Status: Work In Progress

You Can't Shake the Noise From Their Bones

Chapter 3


'Jasey, up!' I yelled for the fifth time this morning. 'For fuck sake,' I muttered to myself. I was really turning into an old man, but seriously, did nobody keep on top of the time nowadays? Evidently not. Yeah, okay I know, rich coming from me.

Erin wandered into the kitchen where I was flipping pancakes and rubbed her head, still in a dressing gown, yawning. 'Why you so loud,' she complained as she sat at the counter and held a plate out for me to deposit my latest culinary talents, heaped with an inhuman amount of syrup. I would never understand how she could take that much. Seriously, the woman acted like she was five.

'Because Jasey isn't up and we specifically told her to be awake by six so we could get on the road by eleven.'

Erin rolled her eyes at me. 'Alex, really? It does not take five whole hours to get ready.'

I raised an eyebrow and set aside the pancake mixture. 'One, when I say six, we all know everyone on the planet stays in bed til seven thirty, cause nobody likes the morning, so that leaves us with like three and a half hours. Two, showering takes a minimum of half an hour but she's a girl so that's more like forty five minutes. Three, drying her hair will take half an hour. Four, she insists on wearing make up, which takes anything between an hour to half an hour. Five she will guaranteed spend half an hour picking an outfit, then another half hour looking at herself in the mirror and debating changing into the first outfit she tried. Six, breakfast. And then there's actually getting on the road, so I think my estimate is pretty accurate.'

Erin pondered my conclusion before giving in and nodding. 'Okay, I concede, you're right. But you know, it wouldn't take her so long if it weren't for the fact that she inherited her lack of timekeeping skills from you.'

I stuck my tongue out at her. 'She inherited her girly genes from you.'

'Yeah but I fear there's more girl in her from you than there is from me.'

'Oh wow, you cut me deep woman, real deep.'

'I'm sure you'll get over it. Now leave breakfast to me, you go get Jasey.'

I nodded and obeyed, giving Erin a swift kiss on my way out. 'Oh, honey, two words, morning breath.' Then I ran before a heavy ornament could be thrown at my head.

I reached Jasey's room and knocked on her door. 'Jasey, get outta bed!' I paused waiting for a reply. Nothing. I sighed and just went ahead and pushed open the door. I couldn't help but chuckle at the sight before me.

Jasey was fast asleep, starfish style, while Shane had claimed the majority of the blanket despite only managing to find a small space in which he could curl up.

'Guys, up!' Still fast asleep. I shook my head and leaped onto the bed, flopping down over both of them. 'Wake the fuck up!' Jasey screamed and tried to get up while Shane simply turned over the other way...or at least tried to.

I eased up a little and moved so I was sat on the bed rather than on the kids.

'Dad, what the hell? I was sleeping,' my daughter groaned. 'Next time you do that I'm gonna tell mom about you swearing in front of me.'

'Empty threat. I'll tell her that you put one of her posters in the trash.'

'Well excuse me for not wanting to come across a half naked picture of my dad. What were you thinking anyway?'

'Hey! I was in my hayday, I wanted to show off, we looked good, there were bananas-'

'Too much info! I get it, we're up, be down in a minute.' I smiled in triumph while Jasey just prodded Shane.

'Awesome, remember, we leave at ten thirty.'

'You got it pops.'

I wrinkled my nose. 'Ew, you make me sound so old. I don't like it. Stop.' As I closed the door behind me, I caught a glimpse of Jasey trying to wake Shane once again. I couldn't help but laugh. That kid was so much like his father it was unreal. Don't get me wrong, Jack really was one energetic bastard, but when he was tired, he was tired, and everyone would know about it.

Erin looked up at me when I sat down at the counter, taking her place as she took mine by shoving pancakes under my nose. 'Peanut butter or syrup?'


'You're disgusting.'

'But you love me.'

'It would appear so. Did you get em up and ready?' I nodded in response and smiled big. 'Proud?'

She laughed and nodded. 'Of course, I figured the only thing that would stand a chance in waking those two up would be if a hurricane hit. Too caught up in dreaming about each other I imagine. Ah to be young and in love.'

I winced at her girlish dreamy tone. 'You are like the cringiest mom in the world. I feel for our daughter. They're not in love, you, my dear, are hallucinating. You really think I'd let them share a tent tonight if there was any danger that they would ever be romantically interested in the other at all?'

Erin shrugged. 'You already did. I really don't see why it would be such a big deal though. She's gotta grow up sometime. Don't you wanna walk her down the aisle someday?'

'Yeah, someday, in like forty years time or something, not five minutes,' I grumbled.

'Alex, seriously, get over it.'

I had to look up to see if she was kidding or not. And no. She most definitely was not kidding. Her gaze was intense and I kinda felt like I was a kid being told off. 'What?'

'You heard me, get over it. You need to drop this whole "she's my property" thing, like just because some guy decides he wants to make her happy doesn't mean you'll make her nay less happy. She'll always need you. Jasey would never put you on the back seat. Don't get so jealous.'

I rolled my eyes. 'Yes mom.'

Erin gave me a sympathetic smile and stroked my cheek. 'I'm only saying it for your own good. Someday you'll realise. Just...don't be too close minded, kay?'

'Not promising anything...but I guess I can try.'

'I know you will. Jasey'll appreciate it in the long run.'

'I'll appreciate what?' Erin and I both turned to see Jasey, closely followed by Shane. Surprisingly, both were dressed and showered. Wow. Quickest morning ever...finally.

'You'll appreciate...uh...'

'The work experience you're gonna get going on tour with your and Shane's dads and your uncles,' Erin finished for me.

I looked at my wife with one of those "what the hell do you think you're doing?" looks before composing myself and facing the two teenagers, accompanied with a slight laugh. 'Yeah, tour, if you guys still wanted to join.'

Jasey's face lit up and she squealed in delight. God dammit. She was too cute. I definitely couldn't say no to her now. 'For reals?'

'For reals,' I said, unwillingly. 'Yeah. Sure. It'll be a blast.' Silence. Did I really just say it'll be a blast? How old was I exactly? Everyone looked around at each other, well actually at everyone but me.

Shane cleared his throat. 'Uh thanks mr G, I appreciate it, but, you know, my dad kinda already said yes anyway so uhm, thanks for the thought then...'

Jasey shook herself out of her confusion and ran at me, hugging me tight. 'Thank you thank you thank you thank you! You are the best daddy in the whole entire world! I love you so so so much! Thank you!' She squeezed me once more before kissing my cheek and collecting her pancakes.

Erin raised an amused eyebrow at me and I scowled back at her. 'I blame you,' I told her. Brilliant.