Take Care of You

One of One.

Louis was in their large bedroom reading when he heard the first cracks of thunder and knew Harry would be running into the room following the thunder. Like clockwork Harry ran into the room and jumped on the bed, getting under the covers and only poking his eyes and nose out.

"Louis!" Harry whined.

"What babe?" Louis asked glancing at his boyfriend.

"Come cuddle me."

Louis rolled his eyes, "You can't be scared already. It's barely even thundering."

"Louis." Harry whined.

Louis sighed and got up, "I'll be right there, okay?"

Louis walked over to the bed and kissed Harry's forehead before going into the bathroom. Upon exiting the bathroom Louis was clad in the dinosaur onesie the band received in their early days as a band. Louis put the hood up and held his hands like a T Rex and walked over to Harry, roaring the whole time.

"Louis!" Harry giggled. "What are you doing?"

"Louis hungry!" Louis growled heading over to the bed to attack Harry.

Harry yelled and scrambled out of bed, running from the bedroom with Louis hot on his heels. Louis continued to roar and chase after Harry who seemed to forget all about the storm. Louis chased Harry back to their bedroom and tackled Harry to the bed making Harry shriek. Louis lightly bit Harry's cheek making him laugh before he turned the soft bites into kisses. Harry giggled and squirmed away until Louis cupped Harry's head so he could give him a proper kiss. Harry stopped squirming and accepted Louis' kiss that always seemed to make him feel better. Another crack of thunder made Harry jump so Louis started to kiss Harry's neck.

"Sh, baby, don't focus on that. Just focus on me." Louis muttered against Harry's neck.

Harry nodded and closed his eyes, focusing on the feel of Louis' lips on his neck and occasionally his teeth and tongue smoothing over the bites. Harry groaned and brought a hand to grip Louis' hair tugging ever so slightly with each scrape of Louis' teeth. Once Louis felt like he made a sufficient love bite on Harry's neck he kissed back up to Harry's lips.

Harry tugged on Louis' onesie, "Off." he mumbled against his lips.

Louis laughed and started unbuttoning the onesie revealing that he's in one of Harry's shirts and his own boxer briefs. Harry groaned at the sight and brought Louis' face back to his to give him a long and hard kiss, a kiss that left Louis breathless.

"Fuck Harry."

Harry smirked and kissed up and down Louis' neck, "Problem?"

"Not at all." Louis muttered feeling boneless as Harry continued to work on his neck.

Not being able to keep himself up Louis fell beside Harry, bringing Harry on top of him. Harry used this new position to let his hands wander over Louis' body. Louis' hands wandered over Harry's body as well, often staying on his legs which made Harry smirk against Louis' lips. After Harry's lips were kissed red and swollen Louis maneuvered them so Harry was completely enveloped in Louis' and kissed the top of Harry's head.

"Baby?" Harry whispered licking his lips.


"Sing to me?"

Louis smiled and immediately started singing Between the Raindrops by Lifehouse. Harry smiled against Louis' chest and snuggled impossibly closer and allowed Louis' voice to lull him to sleep.


It was around four in the morning when Louis awoke and couldn't seem to fall back asleep. Not wanting to wake his sleeping boyfriend, Louis crept out of bed to make himself some tea. He was in the middle of making his tea when he heard the familiar padding of Harry's feet walking into the room.

"Lou? What's wrong? I woke up and you weren't there."

Louis sighed and opened his arms for Harry to walk into. "I'm sorry babe, I just couldn't sleep and didn't want to wake you."

Harry frowned and played with Louis' hair. "Is everything alright?"

"Yes babe, everything's fine. I'm just going to have a cup of tea."

Harry nodded and moved away from Louis so he could actually make his tea. Louis sat on a bar stool to which Harry immediately sat on his lap and placed chaste kisses on his boyfriend's cheek and neck. Once Louis was done drinking the two walked back into their bedroom. This time, Harry brought Louis into his arms.

"What are you doing Hazza?"

"Taking care of you. You took such good care of me last night during the storm. The least I could do is take care of you now."

Louis smiled and knew he wasn't going to argue with that so he snuggled up to Harry's side and allowed Harry to run his hand through Louis' hair until he fell asleep, a smile on both of their faces.