Sequel: The Darkness Inside
Status: Mike PoV (mainly) Slash Fic (Complete)

A Different Kind of Love

Confrontation, Sorta

Lets face it, when it came to confronting anyone, he was far from good at it. Turning hadn't made him any more aggressive in confronting others. Except when he was pissed off and even then he wasn't good since he often hit first. Sides how do you ask someone are you gay? And you're not wanting to screw me are you? No, you just don't ask that. Sides he preferred denial that Sam might be right.

" Something troubling you." He managed not to jump up from his seat on the fountain at the seductive purr in Davids' voice coming from behind and right next to his ear. Likely David had already read his mind, which most of their kind apparently can block others from just reading it wily nilly, just not so easy if the one reading it is your sire, more so if that sire ensures a blood bound amongst his pack members and decided to play on it a bit, least he didn't have to ask, but he'd rather David not play games.

It also didn't help that he didn't seem to have a knack for mental abilities so while less than par and will take much longer to strengthen than most, he seemed to be above par in his physical strength, David seemed a bit impressed at how strong he was being so young as a vampire, but then remarked a likely trade off, science he didn't do so well with things to do with the mind. Seems he reflected how he was as a mortal, more brawn than brainy. He wasn't dumb and passed all his classes without cheating, he just wasn't a smart kid either.

" I have a question." Likely David already knew and was just wanting him to voice it, he tried not to tense at David hovering metaphorically over him. "Are you, uh, got some kind of interest in me, like besides having me as a pack brother?"

Mercedes broke her rhythm and stared, she was sitting on the couch Dwayne was sitting and had been strumming the tune to Stairway to Heaven, have to admit she was pretty damned good. Paul started snickering and turned up his radio perched on a chair, Marko had his hand over his mouth with a sly grin from his spot leaning against the bed, Dwayne was smirking and the only one not looking at him. Oh great, likely they all knew something, though Mercedes looked a bit disappointed with this actually being voiced.

" And if I am? Would there be a problem with it?" David still close to his ear and now something of a sinister chuckle escaped his mouth. " Come on Michael, you don't think I went threw all that trouble to get you to join when you where so stubbornly only interested in one thing? Simply out of spite for Max and that you look like Jim Morrison?" The stubborn interest David must been remarking on had to been Star, David had a hint of amusement in his voice now. David also had this weird love of Jim Morrison, remarked something about his songs where almost like they were written specifically for how their lives are. He also once said that had he had the chance, he would have turned Jim Morrison.

" Uh.. Not a problem." Strangely Davids interest didn't bother him, it creeped him out, but also didn't bother him at the same time, which was strange. A guy ever admitted to having any kind of interest in him while he was human he'd have quickly shook his head and said uh no, no way, I don't swing like that... Now he just preferred not to think of his pack leader and sire hanging over him smugly and having an interest in him that was more than brotherly love.

He hears a click from behind him and then smoke is blown past his face. David had light up a cigarette, the click likely from his lighter, suddenly an arm came around and laid relaxed over his shoulder, he could see the gloved hand hanging out in front of him, cigarette between the fingers. " I'm not gay." Davids words made him confused as David had just seemed to admit to that fact. The rest of the boys let out chuckles and where still watching him, ranging from smug, smirking and amused. Mercedes just seems to now watch with curiosity.

" Gay, straight, all that is just labels stupid mortals put on everything to make themselves feel superior over others who choose or can't help having a difference in style, deviate from what they think is normal and they will find something to call you to show you how much more inferior to them you are, when really they're just weak little pathetic creatures who can only feel better by mocking their own kind and even family for stepping out of their little cozy box... You seen this reaction with that little brother of yours." There was a bit of venom in his voice. David had over time must have grown to loath humans and it was obvious he felt them inferior. It also was the likely reason he liked targeting the Surf Nazis so much, they where inferior and trying to claim what he considered his territory.

" I don't care about male or female, I just want what I want and what I can get, it's all the same to us, our form of procreation doesn't restrain itself to the need of sexual orientation. If I want you, then it doesn't matter your gender, Only matters what I desire. Like the satisfaction of the kill, we do what it is in our natures and desires. I don't care if it's male or female when I feed why should I when I want other pleasures forbidden to mortals, that they could never comprehend?" David lets out a chilling laugh. " I'm not going to take you... Now, but eventually. Don't be so tense, you'll like the experience when it happens." David purrs out the last finally pulling away, going back to sitting in the wheel chair a smirk on his face.

" Uh, yea sure.." He wasn't anywhere near confident he'd like getting "taken" by David when David decides to do such, but he'll try not to be paranoid and buy iron underwear. " Whatever you say." He could almost hear Sam going I told you so, again! Why does Sam have to be right?

The rest of the night was uneventful, Mercedes ended up in Davids lap on his Chair, David stroking her hair and her making something like a demonic purr. The girl didn't want to give up, or just couldn't get enough of the attention David would give her, just as much as David liked the attention she gave him, but nothing intimate ever passed between them.

**** Two weeks latter ****

Mercedes, well he did think she was hot and she was dressed in a swim suit. Something purple and black, with the sides cut out, revealing, only just enough to let the imagination do its work and she was walking up to him. " Want to go for a swim? There's a nice still pool of water left by the tide in one of the small surrounding caves.." They couldn't actually go into the ocean, running water burned their skin, but calm tide pools worked, but why was she asking him? Something was up.

Mercedes starts walking off, giving him a seductive glance over her shoulder, then beckoned him with a wave of her fingers. This just screamed it's a trap, so why was he now following her? Well in that swim suit she didn't look so much like David and she also had make up on, and he was stupid enough to follow suspicious chicks that he thought where hot, oh yea didn't following a suspicious chick get him in this situation in the first place? Well he knew Mercedes at least, well sort of, she was a lot like David, not just in looks and she's usually attached to David. Speaking of David where had he gone?

Mercedes climbed over some rocky spots and into a small narrow cave like tunnel, not far from the main cave where they stayed, which indeed had a tide pool sitting in it. Mercedes slipped into the pool, then turned to look at him a grin on her face. She lifted up one hand and curled her finger as if to get him to follow her in.

He looks down, fully clothed and then back at her." Not really dressed for it."

" Take them off." Mercedes said with amusement.

He glanced around expecting something to happen, shrugged and then stripped to his boxers, tossing his clothes far enough not to get soaked, then slips into the water with Mercede slowly, still not sure what she was up to. " Nice little spot." There was no light, but who needed light when you could see without it?

Mercedes giggles a little." You know, I never really paid attention to how well built you are." she slinks closer and puts her face in his. " you're not bad looking, not bad at all." Then a smirk pops up on her face and she starts running a finger over his chest.

" Ah, you're pretty hot." Damn he said that out loud, it got him a giggle from her. He couldn't think and it didn't help that he'd been so preoccupied with his new existence that he's not done it since Star dumped him. " So why suddenly interested in me now? You seemed to only want David."

Mercedes turned and laid her back against his chest." Oh I still do, but I found I can still have what I want, even with a little detour and it's not a bad detour." what the hell had she meant by that?

" And Mercedes here liked my little proposition to her." His eyes went wide, he could hear the smugness in Davids voice from behind him. David then slipped into the water, obviously necked and around to the front of Mercedes and leaned over her, she giggled, but it sounded a bit evil. " Want a little fun Michael? Of coarse you do, I can smell it." Even if he could see in the dark, shadows some how seem to cast David and that smirk into something sinister, probably ability of Davids.

Now he knew what Mercedes had been up to and he was again baited with a woman, by David. Likely David decided to use her affection as a way to get her to bait him and get him aroused. He really, really needed to stop following strange women around. And it didn't help that Mercedes started rubbing against him, while David worked on her from the front.

The sordid what ever it was ended, all he knew was things turned violent real fast, David bit him, he ended up with his fangs in Mercedes and Mercedes had latched her fangs into David. There was a lot of growling and inhuman moaning. David had her from front and he from behind her. Though Mercedes being in the middle made her the one to come out with the least amount of damage, as the claws went flying and tearing and grappling at what ever they could get a hold of. During this his landed mostly on Davids back with David ending up tearing up his back. David also sported gouges in his chest from Mercedes. He seriously doubt any human could survive the kind of thing they just did, not with the whole teeth tearing open throat and blood drinking during it. No human would have felt the kind of pleasure that came along with the pain. It was something that could make the most reserved person become addicted.