One More Night

One of One

"So how long will you be gone?" Harry asked Louis as he packed a bag. 

"Just one night Harry and I should be home tomorrow evening for dinner."

Harry sighed and nodded, "Okay baby. I'm sorry for acting like this. I just haven't slept without you in so long."

"Babe..." Louis whispered, his hand reaching out to pull Harry closer to him. "I can try to be back tonight. It'll be late but you won't have to sleep alone." 

"No." Harry shook his head. "Lottie really wants to see you and I know the other girls and your mom does too. Your sister only turns 18 once."

Louis groaned, "Don't remind me."

Harry laughed and kissed Louis forehead, "Sorry babe. But they'll all have to grow up." 

Louis sighed, "Well they should just stop. It's not fair." 

Harry laughed again and ran his hands through Louis' hair causing Louis to sigh and wrap his hands fully around his boyfriend. 

"Are you going to be alright tonight?" 

Harry nodded, "Yes I am. It's just one night, right?"

"One night." Louis repeated.

"I'll be fine, Lou bear. We'll be fine." Harry clarified.

Louis nodded and somehow managed to get Harry to help him finish the last of his packing before he was off with a long kiss and a promise to call him later that night (and to text him all through out the day). The couple have been away from each other for a few hours a day so Harry knows he'll be able to handle it just fine but he's never liked sleeping alone. Louis hasn't made Harry sleep by himself since the two became a couple so tonight will definitely be a challenge for Harry and he's just happy it'll only be one night. 


It was nearing eleven o'clock and Louis was finally retiring to bed so he could call Harry. He hoped Harry was doing alright, afraid the distance and the lack of warmth in the bed was making Harry sad. Louis was more sad than he thought he would be if he was being honest. He always prided himself on being realistic and being able to do his own things even when he isn't single. However this day away from Harry has been the hardest thing he's had to do in a very long time. Even though he was texting Harry all day he still seemed so far away from him and he just couldn't wait to hear Harry's voice on the phone. Although he felt like breaking down every second he knew he had to be strong for his boyfriend because he just knew Harry needed Louis to be strong for both of them. 

Once Louis was finally settled in bed he called Harry and smiled immediately upon hearing his boyfriends voice.

"You alright, babe?" Louis asked.

"Miss you Lou bear. I'm so cold."

"I'm really sorry Harry, why don't you put on one of my jumpers?"

Harry hesitated answering, "I already have." he finally stated. 

Louis smiled and shook his head, not believing his boyfriend could be so cute. Just wanting to make Harry smile Louis started telling Harry a recount of what happened at Lottie's birthday that had Harry crying from laughing so much. The two continued to talk about their days and anything random that popped into their minds until they were so tired they were hardly talking. Louis could tell Harry was falling asleep on the phone but trying not to so he tried to convince Harry to just go to sleep.

"But once we hang up I'll be all alone and I can't do it, Louis, I just can't."

"Sh, baby it's alright. It's alright. Why don't you just fall asleep on the phone? I'll sing to you."

"I can't do that. That's rude."

"Sweetheart, you're going to have to sleep at some point."

Harry sighed and bit his lip to try to stop himself from crying. "Okay fine. Just text me until I fall asleep okay?"

"Of course baby. I love you."

"I love you too."

Louis hung up the phone then, knowing just saying 'goodnight' or 'bye' would upset Harry further. Like he promised Louis texted Harry until Harry fell asleep which left Louis feeling quite alone. He reread their text messages and even listened to some songs Harry's recorded only for him but nothing worked. Sighing, Louis got up and turned on a lamp so he could get one of Harry's jumpers from his bag. Upon getting the jumper out, Harry found the puppy stuffed animal Harry made him years ago on one of their first dates. No doubt Harry packed it while Louis wasn't looking and Louis couldn't help but find the act completely endearing. Louis slipped the jumper on and held the puppy close to his chest as he turned the light off and got comfortable in bed once more. Now feeling like Harry was close to him, Louis finally fell asleep looking forward to seeing his boyfriend the next day. 


Harry paced the living room waiting for Louis to arrive back from his trip. He asked Louis when he would be arriving and all he said was soon and their 'soon' could be very different from each other. Harry was just itching to get back into Louis' arms and to feel Louis' lips on his own, he could hardly stand the feeling of being so alone. Just as he was making another turn about the room he heard the door handle moving. Harry let out an embarrassing shriek and ran to the door. He threw the door open and jumped on Louis, covering Louis' face with kisses. Louis held Harry to his chest and finally kissed the lips he's missed. They both sighed into the kiss and held onto each other as close as possible, only breaking from each other to breathe. 

"Missed you." Louis breathed nuzzling his nose against Harry's. 

Harry giggled and repeated the action, "Missed you too boo bear. Now come in here so we can cuddle."

Louis laughed and followed his eager boyfriend into their flat, "Yeah cuddling that puppy wasn't really the same."

Harry stopped walking and spun around giggling, "You found him?"

"Yes I did and I think it's adorable you snuck him in there."

Harry giggled again and shrugged, "I knew you were going to have a hard time and not tell me so I hoped the puppy would work."

Louis shook his head and kissed Harry's nose, "You know me too well. Now come on, I want to cuddle."

Harry giggled yet again and spun around, earning a slap on the ass from Louis as they headed to their bedroom. 

"Someones feeling a bit cheeky." Harry joked turning and winking at Louis.

"What are you going to do about it?" Louis asked.

Harry pretended to think as he sat on the bed, "Well get over here and you'll see."