Status: :D


Aww Balls!

We're headed to Bobby's.

We're headed to Dani and Syd's grandfathers house.

We're going to get our asses chewed the hell out when we get their too.

Right now Dean and I were in the car. Waiting for the girls to get their things together.

"Dude, we're so dead," I said, looking over at Dean.

Dean had his jaw clenched and his hands tight on the steering wheel. I saw his adams apple bob up and down before clearing his throat.

"We didn't know we knocked them up, so we're not dead," Dean argued.

I sighed and shook my head. "Dean," I said," this is Julia and Lisa. Singer! Bobby's daughters. His daughters! His little girls! What do you think the first thought would be when he found out that his little girls were knocked up by someone? What would YOUR first thought be if you found out Danu was knocked up?"

"I'd hunt and kill the douche,"Dean said without a sexond thought.

"Know think of what Bobby would do," I said.

Dean was quiet for a few minutes before banging his head on the streering wheel and shouted,"aww hell!"

Looking out the window, I saw Syd waving over at us and I smiled slightly and nodded my head once. Shoving Dean, I told him to get ready and before long, we were following the girls to Bobby's.

As Dean drove behind the girls, I couldn't help but think about Syd. She's my little girl, no doubt about that. The similarities between the two of us is uncanny. We had the same hair color and eye color. She got her tall hight from me because Lisa was short. Like 5"4 short. She had my brains, I could see that by the way she talks, but she has her mothers beauty. Her skin was a bit on the pale side, just like Lisa, with a cute little nose. Just thinking about Lisa made my insides burn. Don't get me wrong, I loved Jessica and always will, but Lisa was the one for me. She just understood me and what I wanted out of life more them Jen ever did.

I was suddenly brought out of my thought my Dean slamming on the breaks. Looking around, I realozed we already reached Bobby's. Night has fallen and I was hesent to get out.

"Time to face the fire," Dean muttered as he opened the Impalas door.

I did the same and as I was closing the door, Dani and Syd lept out of their own car and began running towards the front porch where I saw a stone faced, armed crossed, hegs spread open Bobby.

"Grandpa!" Syd and Dani yelled at the same time as they ran towards Bobby.

Bobby's hard face broke into a wide smile as he held his arms open for the two girls.

"How arer you girls?" Bobby asked as he ran his hand through their hair.

The two girls smiles widely at him and told him that they were alright. Just a little sore and some bruses here and there. After talking to Bobby for a while, before telling him that they were going to make him a great home cooked meal before heading into the house. As Bobby watched the girls disappear into his home, he slowly turned to look at us.

"Get your asses over here," Bobby said.

Dean and I looked at each other before slowly making our way towards him. As soon as we reached him, Bobby smacked us on the back of our head.

"You damn igits!" Bobby yelled in a whisper,"you got my lil girls knocked up!"

"We didn't know they were pregnant!" I said, defending ourselves and rubbed the back of my head.

"And plus, we didn't know they were your daughters,"Dean added.

Bobby sighed and took of his usualy trucker hat and ran a hand through his graying hair before putting it back on.

"Where are they anyways?" Dean asked after a moment of silence.

Bobby looked at the both of us, searching our face, looking for something.

"Aww balls," he said, rubbing his face,"my girls. They passed giving birth to the girls."
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So Bobby didn't kill them... Yet!:P what do you think will happen next?