Hiker's Tale

Chapter 1

Though the day was dry and dreary, high spirited Andy was already up and ready. Not one day could you catch this young man frowning in any way. Andy through a bag on his shoulder, quickly, and hurried to his friend, and hiking mate, to wake her up.

"Tricia?" He said, his eyes sparkling. Tricia only rolled over and groaned. "I'm going to go check into the store down the road for some supplies, kay?" His big brown eyes glistened as he waited for her approval, as if she were his strict mother.

"Yeah, yeah, sure..." Tricia answered rolling back over, exhausted from yesterday's hike. Tricia and Andy, as you may already know, were quite adventurous and ambitious. The both of them took an enormous fancy in hiking and exploring so the two of them consistently took hikes. Today, however, was a special day. Today was Tricia's birthday and Andy wanted nothing more than to make THIS weekend the best two days of Tricia's life.

With a short quick nod, Andy rushed out the door excitedly and started up the Jeep.

"Darn, Andy..." Tricia mumbled under her exhaustion, "Take it easy..." Though she knew he obviously couldn't hear her, she was very well aware that her annoyance towards Andy was clear to him. He didn't care. He loved the way he was. Free and Happy. What else could a man ask for?

Suddenly, breaking Tricia's long gaze out the window, the telephone began to ring. Tricia knew EXACTLY who was calling and why. Snatching the phone up, she answered in a quite aggravated tone.

"Hello Mom, no I didn't fall off a cliff, no I am not in the hospital aannndd-- yes, Andy and I are still hiking." Tricia said, not even asking who it was.

"Well... How is he?" Eva Harper, Tricia's step-mother, asked concerned.

"He is fine. He was just gonna drive down--"

"NOT HIM..." Mrs. Harper exclaimed, sounding disgusted. "Trevor..."

"Oh... Just as excited as Andy. He loves him by the way! Can't go a day without hugging him." Tricia replied, ecstatically. Trevor was Tricia's very loving 9 year-old son. She was a single mom, due to her husband's tragic death, and proud. She loved Trevor more than anything and always hoped the best for him.

"Well, where is he? Can I talk to him?" Mrs. Harper asked, almost demanding.

"Well..uh.." Tricia peered around the room. Noticing that Trevor was gone she began to panic. "I'm not sure, one sec!" Tricia slammed the phone down, hanging up on her quite frantic mother, and rushed out the door. "TREVOR!" She called, very scared. Andy hadn't driven away yet and she knew that he would know the EXACT location of Trevor, since Andy was very good friends with him. Tricia rushed to the Jeep's window before he drove and knocked very hard, making Andy jump. Andy frantically rolled the window down and peered curiously into her eyes.

"Wh-what? What is it, are you okay?" Andy said, his big brown eyes sparkling once more.

"Yeah, uh..." Tricia rubbed her hair out of her face, very strained. "Is Trevor around here?" She looked distressed to the point of crying. Andy knew she was overreacting because Trevor had only gone for a second, but then again, that's the typical single mom with one child.

"Yeah!" Andy said, smiling his big white smile. His jerked his thumb to the back seat where Trevor was sitting and waving. The innocence of the boy was so similar to Andy's personality that Tricia almost always forgot who she was REALLY parenting.

"Oh, thank God!" She exclaimed and flung the car door open to where Trevor was sitting. She wrapped her arms around his head and glared at Andy. "Next time you intend to kidnap my only child to a sporting good store... TELL ME...." Tricia kissed Trevor's head and let go, nervously. "Don't get lost!" She told Andy, as if he was just learning to drive.

"Please, Trish..." He said, shaking his head and starting up the car. He backed out of the driveway and was on his way. "How are ya back there, Trev?" He asked, smiling in the rear view mirror at the cheery young boy.

"Fine." Trevor replied smiling back.

"You ready for your mom's big birthday hiking trip?" He asked, child-like.

"YEAH!" The little boy exclaimed, excitedly.

"Y'know, Trev. Just a few more years and you'll be able to sit up here with me, like a big boy!" Andy loved getting Trev excited about trying new things. Trevor hadn't been on a big hike before and Andy wanted to make both Tricia and Trevor have the most wonderful time.

"And then a few years after that and I'll be driving YOU around!" Trevor said, giggling innocently. Andy smiled and laughed with him, cheerfully. The Jeep's wheels screeched as they pulled up into the parking lot of the cabin like store just for hikers. The whole team, Trevor, Tricia and Andy, all lived out in the woods where the most excellent scenery was found. Of course, that was their intention. Everyday they hiked. Even if it was just their backyard. Everything there was as pretty as the famous Niagara falls.

"$1,756." The cashier told them after swiping the last water bottle. Andy, looking a little disappointed, handed the man the money. They had taken many trips, but this one he intended to make long and hard so he needed new equipment. Not to mention the presents and cake he got for her.

"Thank you, sir. Have a good day." He said, kindly. He was a very charming, kind young man. And Trevor was the same way. Since they spent so much time together, their personalities were almost identical. Andy stopped Trevor right before the car and bent down next to him, almost seriousness was showing in his sweet face. "Now, Trev... Listen to me okay...?" He said, almost in a whisper. "This trip is going to be difficult because we are treading in woods and rough terrain. I want you to know this because at any time before we leave, you can decide not to go. But at any time we've left, there's no going back, okay?" Trevor nodded. He knew Andy was serious about this, unlike many things. "Alright!" Andy said, smiling again and tapping Trevor's cheek. "You can do it, TROOPER!" He exclaimed. Trevor smiled and laughed. "C'mon! Together!" Andy said, and the two began chanting together, not knowing what could lie ahead of their journey.