Somewhere Else

Chapter 7

"What's The Cluemaker?" Asked Phoebe.

"You mean 'who'?" Corrected Anne, "He is possibly the most intelligent young man in Somewhere Else. You'll see when you meet him, well, you might see. He does come off as a bit strange at first. But, he means well."

"Where is he?" Inquired Mint.

"Oh, he comes whenever you truly desire him. But, you must go into Somewhere Else first. Go ahead, go past the cherry blossom tree, and remember, believe!"

The Draygon sisters nodded as they made their way towards the land of Somewhere Else. Thoughts filled their heads of what the place may be like, how the people would look like, and how horrible it would really be, because of the Queen of the Night, Nuit. As they ventured on, they felt the same sensation anyone gets when they're about to go into the dentist's office. A sort of nervousness, anticipation, and fright. But you still know that you must do it, and there's no turning back.

Once they arrived at the tree, they both stopped simultaneously. Mint took a deep breath, and shut her eyes. Phoebe did the same. Believing as hard as they could, clenching their fists, and squeezing their eyes, they stepped passed the cherry blossom tree. For Mint, it was hard to open her eyes. It was almost as hard as opening a locked window, for you know that a locked window cannot be opened unless it is unlocked. So, figuratively speaking, Mint unlocked her eyes, and regarded the land of Somewhere Else. The first thing she saw was a long trail, with beautfiul trees on either side. No birds, however, for as you know, the birds all hid inside the trees. It could have been more astonishing, but Mint took into consideration the circomestances. The place was not as beautiful as it could have been, because of Nuit.

I guess you could say that Phoebe had never unlocked a window before, because she was having a very difficult time opening her eyes. She was too nervous, and it seemed like she would never again agree to anything as simple as visiting the dentist. Mint decided to help her sister by shouting out,

"Oh my! Is that a winery I see?"

Phoebe's eyes were immediatley open.

As you have probably already guessed, Phoebe loved wine. Neither Mint nor Phoebe knew exactly why. All Phoebe could really say was, it gave her a good feeling inside.

"There's no winery, you liar!" She shouted out.

"No, but there's a new world ahead of us!" Mint declared.

"How do you mean?"

"We've made it to Somewhere Else, Phoebe. We're here! Step one is over!"

Phoebe looked behind her, and did not see Anne, nor the green, grassy hill beyond the wood. She only saw more wood, and even a small town, with a small farm, and a small amount of people. She did, however, see the cherry blossom tree, quite a distance away, near a farmhouse far from view.

"Now how did that get over there? Wasn't it just here?" She asked.

"I haven't the slightest idea." Replied Mint truthfully.

They both turned back around. There they saw something that certainly was not there before. It was like they were at a magic show, and things seemed to appear here and there with no explanation.

"It's a little cabin!" Cried Phoebe, "How in the world did a cabin get there?"

Mint did not answer. Instead, she walked to the front door, and knocked, lightly.

"Maybe the Cluemaker is inside..." Mint said.

Suddenly, an ugly old man with long hair, crooked teeth, and a short, scraggly beard opened the door.

"What is it?" He asked, quite rudely.

"Um. the...Cluemaker?" She asked, feeling a bit frightened. You really must be honest, whenever you see an old man with long hair, and a scraggly beard, you get a little frigthened as well, or do you not? What about when he speaks to you?

"Of course I'm not the Cluemaker, fool! I'm much too old! The Cluemaker is not but seventeen. You don't even want to know my age!" Said the old man.

"Well, I'm sorry to disturb you, sir." Mint apologized.

Just then, another man who looked just like the first man, came up from behind. Despite their similiarities, they were also very different in personality, and that was obvious at first glance. This man had a much more delightful look on his face, and he smiled, sweetly.

"Please come in, young lady! I've just made a spot of tea, and I believe you'd enjoy it quite well." He suggested.

Phoebe walked up to Mint, "I'd enjoy tea as well, sir!" She said, joyfully.

"Do come in! Both of you." Said the man, smiling.

Mint and Phoebe entered the small cabin. The inside of the cabin, however, was much, much larger than the outside of the cabin.

Now how can that be? Thought Mint. But she decided to ignore this thought, for her mind was now occupied with the thought of a nice cup of tea.

The twins invited Mint and Phoebe to sit down, as they set up the table. The tea had a wonderful aroma, and gave the girls a warm, at home-feeling. It smelled of peppermint, sweet peppermint. The Draygon sister's were eager to taste it. But they kept to their manners by beginning with conversation.

"What might your names be?" Asked Mint.

The mean looking man quickly replied, "I'm Ben and he's Roy. Oh, and our last name is Topeat. Don't forget it! Pro.nounced toe-peet. Don't forget that either!!"

Mint nodded.

"Alright, well I am Mint Draygon, and this is my sister Phoebe Draygon."

"Draygon!?" Excla.imed Roy. He jumped up and danced, "You're here! You're finally here! And you're actually at my house, drinking my tea, and sitting at my table! I am very honoured, uh--your majesty."

"It's my pleasure." Mint said proudly.

"Mine, too." Said Phoebe trying to sound like her sister.

Mint looked down at her cup of tea, which was the most colorful tea she had ever seen. It was striped, just like peppermint, with red and white. It went in a swirl, and how lovely it looked. It put a smile on her face. She took a dainty sip of it, and it tasted magnificent.

"Mmmm!" She excla.imed, "That must be the best tea I've ever had!"

"It should be!" Said Ben, "We are most famous for our tea. We are naturals, and don't forget it!"

Phoebe giggled. She thought that Ben's constant remarks about not forgetting things were quite amusing.

The four of them spent another hour talking and laughing and drinking the scrumpcious tea. Then the sisters were on their way, for they knew they still had to find the Cluemaker, wherever he was.