The Idiot Named Kris Wu

Torture of Kris

6 years old

"ALEEEEXXXXX" Kris yelled as he looked for her. he is gonna be so angry once he finds her. she as in Alex was hiding behind the sofa secretly crying. "CAUGHT YA!" he grabbed her as she kicked him in his face and tried crawling at top speed away from him. But he already knew her tricks and pulled her back by her feet. he held her by one foot in the air. Kris held out pink sparkled items that were once his toys. "WHAT IS THIS...CRAP!?" he threw it angerly on the floor. "I-I dont know anything. I SWEAR KREASE!!" Alex knew she was lying but it was her only way out. He laughed sarcastically. "WHO ELSE LEAVES A TRAIL OF CHERRIOS!?" the boy shot back. She stayed quiet. He knew her better than she knew herself. The older boy dropped her. "YOU.PAY.NOW" He held out his hand for her payment of $5.62. she pulled her wallet and took out some of her birthday money to give him.

10 years old

It was winter here were Kris and Alex lived. "Daddy can you turn up the heat?" the girl asked. it was so cold she thought her legs would fall off. He nodded shivering himself. Then her mother came in blabbing about something. the only words she could make out was: The Wufans Blah blah blah no power blah blah blah come stay with us. That was enough for Alex to figure out they were staying with them. The Wufans entered the house with suitcases,smiling and thanking us for letting them stay. the only person un-approving was me. she rose to her feet "NO.NOPE.NAH.NADDA.HECK NO. THIS ISNT HAPPENING.IM DREAMING.MHM.THATS IT.PINCH ME SOMEONE!-" "YAH be quiet your hurting my head. and you should welcome the Wufans!" her mother replied in an un-audioble voice she could understand. but Alex took it as a taunting voice. "Yeah be nice" Kris smirked. "Since its late we all should be getting to sleep." Her father proclaimed. the sleeping arrangments were Mr. and Mrs. Wufan sleep in the guest room, Mom and dad in there room,and Alex and Kris in Alex's room. she hated utterly that she shared a room with him. not to mention it was freezing. but now it was Kris and Alex looking at the ceiling,in the same bed. Alex could feel him shivering the same way she was. he moved over and got closer. pretty soon he had his arms around her waist and she was cuddling into him. "this is only happening once. because there are no covers and its cold. dont tell anyone." he says still shivering. I nodded in agreement.

Now (17 years old)
"Get up!" my mother screamed to wake me up for school. I rolled my eyes,got up and went to get dressed. its been 7 years since the last time she saw Kris and his family. Alex was perfectly fine with that. Not everybody was though. like her best friend Selena,she had a HUGEEEEE crush on Kris. ew...why would she? he is a troll in costume!! Not to mention a Jelly fish...cuz i think they have no brains...i got my bookbag and went to school. 1st Homeroom. i sat down and wanted to get a little shut eye for a moment but to many kids screaming in the classroom. "Idiots" i thought. but this is Kris's natrual habitat. i chuckled and smirked slightly. The Bell rang as 1st period started. it was Math. boring as usual. then reading,science,Bio. then lunch. i got my food and sat down next to selena. "ive been waiting for 6 whole minutes!" she pouted as she looked at me for an excuse. "sorry i got caught up in some work last period" i replied. she stopped pouting and nodded at what i said before eating her sandwhich. i began eating my Breakfast sandwhich i didnt have time to eat yesterday. Just the smell of it was amazing. i finished up,talked alitttle with Selena,and went to class when the bell rand. i had scocial studies then 2 free periods.i spent my first free period with selena: talking,sharing snacks ya know,the usual. and for my 2nd free period i went to go finish up a book report in the computer lab. When i finished,it was time to go home. i got up,grabbed my stuff,and began walking home. "Ahhhh its so warm out" i breathed in the air as i shut my eyes peacefully. i then felt a light push on my shoulder (more like shove) into the ground. i fell and hit my head of the hard cement. "Owwww WATCH IT!" i screamed angerly. "You were the one who had her eyes shut trying to fall assleep standing UP. " Said a deep voice above her. He held out his hand tords Alex. She stood up on her own and brushed herself off. "you could have been nice and said 'oh excuse me ms.' or something'' She groaned and studied the Male's features. Blond hair.handsome details. "quit cheeking me out" He smirked in advance. "YAH im NOT cheeking you out so dont get happy" She hated to admit it but she was cheeking him out. " The older boy rolled his eyes and walked over to his car. He got in and drove off. Finnaly he was gone as she began walking home again. She entered and saw her parents and Mr. and Mrs. wufan on the couch. The greeted her happily. "Ah Kris!" The guy from earlier walked in. i gasped. 
"Lucky for you"
"Awwwww too bad"
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Hello so im Lea and im new here so could you guys help to get my story out? and comments are greatly appreciated! :)