Status: You may like it, you may hate it but the point is 100% true x x

The Shortest Story Cuts the Deepest

New Light:

I ain't religious or anything like that but I do believe in karma and new light. I remember when it first happened. I was sitting in the corner of my room, crying for no reason and curling myself into a tight ball when I saw the light emerge from the centre of the room. It was strange, unusual yet very much comfortable to witness. Like it was meant to be or something. The light shined brighter and brighter than I ever had thought possible until it just suddenly vanished within a microsecond. I was stunned at this sudden delay that I fainted right there and then. No one believes me when I tell them what happened on that day. They just look at me like I'm mad and pretend to not think I'm insane or anything. Even when I am being 100% sincere and truthful when I tell them, they still find it impossible to believe my words. They just think that the stress of exams has gotten to me and that soon I wont even believe what I'm saying myself. I have had doubts, I'll admit that but I know what I saw. What I witnessed and I know that it was a message. A sign. To not give up or give in to life. To fight on. This new light inside of me had changed me for the good. It had brought a new perspective of everything to me and helped me to understand the world and how it all works. Like I said, the witnessing of the new light, has cured me. Inside and out...