Status: :D


Last Piece of Pie

"Dude, this case was brutal," Sam said as he rubbed the back of his neck as we made our way into the small diner.

"Yeah. Especially when those two chicks just jumped out of nowhere and killed the two vampires that were about to attack you," I said as I took a seat at a small table.

As I took a seata, I noticed two girls that were sitting at the table across from us. One had dark colored hair and the other had blond hair. Like a dirty blond, and she was eating a salad while on a laptop. Huh, reminded me of Sammy. As our waittress came over and took our order, I noticed that the dark haired girl was eating a double chese burger with bacon.

"Wow," I said, looking back at Sam," she sure can eat."

Sam looked over at the girl before looking back at me and shaking his head in a disaproving manner. I just raised my hands and leaned back and waited for our food. As soon as it came, the darked haired girl taped the waitress. The waitress looked over at her and smiled warmly at her.

"What can I get you honey?" The waitress said.

"Pie please!" The girl said, her greenish brown eyes that looked like my own said, smiling widely.

The waitress smiled and nodded her head before making her way towards the counter.

"Dani," the dirty blond haired girl said.

"Yes, Syd," the dark haired girl, Dani said.

"I found something," 'Syd' said, turning the laptop towards her.

Dani looked at the screen and scrolled a bit before shutting the laptop.

"We'll leave... After pie,"Dani said whith a smile.

A while later, the waitress came back with a plate of pie.

"Pie!" A girl beside us exclaimed.

Looking over, I saw that the waitress that was serving us was sliding a piece of pie to a girl with dark brown hair who was jumping in her heat. Their was another girl sitting across from her who was on a laptop, and she rolled her eyes.

"You and pie, I swear," the girl with dirt blond hair said.

"Pie is God!" The dark haired girl said.

"Whatever," the blond girl said.



I looked over at Sammy and saw that he was probably thinking the same thing. These girls remind us of us. A couple minutes later, they were done eating and collected their belongings before leaving a tip for the waitress and headed to the front counter to pay. I motioned for the waitress to come over and asked for pie.

"I'm sorry sir," she said," the girl had the last piece of pie."

I looked over at Sammy, who was laughing.

"Son of a bitch," I said, shaking my head.
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Soo.... What do you think?