Somewhere Else

Chapter 17

Left, right, left, right, left, right, hop over a stone, right, left, right...Mint was getting exhausted from the simplicity of their present journey. So many footsteps to take, the same thing repeating over and over again. Even Phoebe, who tended to like walking crazy distances, was getting quite aggrivated.

"How much longer 'til we get there, Mint!" Phoebe complained.

"I'm not quite sure. It seems we still have some ways to go." Mint replied.

The Cluemaker opened his mouth as if to suggest something, but then Phoebe interrupted.

"Mint, do you not think that we should take a short rest?"

"No, I do not. Please stay calm. We'll be perfectly fine." Mint said politely. She smiled at her sister to keep her calm, for she could tell she was about to have a fuss. She had that same feeling you get when a baby will not quit it's crying, and you do not want to over-exaggerate the incident, because then it just gets worse, so you stay calm.

The Cluemaker put up his finger and prepared to say something that must have been important, but then Phoebe quickly blurted out,

"Mint! This is not fair! How come you get to tell us what we can and cannot do?"

"Because I am the only one here who knows what she's doing." Mint replied.

"Ladies!" The Cluemaker shouted.

Mint and Phoebe quickly turned to look over at him. He looked a little nervous, then he spoke again,

"Mint and...Mint's sister, I know how we can get there faster." He grinned excitedly. "I can't believe I didn't think of this before."

Phoebe looked curious,"What is it?"

The Cluemaker glared at her angrily, "I'm...getting there, Mint's sister."

Phoebe stomped her foot, "My name is PHOEBE! P-H-O-E-B-E!"

Mint rolled her eyes, "You're so silly, Phoebe."

The Cluemaker hushed them both, so they would not get back into an argument, leading to more interruptions, and consequently ending in him losing his idea.

"I can teleport, love." He said directly to Mint. "Remember when I first came to you two? There was this loud 'Pop' sound, am I wrong?"

The two girls nodded.

"That's right."

"Well, that, in fact, was me teleporting here." He smiled brightly.

Phoebe could not help but smile as well, but Mint did not look the slightest bit interested.

"Oh, Mr. Cluemaker," She said.

"Please, anything but 'Mr.', love." Insisted The Cluemaker.

"Anything but 'love', mister!" Mint barked back.

"Sorry, dear."

"As I was saying," Continued Mint, "Just because you can 'teleport' places, doesn't mean we can." She pointed at Phoebe and herself.

"Uh--yeah, you can." The Cluemaker said. "As a mattter of fact, I shall show you." He held out his hand.

Phoebe fetched it quickly, but after hearing The Cluemaker say "Not YOU!", she slowly released his hand and watched him wipe it off on his pant leg. He then held his hand out again. Mint reluctantly took it, and at that there was a loud POP!, and the two had immediatley vanished into thin air. Or at least that is how it seemed.

Mint and The Cluemaker appeared in front of a large battle ground, where they heard a large growling sound. The sound was as far from quiet as the Earth is from Pluto. It grew louder and louder. Some of the stone walls that were surrounding the battle ground shook, letting off some grey stones as they tumbled to the floor. Another sound came. It sounded like a large grunting. The kind of grunting that was ready for an attack. After this, the two got incredibly curious, and their curiousty led them into the battle grounds. They opened a large, rusted gate as they entered the circular building. Walking down an elongated hallway, Mint and The Cluemaker braced themselves for what they could possibly be seeing next. Slowly they strode down the stony pathway, and into the arena grounds. As soon as they peeked over the edge of the wall, something gargantuan, something humungous, something monumental, monsturous, and immesurable slammed against the ground, dead.