Sequel: The Darkness Inside
Status: Mike PoV (mainly) Slash Fic (Complete)

A Different Kind of Love

Hate at First Sight

It'd been a week since his oppsie or just plain damned screw up... Sam had freaked out and practically screamed at him For his loss of control, though he did calm down eventually... After repeated no I am not going to eat you. Sam finally calmed down and decided he was still his brother and they agreed, telling mom would be a bad idea. There was also the problem that Sam had tried to tell her about vampires that day, not him, but vampires in general and that did not blow over well. Coarse she didn't believe Sam and thought it was another attempt to mess up her date, so short of giving his mom a heart attack having to show her and he sure as hell wasn't going to show her, it was a no go, she'd not believe it.

This lead to another problem, he and Sam realized he wasn't going be able to stay in the house, he'd just be too tempted when waking up and having yet to feed in the house with his family. That and David, David would likely not take to well to his fledgling not returning to their home. Aside that the main problem was their mom, now he had previously planned on moving out, getting a small apartment after his mom was on her feet again, he couldn't tell her, but he tried to hint at it the one night he told her he wasn't going back to school. Well When he told her he was going to move out with some "friends" he could have sworn she was going to have a heart attack right on the spot. He was 18 though, there wasn't much she could do, wasn't like he was going to stay under her forever... Now that was a scary thought... Mom must have seen this coming as it didn't take her to long to give in, except and now he regrets this, she made him promise to visit at least the weekend...

Cause this weekend Max is coming to dinner, another attempt after that last time. Oh the joy... People hear of love at first sight, well seems it can work the other way, because he instantly hated Max on sight, something about the geeky man just crawled under his skin and made him want to vomit. It wasn't the cheesy suit and the dorkiness, scratch that, super dorkiness of the man, after all Sam was very dorky himself, just something about Max he didn't like.

"Psst." Sams trying get his attention, and he's not in the mood.

"Psst." Still ignoring. Sigh.

Sudden hard jerk on his jacket sleeve." What?"

" Think grandpa knows? Maybe that's why he is so obsessed with giving me those dead animals." Sam glances around nervously hoping their mom doesn't walk back in to the dinning area. Max wasn't here yet, food is still cooking.

" Umm He gave you those the first night we moved in, I doubt it." Sam has decided to make him his confident to his strange taste in lovers. While this wasn't something he wanted, Sam just kinda didn't have anyone else to talk to about it, not like he could meet someone and say Hey you like a threesome? The third person's my dog Nanook... Sam was only 13, but well hell anyone thinks a 13 year old boy isn't choking it, they're living in a dream land... Except Sam is choking the dog.

" Yea, but, what if he like some how knew, he's weird, like maybe he has psychic powers. Ok well he might have said something if he was psychic and knew that you're a shit-sucker.."

All Sam got in return is a skeptical look.

" Maybe psychic sexual powers, he can know a persons sex orientation, could be an alien thing, and he can psychically know I like animals, but he doesn't like it, so he's trying to scare me straight by putting their stuffed dead bodies in my room. Maybe he eats fear to, like oh, yea eats emotions, cause damn it Mike, I scream every time I open my eyes and see one or those things... You know he talks to himself about skinning them?

" Well if he is a sexual psychic, emotion eating alien, and he's our grandpa. What would that make you?" A grin crosses his face as Sams' eyes go wide as he actually thinks about it. He laughs." Come on, you don't actually believe he's an alien? Sam?"

" Umm well Vampires aren't supposed to be real. We both know they are.. Hey wonder if fairies are real?"

He rolls his eyes at Sam." Geeze you are such a dork... Speaking of dorks, when's that Max thing supposed to show up?"

" Soonish... You don't like him either." Sam scrunches his face, seemed only one liked Max was mom." Grandpa's weird, but Max ..." Pause." What is it you don't like about him?"

This took him a few minutes to think on it, what is it that just makes him want to punch the guy in the throat? Then it came to him." He's fake." The confused look on Sams' face meant he needed to go into detail." You know saying to good to be true? Sickeningly polite, going out of his way for mom. All smiles... He seems to make Ward Cleaver look like a drunken child abuser. No one's like that, not really, only on T.V. it's like he's hiding behind this good guy mask, till he gets mom and then send the step children off to boarding school. Or sign them up for the military."

" Oh, yea that makes sense." Sam shudders." Wonder what he's hiding..." Suddenly Sam grins and looks at the door way.

" Dinners almost ready, Max will be here any minute... Be Good, OK? Both of you." And then mom turns and goes back to preparations.

It wasn't long at all before Max arrived and sat down for dinner... That's when the staring begun, Max had did a double take at him, it wasn't obvious, but he caught the look and he couldn't help but stare or more like perpetual glare at Max. He wasn't able to pick up on it before, but after becoming full vampire, he could sense what Max was and it ticked him off, more so that he could some how tell that the bastard was damned powerful and he'd likely have a snow balls chance in hell fighting the blood sucking dork.

His glare rarely wavered from Max, though he wouldn't directly look Max in the eyes, instinct told him that direct eye contact would signify making a challenge and he wasn't in any position to do such. Funny that, humans demand eye contact when you talk to them, but with vampires you might look at their face to show they have your attention, but you don't make eye contact. This fact however wasn't going to stop him from trying to burn holes threw him with a glare.

" Your mother says you moved out with some friends?" Max seemingly trying to be cheery and start a conversation, or more like subtly milk him for information.

The viper." Yes." Single small word, yet held so much venom in it no one in the room couldn't miss it. If Max expected him to go into details or be remotely cheery, Max was on something of the illegal kind.

"Michael!" Coarse his mom wouldn't approve of his tone.

" Oh, it's OK Lucy." Max deciding to play the good guy...

Can I vomit now? He asks himself and then looks at Sam who is avoiding looking at Max. Sam had already got on moms nerves earlier with actually asking Max if he was going to marry mom and make him go to boot camp? And that manual labor would ruin his style. It was amusing to see Max at a loss for how to respond to such a question. He wondered if Sam asked it simply to just screw with the man.

So now the awkward silence falls, Him watching Sam, Sam looking at something on the wall to his left as if it was the most entertaining thing on earth and Max nodding and saying encouraging words to mom as she tries to apologize for her sons' attitudes tonight.

He still wants to barf, but one thing was certain, he some how had to figure out how to get Max to stop taking an interest in his mom. Knowing the bastard's a vampire, a powerful one at that, only makes things worse as anyone that fake is obviously up to no good and likely to really hurt mom and Sam bad and possibly grandpa.

At least with David and the Lost boys you pretty much know he's up to no good from first glance. They don't hide behind a mask, other than the fact you don't know they are blood sucking killers. You can expect bad things to happen to you with that group. Inwardly he groans with the fact that now he's part of that group permanently.

Finally the tense hair splitting tension is gone, namely because Max vacated the area. And both he and Sam got the joy of a lecture about ruining her dates almost every time. Peachy, but if it deters Max to stay away, the lecture's worth it. Sam coarse did his apologies, he however just nods and says OK. He wasn't going to apologize and was glad his mom dropped it, cause he's cranky and not from developing hunger this time. No having to spend even three feet near Max was enough to send his mood into a dark pit and he would have let his mom know just how he felt about Max and that would have opened a new can of worms.

He grabs Sams' sleeve and pulls him towards the stairs, he had to tell Sam, Sam minorly protests, but goes along. They suddenly catch a glimpse of their grandpa peeking from his work shop, half eaten oreo in hand.

" I don't like company." They both blink at their grandpa, for a moment it looked like the old man was staring at them, except he was looking towards the dinning area." Guess you boys don't like company either." Click and the old man disappears behind the doors to his work shop.

" You still don't think he might be an Alien?" Sam looks up at him a brow raised as if the weirdness factor of their grandpa proves his point.

" He might not like him like we don't?" He pulls Sam along till they make it to his room." You know you could try sneaking in his bedroom, see if he's stashed his space ship there."

" Yea right, like it'd fit. So why you pulling me around and to my room? You're kind of creeping me out you know."

"Didn't want mom to hear what I have to say." Sam gives him a well go on look." Max is a vampire."

" Uh, Mike already tested him, holy water, everything, didn't work, he's just a normal weirdo... That might be Hitler in disguise."

Sighing, he's been doing a lot of that lately. " Yea well don't know about your tests, but I can sense it, moms dating a blood sucking geek who has worse dress sense then you. Well almost, but it's bad enough."

Sam starts fidgeting, he is nervous." Well what do we do? Mom can't date a blood sucking Hitler, we both hate him anyway."

" Right now I don't know, we need some kind of plan to... Get him to leave or something, make him go away." He wasn't good at plans, Beating the shit out of someone, yea, plans no.

" I could stake him!.. Errr except his ass hole hell dog would eat me." After that short burst of inspiration, Sam deflates just as fast, cause how would Sam get around a hound of Hell?"

" Could remove the dog?" This would be a problem, cause it would have to be done in the day and he didn't like the danger Sam would be in trying to achieve this, that and. "Staking's probably a bad idea, it could get you the wrong attention. And you could get yourself killed in the attempt."

" I could call the Frogs, they'd do it, they probably know the best way to remove jack ass hell hounds." Well it seemed there was one animal Sam had no love for.

" Sam don't go out and get in over your head, would be dangerous, very dangerous. I had the feeling that snake could break me in half with a thought. And I don't know if the rest would want to retaliate if you are successful at staking him." The rest meaning The Lost boys, Sam knew what he meant." Just don't do anything at least for now?" Sam when determine didn't let things go and Sam had that determined I'm going to stake this bastard look on his face.

" I can still plan with the Frogs, but not going to wait long, though they'll need proof. Maybe we can some how get it out side the house, you said he was powerful, maybe he has a way to temporarily seem human. "

" If you test him and get a reaction, could be fatal." The possibilities of his little brother becoming that dorky snakes chow was something he wanted to avoid.

" I'll use a mirror, let one the frogs hold it and then distract him, that'd be proof enough and Max wouldn't know the difference. Not going to let some suck face steal mom away, they already got you, not going to let them get mom too."

Sighs, Sam wasn't going to let up, but at least Sam wasn't going to go about his interest stupidly." Fine, but you'll give me a day? At least to make sure things aren't going to turn into something nasty? He watches as Sam nodded, least he was going to give him a day and not go suicidal to soon.

" I'll be back tomorrow night to see what you got planned and let you know what they will want to do in the event of Maxs' permanent disappearance. Don't do anything stupid."

" Yea, me do something stupid? I'll have it all planned out Mike, there won't be any problems. We'll go in, get the job done and be out in time for lunch at the hot dog stand! And ride a few rides."

"Ha, ha... Mom's probably not going to be happy with a missing Max, but guess she'll have to find a new guy, one that likes the sun." Makes a face, he wasn't sure how he should feel about being a small part of plotting the death of another vampire, even if he hates the guy. He didn't feel any kind of bond towards Max at all, like he did towards David and the others. Must be something to do with some weird vampire blood relations, but if it came to it what ever it was, some kind of blood bond, a pack thing, mind control, instinct, he just knows he would not be able to willingly talk about a plan to stake the Lost Boys.

" Well mom will have to deal, things just have to go the hard way, she'll get over him." Sam yawns, but seems to want to stay awake.

" Guess that's my que to leave? Nighty, night dork."

" Yea night, Suck Face." Sam flops onto the bed and rolls up in his blanket, looking like a human pig in a blanket. " Hey shut the light off on your way out and crack the closet door."