Going Through Changes

Nanna McKidd

Chap. 3

I had arrived to the apartment as the last one. My parents were sad that they couldn’t go with me, but both of them had to work and couldn’t take time off from work. I did tell them not to worry and told them that I would do great on the three hours long ride from Kernville to Los Angeles. Luckily for me, my friend Kim was going to L.A as well, though it wasn’t before the day after I was going, he agreed on going with me, so the trip weren’t boring anyway. And when he got out of the car, he placed a kiss on the corner of my mouth, hugged me and then told me how much he was going to miss me when I was away.

So here I was, in the new apartment surrounded by two of my best friends, Norah and Camille. I was beyond happy to finally be here, I had waited for this day to come in a really long time. I would miss my parents terribly much, but another thing I would miss was my horse Hunter. I had to give him up and sell him because I moved here, but oh well live goes on, right?

“Girlies, are you ready to celebrate?” Norah said with a huge smile on her face, holding up a bottle of our favorite champagne, after Camille gave us these super cute necklaces. Camille and I looked at each other with a big grin on our faces.

“Oh hell yeah” we yelled at the same time, and Norah opened the bottle while I ran to our kitchen and found three glasses.

Norah poured up some champagne and I cleared my throat; “So girls, I just wanted to say thank you for letting me live with you, I couldn’t wait for this day to come, but you already knew that. So yeah even though I’m gonna miss everything back at home, I bet that this is going to be the best time ever in my life. So shall we cheer for having awesome roommates, for our new apartment and for...- Yeah just for life?” I said causing the girls to giggle, before we all cheered and took sips of our champagne.

I put a blanket on the floor and we sat down on it. We did have couches and other furniture, but this was how we used to do back in days, just sit on the floor on a blanket and talking about whatever fitted to the moment.

“So Nanna are you starting at work the same day as we start in school?” Camille asked softly, and I gave her a smile and a small nod in response, “at what time?” she asked.

“I’m not quite sure, my boss will text me soon but I think it will be around 10am” I smiled, already being anxious to start on my job as a photographer.

A comfortable silence fell over us, but this wasn’t the right moment to be silent, right? So I soon broke it; “CHEERS GIRLS!” I said, showing off the part of the British accent I got from my dad.

Hours passed by and the time rounded 11pm, but we all decided that even though we had literally moved the entire day, it was too soon to go to bed. With that we put on ‘PS. I Love You’ and started watching the cliché, typical love story with a small twist, movie.

“So Nanna tell us, what’s going on with you and Kim?” Norah snickered, making Camille giggle and me roll my eyes. “I mean look at you. You looked all fucking cozy the other day at the bar” she added.

“Urgh, you girls are so annoying” I chuckled, “but there’s absolutely nothing going on” I said softly and sighed, remembering how Kim and I were cuddling with each other on a couch in the bar, the other night. We were kissing each others cheeks and foreheads throughout the night, but nothing with love was going on between us.

“You’ll find someone sweetheart” Camille smiled and placed a hand on my shoulder softly.

The night went on and we didn’t go to bed before 2:30am. This was going to be an amazing time.
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Hi, so I'm the third co-writer and my name is Sara :)