Status: You may like it, you may hate it but the point is 100% true x x

The Shortest Story Cuts the Deepest


Okay, right now I've needed my friends to be by my side no matter what foolish or idiotic thing I do and they've done that. I can never thank them enough for sticking by me and I know that Abby, Emma and Jess have stuck by me kinda' a lot recently. I know I've done some stupid things and I've made idiotic mistakes but they have all forgiven me for them and convinced me to not give up on myself. They have helped me through these dark, empty days that have passed and without them I think I'd have given up by now. I love them to bits and I'd be nothing without them. They're always there for me when I really need them and I can depend on them when life throws a hell of a lot of shit at you. My mum is also a really good friend to me as she's also always here for me and understands me a lot more than other people do. She understands why I hurt, why I cry, smile, laugh and most of all, she understands why I need her. She knows that without her love, care and affection that I'd be lost and I hope she knows how truly grateful I am for it. I think friendship is the most important ship in the world and I'll prove this by writing an acrostic...
Peaceful (most of the time)...x
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A more kinda' sweet approach to the subject of needing others to help guide you to happiness and completeness...x