Sequel: Playing for Keeps
Status: Updating

Almost Perfect

Chapter 7

Adam and Stacy spoke on the phone almost every day for the first month he was gone, the couple agreed that it was hard to be apart but they were certainly dedicated to making it work. Adam was scheduled to be home in L.A. three weeks and four days from today, but who was counting.

Stacy was getting ready for work when he called that evening, “Hey babe,” she answered, putting her cell phone on speaker so she could continue putting on her make-up.

“Hi darling, are you ready for work?” He asked, he purposely hadn’t called her until now, knowing she needed to sleep during the day.

“Just about, I’ve been picking up so many extra shifts lately that I can’t keep my days straight.” She had been working extra shifts each week to make extra money so when Adam came home she could afford to take some time off to spend with him.

“I know, you’ve been working your butt off.” He was proud that he had found a woman that was hard working and wasn’t just expecting to live off of him and his money. “Listen, I’m about to go on, I just wanted to call and tell you to have a good night at work. I’ll text you or call you when the show is done. Maybe we can talk on your break.”

“Sounds good, have a great show.” She smiled at his thoughtful ness.

They hung up and Stacy finished getting ready for work before heading out the door and into her car.

She drove to work and slowly climbed the stairs to her fourth floor critical care unit. “Hey Lori, how are you?” She asked the charge nurse as she entered the break room.

“You’re here again sweetie? When are you going to give yourself a night off?” Lori was an older woman, she was almost like a second mom to Stacy.

“Just trying to work as much as I can now while Adam is away.” Stacy had started telling her coworkers about her relationship and they were all very interested in what it was like dating a rock star.

“Well I think we are over staffed tonight so they may be sending home the extra nurses.” Stacy just nodded, knowing that since she was the one to pick up the extra shift she would be the first to be cut.

After a small huddle the charge for the overnight shift ended up cutting three nurses for the night, Stacy being one of them. She was slightly disappointed because she didn’t have anything that she could to fill her spare night.

She was sitting at a stoplight when she decided to call Adam and let him know that when he was done with his show he could call her because she’d be home.

“Hey Adam, it’s me. I just wanted to call and let you know that I was given low need tonight so I’ll be home when you’re done with your show. If you want to give me a call-“ Stacy trailed off as she looked in her rearview mirror. There as a vehicle flying towards her from behind and it didn’t look like they were showing any signs of slowing down. She looked both ways into the intersection, cars were whizzing by, there was nothing she could do but scream as the car hit her from behind and sent her Nissan Maxima flying into the intersection.

All Stacy could remember was her phone flying out of her hand and the sound of the airbag releasing from her steering wheel.

She woke up hours later, in a hospital bed. She slowly opened her eyes, closing them quickly when the bright lights hit them. She groaned, her head hurt and it felt like she couldn’t move.

“Stacy, sweetheart?” She could hear her mother’s voice.

“Mom?” She croaked. Her mouth was dry and her throat hurt. She slowly opened her eyes again and this time she focused them on her mother, who was currently sitting in a chair beside her bed.

“Oh thank god you’re alright!” Her mother squeezed her hand.

“What happened?” Stacy asked, she knew the extent of it but she wanted to know more.

“You were rear-ended by another vehicle, a hit and run.” Carrie informed her. “You have a concussion and a broken wrist.”

Stacy felt like crying, her head was throbbing. She looked down at herself and saw an IV in her right hand, her left hand was in a cast, and her body was covered in cuts and bruises. “Mom that car hit me on purpose!” She cried.

“What?” Carrie was shocked.

“I could see them in my rearview mirror, they weren’t slowing down! They meant to send me into the intersection!” Stacy was freaked out and she didn’t know what to do.

“The police were here, they made it sound like an accident.” Her mom pushed back some of her hair from her face, “Do you want me to call them?”

Stacy shook her head, “No, maybe I was just imagining it.” She was sure they meant to hurt her though, but she didn’t want to sound foolish.

“You’re safe now honey, that’s all that matters.” Her mom smiled at her and Stacy attempted to smile back.

Just then she heard her cell phone start ringing. Her mom reached down and pulled it out of her purse, the screen was completely smashed. “It’s pretty banged up but it still works, Adam has been calling for the past few hours, I didn’t want to worry him so I haven’t answered his calls.”

“I was leaving him a voicemail when I was hit, I’m pretty sure he’s been worried Mom,” Stacy said as she took the phone from Carrie and hit the answer button.

“Hello?” She asked, her voice sounded weak to Adam.

“Stacy? I’ve been calling for hours, are you okay?” His voice was rushed and he seemed worried. “I got your voicemail and I heard you scream at the end, what happened?”

“Adam I was in a car accident,” She told him.

“Oh my god, are you alright?” She could tell that he had been pacing but he stopped when she gave him the news.

“I’m fine; I have a concussion and a broken wrist.” She hated that he was so far away, all she wanted right now was for him to hold her and tell her everything was going to be alright.

“What happened?” He wanted more details.

“I was rear-ended while I was at a stop light; the vehicle sent my car flying into an intersection where I was hit by oncoming traffic.” She wished she knew more about the accident herself. “It was a hit and run, the cops didn’t find the person who did it.”

“I’m going to get a flight out tomorrow morning, I’ll be there by the afternoon,” Adam sounded rushed again.

“Adam slow down, please don’t get a flight home.” She knew he couldn’t leave the tour. “Honestly, I’m okay.”

“Stacy you were involved in a hit and run! Clearly things aren’t okay, I want to be there with you.” He sounded guilty.

“I know you do, and there’s nothing I want more than for you to be back home with me right now but you have to finish the tour. You’ll be back in less than a month; you can take care of me then. I’m sure I have to keep this cast on for at least 6 weeks.” She was hoping to make him feel better.

“Are you sure?” He would up and leave the tour for her if she wanted him to. She was far more important to him at this point.

“I promise, I’m probably going to be staying with my parents for a while anyways.” Stacy looked over at her mother, who was nodding in agreement.

“Ok, why don’t you get some rest and I’ll call you in the morning.” He said quietly.

“I’ll try, it’s hard to sleep in the hospital.” She knew that from her patients complaining all the time.

“Do your best baby, I’ll talk to you soon.” He was so sweet, she smiled slightly before feeling a cut on her lip reopen, causing her to wince.

“Talk to you later, good night.” She said softly, she didn’t want to get off the phone, talking to Adam was making her feel better.

“Good night,” With those words he hung up the phone, letting out a sigh of frustration. He hated not being there for her.

Adam walked across the hall where his bandmates were currently hanging out, they were spending the night in Nashville before heading on to Miami in the morning. He knocked on the door and only waited a few seconds before Jesse let him in.

“You guys Stacy was in an accident,” He said as soon as he walked into the main room where everyone was sitting.

There was a chorus of voices asking if she was alright and what happened.

“She was at a stop light when a vehicle rear-ended her and sent her car into the middle of an intersection, she was hit by oncoming traffic.” Adam looked around the room at the astonished faces.

“Dude, that sounds like something someone would do on purpose,” Mickey was the first to speak.

“I know, that’s what I’m afraid of.” Adam was instantly worried when she described how the accident happened. He was fearful that paparazzi or a jealous fan had gone after her, it wasn’t the first time something like this has occurred in Hollywood and Adam couldn’t take chances with her safety.

“Who would do that though?” Jesse interjected.

“Who the hell knows! This world is full of crazy people, anyone could have done it if they were jealous or looking to do something that would catch my attention or hurt me!” Adam didn’t want to sound superficial but why else would someone hurt Stacy?

“I guess we just need to be more careful with what we display in the public’s eye.” Mickey said.

“I wish I could be home with her, I hate knowing that something like this happened and I wasn’t there to protect her.” Adam shook his head and sat down in the arm chair across from the bed. He held his head in his hands.

“Adam if you need to go home you know we’ll understand, we can cut the tour short and reschedule the dates for a later time.” Jesse looked around at the rest of the band and they nodded in agreement.

“Thanks guys, I offered to come home but she assured me she would be fine. We only have a couple weeks left and she’s going to be laid up for a while with a concussion and her broken wrist.” He looked up at the ceiling, “She’s going to be staying with her parents so at least I know someone will be watching over her. I’ll make it up to her when I get back.”

“Alright man, if you’re sure.” Matt said, knowing how much it was probably killing his friend not to be there.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well that was a short chapter, I've got plenty more in store for this story though so keep reading! :)
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