move a bit and my own heartbeat. And of course, Zak's voice. "Are you the girl who fell down the stairs?" Nothing again, just very very quiet. The atmosphere is heavy. "We mean you no harm!" Aaron says quite loudly, causing me to yelp and jump. I didn't realise that he walked that close to me.

"We are here to help you. Tell us your name!" Aaron shouts at Zak's recorder. "Use our energy to speak", Zak says. This time his voice is soft, comforting. "Is there someone in here you don't like? Tell us the name of the person you want out of here", Zak says. Then he waits for a moment before pausing the recorder.

He walks back at us. "No more whistling", Billy says disappointedly and Zak hits the play in his recorder. I hear only his voice and then sometimes Aaron's, but no whistling was captured on the recording. He listens a few times some of the questions, trying to hear something that obviously is not there. No EVPs. He listens to the last question and presses the recorder against his ear. "You have to listen to this guys!" He says suddenly excitedly and replays it. I am now able to hear it too.

"Is there someone in here you don't like?" There is a small pause, before Zak's next question. I hear a weird, raspy voice. Aaron snorts. You really can't make out what the voice is saying, something like NAAAAAH "Tell us the name of the person you want out of here." It's silent for a second or two, and I expect it to just be quiet. "Nadine."

"Oh my god, dude, it goes Na..Di..Ne!" Aaron shouts and laughs. I wonder what is funny about that? I hate being in the dark, and now the ghosts seem to hate me already. Maybe they are like animals. They can tell when someone is afraid of them. "It does..", Billy says. Zak steps closer to me and I can almost feel the heat of his skin. I yelp again at the thought of an angry evil spirit. "Don't worry", he whispers so that only I can hear it. He seems to be worried that I freak out and escape, or something. But I won't, this has become exciting. I won't let any evil spirits attack me.

"Okay, guys! Let's go eat!" Aaron shouts as he hears Nick's voice somewhere upstairs. "Yaaaaay", I say and run towards the doorway. I just want to get the hell out of here, at least for a while. Besides, I kinda feel hungry.