Sequel: Take Me Home
Status: Finished but I'll make as sequal soon!

Please Don't Take me Home

Chapter 4

As soon as school ended, me and Matty ran to Kellin's house.
The principal had luckily given us his address so we could see if he was okay.
Me and Matty ran 5 1/2 blocks to his house. The neighborhood he lived in was the poorest one you could live in before the projects of San Diego.
We eventually found his house. We were out of breath, and Matty fell down on the sidewalk for the dramatic effect.
"Ugg, I'm so...tiered." He pretend to die on the sidewalk.
I laughed a little at his act.
Kellin's home was the smallest, ugliest, dirtiest, house on the block. The outside of the house was brick which had a moss growing on it, the roof was dark brown and the only two windows on the house had large grates covering it.
"No wonder he didn't want to go home," Matty said standing up. I hit him in the arm, maybe harder then necessary. "What the hell was that for?"
We walked up to the stoop of the house and knocked on the very dented door.
I knocked again, a bit harder this time.
I knocked a few times more with more force.
Silence, again.
This time me and Matty we're more frantic, our knocks turned to slamming on the door.
Matty slammed on the door hard and it opened up.
"I think I broke the door." Matty said as we step into the house.
It had one room with a hall on the other side. The room only had a couch, a tv, a table, microwave, and a mini fridge.
We heard a small scream coming from the hall.
"Kellin?!" Me and Matty yelled. We ran into the house as the screams got louder. The screaming led us to a room, which I'm guessing was Kellin's.
"Kellin?" I yelled as Matty tried to open the door. Then, the screaming stopped.
"Kellin?!" I screamed I began to bang on the door. Matty moved me out of the way, so he could fucking body slam the door.
He only hit the door once before it opened up.
We ran inside the door to see something I never want to see again.
There was blood all over the floor and on the body, Kellin.
There was an empty bottle of sleeping pills, there were a few scattered around on the floor too.
Kellin's eyes were closed and his face and arms were covered in blood. He was also laying on top a pile of blankets and pillows.
I ran over to him and stared to cry.
He wasn't breathing.
He was dead.




"Tony and Mike you, DICKS!" I yelled running up to his room and flinging the door of his room open. Mike was sitting on the floor with Tony.
"Hey, bro." Mike said completing ignoring how mad I was.
"Don't fucking 'hey bro' me." I said slamming the door hard and walking right up to Mike and Tony. "You broke Kellin's nose today! It was his first day!"
"Whoa dude calm down." Tony said standing up. He was a lot taller then me. "He deserved it."
"NO HE DIDN'T!" I yelled shoving Tony into the wall behind him.
"Did you just fucking push me?" He yelled.
"What the hell, Vic?" Mike said. Standing up. He was even taller then Tony. Tony ran from the wall towards me making a fist, and tried to punch me, but luckily (I have no idea how) I dodged his punch.
I ran out of the room before he could try and hit me again. I quickly ran into my room and shit the door.
I sat down on my bed and took my phone to see 2 text messages from Matty.
[*i]Hey man, you think Kellin'll be at school tomorrow?[/i*]
[*i]If he's not should we try and find his house and see?[/i*]
I texted him back- I don't know, sure?
I put my phone down next to me and looked out the window.
I saw Jamie sitting on his bed reading with the window open.
Jamie lived next door to me, we had been friends forever but when we into 9th grade, he went to a different High School and we didn't hang out as much anymore. But everyone and awhile we'll talk through the window.
I opened up my window and shouted "HI JAME!"
He flinched and stuck his head out the window. "Hey, I have something to tell you!"
His face turned a bit red when he said that.
"Uh, sure, shoot!"
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry the main chapter was short I just wanted to make the April fools story a bit more engaging so you'd believe that it was real.