Status: Active

Second Sucks

But You Won't Win The War

On the morning that I first met Jeremy, I walked into first period and instantly knew something was wrong. First, somebody was sitting in my seat. Nobody ever sat in my seat, either because they were scared to, or they respected the fact that I had claimed it first. It wasn't like it was prime real estate- it was the teacher's unused desk, and the only reason why I liked it was because it was right next to the window, and it had a pretty damn comfortable desk chair. All that aside, it had been my seat for the past couple weeks, since the beginning of the year, and for whatever reason, this kid that I had never seen before was sitting in my seat, and I would not have that.

"'Scuse me, but you're in my seat." I said as I walked over to him and thunked my book bag down onto the desk. The boy looked up at me and raised an eyebrow, giving me a scrutinizing look. It was that look that made me want to deck him in the face.

"I didn't see your name on it." he said with a smirk.

"Clever." I muttered. "Quit stealing comebacks from first graders. Now, get the fuck up."

He laughed and shook his head. I groaned, making more than a few people look in my direction, and slid off my jacket, fully prepared to drag the boy out of my seat. Just as I was rounding the desk, he stood up.

"Nice shirt." he said as he quite literally pushed past me, almost knocking me onto the desk.

I looked down, surprised and somewhat confused. I was wearing a tank top that said, in large letters, 'I solemnly swear I'm up to no good.' Either he was a fellow Potterhead, or he was being sarcastic. Secretly, I hoped it was the first. There weren't nearly enough kids there that liked the book and, I might as well admit it, he was pretty damn cute.
At lunch time, I met my best friend Audrey at the front of the school and we walked off campus together to eat lunch at the park down the street. Sure, I was a bit nerdy for bringing my own lunch, and probably worse for carrying it in a Batman lunchbox, but it was a million times better than eating the school's food.

"There was a new kid in Bond's class today." I said as I pulled a cigarette out of my bag and lit it. "He sat in my seat."

Audrey laughed and said, "Did you totally destroy him."

As I filled my lungs with sweet, sweet nicotine, I shook my head. "It took him a minute, but he got up. He's attractive, though."

"You gonna go for it?" she asked as we sat down at a picnic table.

I shrugged; I didn't know him near well enough to judge, and even though I enjoyed sex as much as the next girl, I wasn't a slut. It was hard for any guy to get me to sleep with him, no matter how hot I thought he was. After sex, a guy was usually ruined for me, for whatever reason, so I thought hard about it before actually doing it. None of them would last long, so I made sure I wouldn't miss them once they were gone.

"Maybe he'll be different than the others." Audrey said, as if she was reading my mind. I knew that she wanted as badly as I used to for a guy to prove that he was good enough, and she was doubly disappointed every time they left.

"Yeah, maybe." I scoffed, blowing out a bit of smoke. "I don't know, he doesn't seem like a twat like everyone else, but you can't judge a book by its cover."

Audrey laughed and said, "That's supposed to mean that you should expect the best in people, not the worst."

"Words are meant to be interpreted differently by each individual."

"Seriously, Ceci. You should just give it a try."
As we walked back to the school, Jeremy was stuck in my mind. I couldn't stop picturing his face, smirking up at me, still gorgeous no matter how angry he made me. When he moved, it was easy to tell that he was confident in every action, kind of like I tried to be.

When I got to first period, just a few minutes too late, to find Jeremy- yet again- sitting in my seat. I sighed and ignored it, instead sitting in the seat in front of it. I took a second to turn around and glare at him, then sat back in my seat. Seconds later, I felt a tap on my shoulder and whipped around.

"Am I in your seat again?" he asked with a slight sneer.

"You cunt." I said loudly, making every eye turn towards me. "You knew that was my seat! Fucking move."

He laughed and shook his head. "I don't think I will. It's pretty comfy, got a nice view."

"Cecily, please sit down, and watch your mouth." my teacher sighed, by now used to my behavior.

I huffed and collapsed back in my chair, crossing my arms over my chest. I could hear Jeremy snickering behind me, and it infuriated me. He would not win this. I was going to get my seat back, whether he liked it or not.

Once the teacher shut the lights off and started on notes, I turned around to Jeremy and hissed, "Give me my fucking seat back."

"You shouldn't get so attached to things." he said, still giving me his trademark smirk.

"I will make you regret this every day of your high school career." I growled. I really had no idea why I wanted the seat so bad, except for the fact that I hated to lose anything to anyone.

"You could sit in it with me." he said with a wink.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes, then turned back around in my seat. He may have won that battle, but he wouldn't be getting another win out of me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Woo, another fanfiction! I know it's getting ridiculous, but I'm a little obsessed with McKinnon and all of A Day to Remember right now, and I really like the concept of this one, so I think it's got a lot more potential than my other two. Same as always, let me know what you think!

Even though it's not terribly important, Cecily's outfit.