Warehouse Floor

it ends like this

Dean and Castiel die in each other’s arms on the floor of an abandoned warehouse in the middle of fucking nowhere with the faint smell of sulfur surrounding them from the demons who have long since left, their job done.

They thought they could handle it themselves, they really did, but there were more than they expected and it was just too much.

Even if Castiel hadn’t been human then, it would have probably ended up the same way.

It was pathetic and trivial and Dean was pissed because after all they’ve been through, they go like this? It was all going to end like this, offed by a hoard of demons in a fucking warehouse.

But he couldn’t think on it too much because his vision was fading and he couldn’t feel anything other than Castiel’s hand in his. He opened his eyes enough to blearily see Castiel’s face inches from his; bloody and beaten and eyes closed.

It wouldn’t be much longer because he heard how shallow their breathing was becoming and with what he had left he moved forward and pressed their lips together chastely and muttered, “Cas, Cas I love you.”

Cas’ eyes didn’t open, but his fingers twitched, and Dean knew he had heard.

“Make me a promise, okay? Promise me-” Dean spit out the blood that started to accumulate in his mouth, “Promise we’ll see each other again, please.”

As Dean slowly slipped from consciousness, the last thing he heard before he fell into nothingness was, “I promise. We will.”

They don’t.
♠ ♠ ♠
thanks for reading!