Sequel: Take Me Home
Status: Finished but I'll make as sequal soon!

Please Don't Take me Home

Chapter 29

I leaned against the wall in the bathroom with the box on my lap, I was still crying but the tears weren't falling as fast as before.
My breath was heavy and I took long pauses between each breath.
I bit my lip as I built up the courage to re-open the box.
'No one cares about you anyways' You thought to yourself. 'Not even you own mother cares about you.'
I heard someone frantically bang on the door.
"Kellin!" Vic screamed his voice was hoarse and it sounded like he was crying. "Please don't open the fucking box."
I ignored him.
My hands began to shake as I reopened the box. I opened the top and pushed it off my lap to the side of me.
I pulled out a note I had scribbled down before Vic (kind of) broke into the house.
I unfolded it and slid it under the door for Vic to read. I quickly moved back to where I was before on the floor.
I heard Vic choke out a cry and bang on the door again
"KELLIN PLEASE!" He screamed.
~1 Hour before~
I hit Vic's hand away when he went to put his hand on me.
I didn't want him to touch me.
I felt Vic hit me hard against my face, almost as hard as my mom does.
I instantly covered my face, I looked up at him.
He went to say something but I got up and ran out of his room, then out of his house.
I heard him scream something at me but I wasn't really listening.
When I was 10 minutes away from his house (There were only 2 more blocks to go before i got home)
I felt a pair of hands pull me down. I looked up to see Mike and Tony standing over me.
"You fucker." Mike said hitting me in the same place Vic did, only harder
"You broke Vic's heart." Tony said
"M-M-Me?!" I said standing up furious. "HE W-W-WAS KI-KI-KISSING SOMEONE EL-EL-ELSE!"
Mike and Tony looked slightly surprised at how I reacted.
But they ignored my comment.
"Well listen here," Tony said pulling a box out of his backpack. "Since you fucked with Vic, we're gonna fuck with you."
They handed me the box, it was kind of heavvy I shook it a bit to see what was inside.
"DO NOT SHAKE IT." Mike screamed holding the box still in my hands. "There is one bullet in it and if you shake it too much it might go off."
"Wh-wh-what am I do-do-do-doing with th-th-the box?" i asked.
"You're gonna shoot it," Tony paused "At yourself."
I was slightly happy about what Tony said. I don't have anyone who cares about me anymore.
So who would notice?
"If you don't shoot it at yourself, we'll shoot it at someone else," he looked at Tony, "Like Vic."
I bit my lip pretending like I was considering the choices, I knew I was gonna take the first option.
"O-o-okay," I said sighing, "I'll sh-shoo-"
"Good, go home now, so we don't have to spend any more time with you alive."
I nodded and ran (it was more like a speed walk while wobbling)
I ran inside and slammed the door shut I put the box on the couch and ran up to my room.
I looked around for my notebook with song lyrics in it. when I located it I quickly looked threw the pages searching for a blank page. When I found one I quickly ripped it out and grabbed a pen from the floor and ran back downstairs.
I sat down on the couch next the box and quickly wrote a suicide note.

Dear whoever decides to read this,
My name is Kellin Quinn and I'm 17. I've lived with my mother ever since my dad died. My mom abused me terribly she barley ever fed me, and eventually I began to self-harm, and I still do. a few weeks ago we moved to San Diego, where I met a few people. A red-haired boy who was always nice to me. 4 boys who tried to beat some people up for me. And the boy of my dreams.
Well i thought he was.
He turned pout to have been lying to me.
He didn't really love me.
Our whole relationship was a lie.
Now here I am. With a gun to my head.
So i guess this is it.
(see ya soon dad.)

I quickly rolled the letter up and put it in my back pocket.
I looked over at the box next to me and lifted off the top to reveal a shiny gun. It was surround by like a thousand cotton balls. there was a little note in the box that said "One bullet preloaded."
I took the gun out of the box and held it in my hand, getting used to the weight and figuring out how to hold it.
When I felt comfortably with it I placed it to the side of my head and felt myself start to cry.
before I could I move my finger to the trigger, someone began banging on the door.
"Kellin." They croaked. It was Vic.
I droped the gun on the ground, it fell on my foot. It hurt like a bitch.
"Sh-sh-shit!" I said picking it back up and putting it in the box.
"Kellin? Are you okay?"He began to turn the doorknob, trying to open it.
"GO AW-AW-AWAY!" I screamed at him running to the bathroom.
As soon as I shut the bathroom door I heard the front door hit the wall downstairs?
"Kellin where are you?" He said crying, he sounded a bit panicked.
"I TO-TO-TOLD YOU T-T-TO LEAVE!" I screamed from the bathroom.
~Present Time~
"I SA-SA-SAID LEAVE!" I hit the door hard with my fist. I grabbed the gun out of the box.
"No please." He whispered, "Don't go."
I ignored him as I put the gun to the side of my head, placing my finger over the trigger.
"B-b-bye, Vic."
♠ ♠ ♠
Well, you guys must wait till I get back from camp (July 20th) for the next chapter.
Have a painful 5 weeks :)