The Lost Boy


So I went on about my day. If Tommy wanted to act like a complete asshole then that was his business, I wasn't going to let it affect my personal life or how I took care of Paddy, as long as he wasn't in my way I wouldn't be in his.

I hadn't seen Tommy since our altercation earlier that morning, I was sure he was probably at the gym or maybe at some bar getting plastered. Scrubbing away at dinners pots and pans so I could get everything cleaned up and head to bed I heard the front door open and then slam shut. It startled me a little bit because I wasn't used to testosterone filled men coming in and out of Paddy's house like they were mad men. When I looked over my shoulder to see a drunken Tommy standing there, eyes red and low like he had either been crying or he was insanely tired. I wasn't in the mood for this. He needed to walk his ass upstairs and go to bed because tonight wasn't the night for this.

I set the last pot in the draining board and tossed the dish towel on the counter and walked past Tommy.

"Good night.",I said. That's when Tommy grabbed me by my arm and held me where I stood.

"What the fuck Tommy!.... Let me go.",I added.

"You think you can just come in here, act like you're running things. I was here long before you were.",Tommy finally spouted out.

"You're drunk Tommy. Go to bed.",I said pulling my arm away from him.

"I'm not drunk...",he slurred.

I began walking to my bedroom when I heard footsteps behind me.

"What the hell Tommy?! You're not in your right mind. Just get some rest. We'll finish this conversation in the morning.",I said opening my bedroom door closing it behind me when a foot slipped in between the door frame and the door keeping it from shutting.

I looked up and into Tommy's eyes. His drunk, beady, blood shot eyes and he wasn't the man he used to be. He wasn't the man he was supposed to be. This person standing in front of me, trying to bombard his way into my room and into my life was a whole different monster than what I expected him to be.

"What are you gonna do Tommy? Huh?..... You gonna beat on me?",I asked without flinching.

Tommy just stared back at me. Then he slowly moved his foot out from the door and started heading back to where he came from, knocking whatever he could find off the side tables and counters. I slowly closed the door and locked it. Pressing my back up against the door and sliding down to the floor I felt myself wanting to cry. I couldn't live here like this. Not with this person. It wasn't going to be healthy for Paddy either. Why couldn't he have just by-passed Pittsburgh and went elsewhere. There's nothing here for him anymore.

The next morning I woke up early enough to hopefully not have to deal with Tommy. When I entered the living room he was passed out on the couch, he'd probably be that way for awhile. I grabbed my scarf and purse and headed to the grocery store.

I skimmed down the aisles looking for some of Paddy's favorites. I was on a budget but having less money to feed more people wasn't helping me either. I reached up to the top shelf to grab a can of Paddy's favorite coffee when I could barely reach it. The tips of my fingers nipping at it only pushing it further back onto the shelf.

"Let me get that.",I heard a deep voice say behind me as this person grabbed the can of coffee like it was nothing and handing it to me.

"Thank...",I said as I took a hold of it and turned around.

Staring at me was someone I hadn't seen in a very long time. Blue eyes staring back at me, welcoming and fearless.

"Brendan...",I whispered.

"Hey Ariel, how have you been?",he asked.

"Good. And you?",I asked not trying to get too deep in conversation.

"Good, everything's been great. I'm a teacher. Work up town.",he added.

"Oh yea? And how's Tess? The girls?",I asked.

"Perfect. Everything's going really well with them....",he replied.

We stood there in silence for a minute. Fidgeting in my mind on what to do I blurted the first thing I could think of to get me out of this.

"Well I have a bit of shopping to do. It was nice seeing you though.",I said with a half-assed smile as I started to walk away.

"That's it?",Brendan asked without even turning around to look at me.

"That's all I can say.",I answered starting to walk again.

I heard footsteps behind me and a feeling of someone following me.

"I tried calling....",he said.

"Who? Me or Paddy?",I asked smartly.

"Both. Before I left I tried to talk to you.",he said.

"Brendan... this isn't the time for this. What's done is done.",I said.

"I just don't want you to hate me is all.",he said.

"How could I hate the only person I've ever loved...",I said.

We just stood there and looked at each other. Brendan couldn't say a word. Anything that wold come out of his mouth could incriminate him or make him seem like a less than perfect husband. I on the other hand had nothing to lose.

"Oh by the way.... Tommy's home.",I said.
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Comment please!!! Thank-you to everyone who's reading I really appreciate it.