Somewhere Else

Chapter 3

Just ahead of the two girls, a large forest dwelled. The trees flowed to and fro, every now and then allowing small leaves to glide down onto the ground. So peaceful, and graceful, like a pixie landing on a flower. Thought Mint, But, then again, how does a pixie land on a flower? Pixies could just as well cannon ball down faster than a lightning strike for all I know. For the rest of the way down the hill, Mint thought of the possibilities of the existence of a pixie, and how fast, exactly, could it land. Phoebe, however, was thinking of something rather different, and she spoke her mind.

"Mint?" She said, sounding scared, "What if there are bears in the forest? Or spiders? Or large cats! I hate large cats!"

"Don't make such frivolous suggestions, Phoebe. Bears don't live in these forests, and neither do large cats. As for spiders, they won't harm you unless you harm them."

"It's not even the harming part I am afraid of, Mint. Spiders frighten me so! The mere sight of them gives me shivers!" Phoebe complained. Mint decided to discontinue her argument, for she knew it would lead nowhere, but instead it would go in circles for ever and ever and ever, much like a merry-go-round (which are all very pointless indeed).

Once they arrived at the forest, Mint took out a long, white sheet, and she turned towards Phoebe.

"Now, you go and get some sticks so that we may pitch a tent."

Phobe nodded and she was on her way. She ventured through the woods searching for at least four long sticks, which in my personal experience are very hard to find without having to harm a tree in some way. Phoebe desired nothing of the sort, she wished only to gather the sticks that had already descended from the trees, and that were now, truly, useless. Looking here and there, Phoebe saw nothing but twigs, small branches, and lots and lots of leaves.

"Perhaps," Phoebe told herself, "If I dig under the leaves, I shall find some larger branches."

She was very right, for as soon as she started searching underneath the heaps of fallen leaves, she found long, large tree branches, and she brought four of them, one at a time, towards the campsite.

"There! All four are here, Mint." excla.imed Phoebe.

"Thank you ever so much!" Replied Mint as she gazed upon the collection. "We shall set up the tent now! Come on!"

The girls then spent several mintues moving, approving, debating, creating, setting up, taking down, yawning, screeching, stretching, and pitching. Finally, the tent was up, and how grand it looked!

"I think we did a great job, Phoebe!" Mint declared.

"I have to agree with you, Mint. We did a fine job."

And the two sister gathered up inside the tent, giggling with excitement. They sat in front of eachother as the day grew old. It was finally time to go to sleep. Mint yawned, "We must go to sleep now, it is rather late." Phoebe agreed, and they layed down in the comfy tent, and fell fast asleep. This, they knew, was better than always being in such a large expansion of a room. What they did not know was that a great adventure awaited them.