Status: In the beginnings.

The Patient

The End

One moment. One moment had changed my views on many things. One person in that one moment. A multitude of things were going on around the world on the fateful night, but I wasn't thinking about what could be happening to all the other people of the world. I was thinking about me and him. His blue eyes meeting my own green orbs. His hand was barely touching mine but the spark was still there. I wanted to fully wrap my hand in his, to trace the scars and make them disappear. I wanted to lean over, sob into his chest. Kiss his face all over. To tell him that he would survive, that we’d have the life we talked about. The picket fence, the three kids, the dog, the nosy old lady that would live next door. I wanted to talk to the doctors again, to hear them say there was a mistake in their calculations, it was someone else who was supposed to die tonight, someone else who couldn't fight this terrible cancer any longer. He was too young to die, when you’re 17 you’re supposed to be out there living life not having it taken away from you.

He beckoned me closer, I complied and leaned into him. My eye’s hurt from holding back the waterfalls that wanted to break through. We both knew he wasn't going to last much longer. You could tell by the machines, and the tests, and all the specialists but you could also tell by his eyes, the ticket to the soul. His eye’s the one I had been looking into adoringly for the past 2 years. They were giving him away. He tried to play strong, like I would see him in the morning but we knew I wouldn't. Those eyes were dull, glazed over. The eyes that used to secretly laugh at my silly mistakes and in one look make me feel like a beautiful goddess. Those eyes who saw the world as a beautifully damned place, were losing their life. All those eyes could show me now was the death that was soon to come, it was overbearing knowing how near it was. How in one millisecond his heart would beat and he would be alive and the next it wouldn't. He would be classified another victim of cancer. This couldn't be real, the love of my short existence could not be very soon leaving me, he wasn't. This was a fluke in destiny, the reaper had the wrong address. He needed to turn away from the hospital door, take his scythe with him and all.

All the pressure eventually got to me, and my tears came crashing out of my eyes, crushing the pathetic dam’s that tried to stop them. They slid down my face dozens at a time, I couldn't see through them, it was like trying to look through the windshield in the middle of a hurricane. Yet I could feel him inch his hand fully onto my own and squeeze and although I couldn't see the last bit of life he had left in him leave, and I couldn't see the reaper take his soul. I could hear that breath the doctors warned me off, that deep, deep breath and then the one that wouldn't follow it.

When I could see again, it almost brought the hurricane back, he looked peaceful, his eyes closed, mouth slightly open, like he was just a baby sleeping, not a dead boy. I didn't know what to do then, I had been waiting for this in complete dread but I never knew what I would do when it happened. So I just looked at him, still some tears streaming down my eyes. All outside noises seamed to cease, everything and anyone else that could have been in that room I couldn't see, just the man that had stolen my heart and taken it with him to the grave.