Don't do this!

The warehouse

This is it. I'm going to end my life. I can't live like this anymore. Not after what Frank did. Not after finding him with Keisha. My girlfriend. I loved her so much, I thought she loved me too. Obviously not.

I run into the warehouse, Frank, Keisha, and Mikey, my little brother all running after me.

"Gerard! Don't do this! Please don't do this. What am I going to do without you Gerard? You're my brother for God sakes. You can't leave me here alone. You just can't!" Mikey cries, as they crash in. My only regret is that I'm leaving Mikey to live on this world without me. I love him, I'm always doting on him. I couldn't live without him. And I don't think he could live without me either. So I regret that.

"What else can I do huh? I have nothing left on this world. Apart from you, there's nothing. Nothing Mikey, nothing. I'm so sorry Mikey. Truly, I am." I raise the gun to my head, as Mikey bursts into heavy tears. Frank drops to the ground, and tries to comfort him.

"Get away from me you monster! You stole my brother's girlfriend, you're the sole reason he's doing this. You, you alone caused this," he shrieks.

"I'm sorry Mikey. I, uh, well," Keisha glares at him, trying to silence him.

"No Keisha. Let Frank go on," I say, trying to stay calm. I turn to him, and give him an urgent look.

"Well," he rubs the back of his neck, and Mikey eyes Keisha up and down, and then Frank.

"You didn't do it, did you Frank. She came onto you, didn't she?" Mikey says cautiously.

Frank nods, looking solemnly at the ground. I take the gun away from my head, and point it at Keisha.

"You're going to pay for this. For seducing my brother's best friend, and blaming it on him. You're going to pay you evil slut," I say, in a fuming tone.

"I didn't do it Gerard, he did. You know he did, you can't kill me for him seducing me," she says, in a desperate bid to be convincing, but I see straight through her lies.

I search Frank's eyes for the truth, and I get it. He and Mikey stand up in unison, and look at each other, trustingly. But I point the gun at Frank. I point it at him and his eyes widen, I see tears form in his pupils. I widen my eyes, but Mikey screams.

"Gerard! Nooooooo! Put the gun down dammit! You're going to hurt someone!" He jumps for the gun but I sharply turn it to Keisha's tummy. Mikey gets his hand on the gun, but it collides with my finger on the trigger and it goes off.

"Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" Keisha yelps, and Frank screams out in pain. Keisha faints, and Frank falls to the ground, bleeding heavily.
"Oh my God, FRANK! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to hit you! I'm so sorry!" I shout, immediatly jmping to his side, soon followed by Mikey.

Keisha had jumped behind Frank, so he had the bullet. She ran out from behind him and I

"You bitch!" I edge towards her, gun pointed at her chest. "Mikey, call an ambulance. Get Frank sorted out," I tell him, looking down at Frank. He looks back at me, confusion and fright mixed into one. I turn back to Keisha, and slowly place my finger on the trigger.

"You stupid cow. Frank is bleeding because of you. He might die for God sakes, and it's all your fault."

"Don't do this Gerard! You wouldn't, you couldn't," she says nervously.

"You want a bet?" I scream back at her. I pull the trigger, suddenly, and watch her crumple to the floor, dying instantly.

"Well, I did tell you" I whispered in her ear after I knelt beside her cold body.
I'm free. . .