Scream, Aim, Fire


Brian's P.O.V.

Aftter Brittney slapped me she ran. I quickly regret yelling at her. I then Heard Matt and Frank laughing.

"Your so pathetic for yelling at your love," Matt said.

"Shut up," I said.

"You should have let her go, she was happier with me," Matt said. I then saw Frank take another stake and throw it at me but I quickly dodged it and picked it up throwing it at Matt.

"AAAHHHHHH," he screamed before turing into dust. Frnak looked shocked. I then started running back to the mansion. Moments later I arrived at the mansion.

"Where's Brittney?" I asked.

"Upstairs," Zacky said not sounding happy.

"What the fuck happened now?" Jess asked.

"Me and Brittney were walking in the cemetery when Matt and Frank came and tried to kill one of us and I yelled at her to run back here and she refused and I told her to get her ass back here and she slapped me then Frank tried to kill me put I dodged the stake and threw it at Matt so he is history," I said.

"Alright good job for getting rid of that bastard, and bad job for yelling at Brittney," Aiden said.

"I know where is she?" I asked again.

"In her room," Jess said. I nodded before going upstairs to her room. Once I got there I saw that Brittney was playing on her guitar.

"Hey," i said. She stopped playing and looked up at me her eyes turning red.

"Get the fuck out of here!" She said.

"Brittney please let's talk," I said.

"No Syn I don't want to talk," She said.

"Come on please your just over reacting," I said.

"Alright fine whatever you say boss," she said. I sighed and said,"Can we talk?"

"Go ahead," She said.

"Alright look I'm sorry for yelling at you back there I mean it i just didn't want you to be hurt and when you refused I got angry because if you would have stayed and something happened to you I would have been very angry and I don't know what I would do without you." I said.

"Sorry for not listening," She said. I didn't say anything except go and hug her.
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